Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Seemingly Profound Connection?

I left the ball in Lauren's court, and though she called me back Sunday... I never got in touch with her today. I'll take that as she's not interested, but I'll give a ring tomorrow to be sure. Gina the internet girl from the weekend wants to meet me, and that may happen tomorrow. I'll poke my head out and see what she's all about. But Wodensday seems to be the first official date with Tori. And then perhaps Friday after that. We exchanged info and after a brief phone conversation I was online w/ her until 3am last night. Tonight we wasted our cell phone batteries talking all night. Just like college! Ha! We finish sentences, we know the same stuff, like the same stuff, same humor, taste in... everything. Feels like a really good basis for ye long-terme relationshippe thus far. If nothing else, I'll at the very minimum be making another tight new friend. She's cool, I love it. Imagine talking to someone and not reading their mind, per se, but just knowing that you're both traveling on the same line. That you get one another. There's no awkwardness or dumbing it down. And I've pressed it, she doesn't lose track. She gets me. Cool! This being a RARE thing... the fact that I get her, too, is pretty neat. So Hurray for Wodensday, baby!

Ok, unless I get called to go to Florida. Not sure if I typed it here, but I signed on for the emergency response team within LCS. This is a group of volunteers who travel to dispersal points and are then sent into the fray when communities get in a bind due to disasters or other failures. To me it sounds both exciting and fun! It gets me away from my desk and will let me do some direct line commanding. I love the pressure stuff. Why? Because most people don't know what to do. For me it is instictual, and if anything EASIER than running the desk at Essex. So... I'd love to get called away on 'vacation' but just at the moment I'd rather hang out with Tor. So LCS, don't call me until Alpha hits! LOL

Tiffany hits the jackpot! No, not Powerball.... Got an e-mail from her today, so I signed on just before leaving work and consulted her for a while. She was all upset because Brian has not said the infamous words yet, and she was not sure how she could wait a year without them. I agreed with her, and pointed out some personality traits coming to bear with him and was proven to be VERY correct with my intuition that he would breach the dam soon... in fact, it was literally within 20 minutes of me signing off. Glad I could talk to her, because she was so worked up she was crying and actually starting to get really angry over the whole thing. Like why was he waiting? LOL So.... problem solved. They love each other openly. FINALLY. Do you know how sucky it is to offer support from the 3rd person and make it wholly neutral and not push a perspective one way or the other and simply offer advice and tools to work with what's there? Oy, headache and a half. But I enjoy doing it for friends and people I care about. As far as I hear, Nikki and Rob are still going pretty well, too. Good for them. If I'm lucky, I might have yet another shot this year at something really good. =)

That's about it for tonight I think. The prospect of being with just one girl, even with DC just a month and a half past, is so welcome right now. The expense of so MANY dates, trying to manage phone time, remembering who is who, scheduling my week, and remembering every minute facet of their life... it drains you of energy. It is a BLAST, but it's not exactly a vacation. Imagine the cold sweat gripping your spine when you are two minutes into a conversation with one of two very attractive girls who has just called you and you are still unable to discern which one it is? I mean, the obvious consequences of going with the wrong story (because I would never risk using a name in that situation) would end it for one of them. Phew! That was just Sunday in the middle of my drive. At first... is this Amber again? No... ok you went to your sister's for dinner.. that doesn't help... it's not Christine's area code... oh, your new group of kids tomorrow... ah, must be Gina! Phew! lol Correct!

Any single person should make the investment in a QUALITY hands-free unit, not my cheap-ass $45 POS. Definitely go Blue-Tooth. OOoooh. Forgot. I need to inquire about stepping up to a new phone, and if I can change the phone number if I move with work later on. I want to step up to a Cell/PDA unit.

OH! Got an enthusiastic YES from State Farm. They're overnighting me a whole packet of info on the venture. Talked to Chrissie tonight, and this is basically what she has been doing with Primerica. She's not that knowledgable on the subjects yet and has been doing it for half a year. This being her part-time second job right now, not full time, and she is already looking to buy a new Acura. Papa needs a new pair of shoes... for his Viper! =)

Called Lou. Got more info on the car. I'm sold. Now I just need to get these two in the driveway squared away for sale. They'd be going now anyway.

The next evening the weather is good I'll have to shoot some video of both cars... for the ad and for my own rememberances. I was hoping to get them listed this week, but I don't think I'll have them ready until next week. That will give me the weekend to wrap them up nicely in bows. Poor girls. =(

Still shocks me that I'm bidding farewell to the RS. Rosetta. Nah, I never named it. LOL But I put a lot of love into it. I still like the car for what it is, but I haven't driven it... so... she goes. I'm not going to lug her around the country with me. And the TA is FUN as hell, but more of a young college kid's car.

Did I mention? Sunday on the way out from lunch I got on Rt 9S and lined up w/ a lightly modded silver C5 like my old baby. He revved it a bit. Ha! Buddy, I know PRECISELY what parts you've added and what they get you in the 1/4. Don't even PRETEND you think you'll beat me. ;) Light went green and I launched that big black dog like I knew what I was doing. Vette pulled me a LITTLE bit as I shifted from 1st the 2nd.... have to do that so soon with the 4.10s.... but from that split-second on he was TOAST. I can only imagine the racket echoing off the Middletown streets and alleys as I went WOT to 7k on each shift. Hey, I'm selling it, what do I care? Gotta do it once.

Ok, I'm really done. Typing fool tonight. Still overtired from last night and kind of riding the happy high. Too bad Lauren seems to be dropping out, she was really sweet, but Tor has just as much promise. Gina... well... also a good person, but she's sailing 3rd to the others.

G'night y'all.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Aftermath = )

Hung out with Lauren and her friends at the UConn game over the student section. Was a bit more fun over there with a younger crowd than the stuffy seating at the 40yd line. Made a solid impression w/ her and her friends, and I'll await a call tomorrow. I was impressed. She's a short tight package, great eyes, Italian, great figerrr, smiles a lot when I talk to her and likes to cuddle up to me. Not too shabby. Sixth grade teacher up there somewhere and livin' in W. Hartford w/ her roomies. So far, it feels like a good connection there. My logic is that since I made 110% bonus points with her best friend, I probably have a good green light coming. Wouldn't it be nice to be really steady with someone again? Jah, jah....

Did I mention I talked to Holly earlier this week? She's doing well. Diana and Troy moved into the house they built this past weekend and they're happy. Trying to a little Troy already. Holly herself is selling the Eclipse and moving up to a new Land Rover Freelander, the smaller of their SUVs, but still very nice. Life is otherwise status-quo with her and we probably spent an hour on the phone. Distance feels weird, but I'm glad we can manage to be friends. Yay, that means in my history I have only ONE ex who I am not on positive terms with. Good record, and I discount the one anyway. Hell, E2 and I still talk.

On the radar scope, Paul has a friend who he is actually going to pass on. Turning a new leaf now that he is getting close to the wedding date? A positive sign. Though we were both scouting the poker floor pretty heavily tonight. I was ready to kick the guy next to me when he checked out less than a minute after they placed my DREAM GIRL at another table. Ass! I gravitate towards the tall slender physique on a girl who carries herself with poise and class. MMMMmmmm! It's like catnip. I think it's because it triggers so many of those deep-rooted pre-requisites in my head. Perhaps moreso because of the image I have always held of how I wish my future family to be? I want tall, healthy beautiful children. And because they are my children, I want them to have everything. I will serve up the world for them.

And? Bedtime! Ug, so much to do on Sunday. Meeting the mafuse in Middletown / East Hampton tomorrow, the friend, and if I'm kinda lucky... Lauren at some point. Ooooooooh, forgot about Gina. Yikes. Ah well, we didn't have firm plans though. PLUS work on my cars, fix the PC, and..... relax? Damn, that never seems to happen. Yeesh.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Tired, but good. . .

My budget trek is finally DONE. I've always been math phobic due to some really piss-poor asshole teachers I had in high school. I'm actually quite adept with numbers, graphs, etc and find it to be rather intuitive... as demonstrated by my 98 average in QM601 Quantitative Methods. Of course, I had to take an incomplete on it the first time around. I've been to the budget training course, and even did the PW budget for several of the IL departments, but those are very simple and, well, any ignorant person can complete them. And the budget training course info essentially went in one ear and out the other because I did not have enough familiarity with the reports to make sense of the second-level info they were teaching us. This means that last week I began this trek by staring at over 70 pages of excel sheets dealing solely with the HC.... and absolutely NO comprehension of the numbers present, the numbers to be filled in, or where to look to get them. Think of a child of 7 being tasked with assembling a computer.... oh, and all the parts you'll need are in a pile over there.... but most of that stuff you won't need. Oy! So I basically started from beyond scratch and played, punched and eventually was able to reverse engineer the whole damned thing. I found and fixed some significant holes and misconceptions which had been in this community's budget since Kevin was here in '01.

So all of that concentration and effort... I mean come on, working until 4:56 this morning? Day-yum. But once again I'm getting recognized for my ability. ::purrs like kitten being petted:: Oh, yes please, stroke the ego. LOL Come to think of it, did that too tonight. MMmmmm, Windsor woman and I went to dinner and 'Two For The Money' up on the pike. I didn't think I was working it, I WAS kind of tired, but it must have been the black pants and dark grey shirt I'm wearing... looked rather svelt tonight... mmm cuz yeah. Pike, you know. Felt like a kid or something, but it was all very interesting. Go Go Gadget belly ring and tattoo turn-ons! Silly girls... it must be 9 out of 10 that get butterflies, roses, or crosses. Though there was only one cross I've seen that I really liked.... and that was mostly due to placement. Coolest I've had the opportunity to see was actually a faded (white?) tattoo script in cyrillic from the top of the right hip angling down the torso inside the leg crease towards the front. Apparently it said "Adeste Fideles" or "Be present, faithful ones." Nah! I'm kidding. I have no idea what it said now. But it did look really cool. Keyword might be unique. Kind of like a ghost flame paintjob on a hot car.

I must be tired, prattling on. Going to go soak it up in the tub and call it a night. Maybe even get 6 hours for once!

No idea whatsoever what I'm doing this weekend yet. But then, it's not like I've been in contact with the world outside of work too much in the past week or two. Of course, leave it to fate that just when I stop getting out I get a good hit on the internet. For now, who knows? Just someone to chat to. But I've got to say, she has her head on her shoulders. Knows herself and what she wants. I.e. very mature. She's an independent thinker. BONUS! Got a lot of things clicking so far. I may have to persue this. Too bad she's across the water on Long Island! But right now I'd be eager as heck to meet her and see if she stands up to the same scrutiny in person. Have I mentioned I've discovered I have a thing for slender Italian girls? Only the moderatly hot ones or better of course. This is me we're talking about. No big noses! But they tend to be empassioned, lively, sometimes spritely, able to take some handling, and just a joy to be around. Dark or light features, they're yummy.

Yeah, majorly prattling. 'Scuse me, must to bed and rest.

As always, Dominus vobiscum.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Quick Note!

Budget is "done." Now it's a matter of tweaking the staffing pattern and working on the revenue side. Yay. Not that that won't take all night, but still.. yay.

Do you know how many nights I have been here past 1 or 3 am in the past week? Three now! Plus Sunday. Kind of crazy, but a necessary evil. Now that I've learned the budget my way, I hope I can always come back and just snap into it. Hope being key. No este facile! And doing the budget certainly means one thing... and that comes with two words.... JUNK and FOOD. Oy... nasty nasty stuff, but I feel like it's all I've been eating to maintain. Yuck! Back to normal soon!

Ok, back now to official pre-test mode. Nya!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Perfect Fall Sunday

Yay. Today seems pretty good out. I mean, classic cold cloudy day out there. MMMmmm, great day to be bundled up warmly. Especially after yesterday's 6 hour sopping tour of three separate towns. Surprisingly, my legs are not complaining today. I thought for sure I'd be partly crippled by today. Score one for the home team. And score one for warm puppies who lay at your feet and keep your toes toasty. =)

::sigh:: Yes, it's Sunday and sometime soon I must traverse the crossroads to the place of my employment. Huzzah! Boy, isn't that JUST what I want to do on a Sunday? Grumble.... Ah well, but I only have to do some paperwork and figure out the finalities of the wage model. Not too shabby. I was thinking of taking this Friday off, but our new DOM will be here. Monday it shall be! Score another for 3-day weekends with a 4-day week that still has a Friday to look forward to. =) You know it!

Just spent a long time hanging out with my grams. She came to visit and brought her world-famous apple pie. I have already put a very palpable dent in it and feel no remorse. Besides, even with the exercise yesterday, I'm sure I consumed a TON of calories already. So what's a piece of pie going to do?

All these nice touches this weekend. Friends, family, memories, bonding....and pie! Even being out in the woods made me feel "at home". So despite going to work, I'm still feeling this very comfortable sort of natural high. Not too shabby.

In the activity world.... well, Chelsey still calls. No shocker there. Amber? You know, I sort of was wanting there to be more? Good background, wealthy family (and by that I mean legitimately ungodly marble columns, Jeeves in a tuxedo, private 4-seat jet wealthy) etc. A VERY sweet girl, too. All that and good taste in music, just the quiet non-decisive passive personality isn't flying. Beautiful big eyes and smile, too. Damn. I thought maybe she's scared, because I know she had a bad deal before. So I gave it time, but I'm just not feelin' it. I want someone sure of themselves, who can be my equal toe-to-toe. I hate being put in the position where I am required to make 100% of all decisions, and then get comments because the other person did not participate. Been there, done that. No thanks. Grow up.

So now that I've been kind of clearing out ye' olde black cell phone book (Grey, actually) it feels like I'm in a slow period. Which is GOOD! I need to sleep sometime. Refer to previous post regarding said foreign concept of nightly rest periods. LOL But tonight I'ma go out w/ Jailynn for dinner. We don't have firm plans yet as to where, but there must be someplace between Essex and Colchester worth stopping at. Although she's not in Colchester now. I've got some other cookies baking (yes, that's my own perfectly corny dorky phrase) so we'll see what's cookin' by the end of the week. Got a busy one coming up.

Anyway, cheers to an awesome weekend! I'm off to lounge in the wicked hot melt-your-skin bathtub for an hour, and then off to Sex Meadows as one of my "D 'ol B" residents calls it. LOL =)

Ciao for now!

Sure, let's climb the hill......

Classic form. Absolutely classic. Rob and I decided to go for a hike today up the hill. First, we ended up free-climbing it and not using the rope. This was fun and exciting until we hit a 100 foot section of very loose rock. It seemed like we were trying to climb the steep side of a sand dune. Think 70+ degree incline... NOT cool. And then Rob had the good fortune to almost lose a shin. As I looked over, I saw a HUGE boulder come loose. He had just used it as a balance point when ... yoink! There it goes! That sucker rolled halfway down the hill before splitting in twain. Pretty cool.

Got to the top and decided to begin divvying up the contents of the water bottle. This being a water bottle.... and Rob and myself.... it was obviously NOT water, but a wee bit of scotch. Certainly took the pains away. As we're walking and discussing life we come upon a trail I haven't walked in years and decide to follow it. By now we're lit and we come to another split, flip a coin and go left. Or was it right? I dunno. But we ended up coming out at Powder Ridge. At this point we thought, "Hey, we're already soaked and hungry... we're halfway to Lyman's Orchards, let's just go there for food." So we did. =) Of course, we were SO hoping to reach someone at home who might have been able to swing over the hill and offer us transport home. That was not to be, so we girded ourselves for the long walk home. Total milage is being estimated at approximately 7, part of which was a steep incline and much of it uncut paths. Fun, qui neg? LOL (excuse the Mechwarrior slang). Even for being "in shape" I was pretty beat after that excursion. Beat and SOAKED through! Good times!

Shelley... hey, you came home. Cool. =) Loved hanging out with you. Had a blast just standing around in the garage 'n stuff. Must repeat soon. As much as possible before impending assignment!

Ok, yeah. 'Tis late. Time for me to get some ...sl... sli... no, that's not it...sple... OH! SLEEP! The concept seems so foreign to me! =P

G'night y'all. Thanks for a cool weekend. =)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Awww, Come ON! and... Puppy Goes to Work = )

What a pain. Here I went and grabbed all these new CDs tonight and one of the ones I'm most eager to hear keeps crashing my computer. "This CD is protected against unauthorized duplication. It is designed to play on standard playback devices and an appropriately configured computer. If you have any questions or concerns visit www.sunncomm.com/support/bmg" Ok, first time I put it in the system automatically detects and begins trying to rip.... system crashes. Next time I try just LISTENING to it... system crashes. Then I try opening the launcher on the DVD drive... system crashes. Appropriately configured my ass! I bought the freakin' CD, so why can't I rip the music to my PC to enjoy? Why hath though forsaken me, oh great masters of the Foo?

The rest is Pennywise, Institute, and the entire collection of Incubus. Their recent stuff has been good, and I've read the lyrics to the older ones... now we'll see if they only recently got on board with a good mixer.

Star came to work today! That was fun. I wish I could bring her to more public places. She was amazingly well-behaved... none of that usual 'impolite behavior' she usually does when she meets people. And meet people she did! Everyone LOVED her, always commenting on how pretty she was and how beautiful her coat is. She of course loved the attention, the petting, the cookies. She was even mostly civil when she met Bailey (resident ancient Golden) and Mr. Belvedere (little therapy dog). She even LIKED the little puppy... not sure of the breed, but one of our resident's aides brings the puppy and her little girl to work every day. So cute! Yesterday we had both puppies at work. This drew many ooohs, and aaaahs from the staff. =)

Star was great.... when I had to leave her behind in the office, she would give one requisite whine/yelp to see if I would turn around and was otherwise perfectly well-behaved. I know I've said it twice, so it must mean I was perhaps expecting her to go crazy? LOL I will say, however, that she is not used to the leash... my hands are pleasantly smooth this evening after getting sanded down trying to keep her from pulling me over! Not an easy task when wearing dress shoes with smooth souls... particularly not easy when there is someone 10 feet away offering cookies!

That's it for tonight. Just another exciting day... LOL Budget is wacky... we are apparently staffing way WAY beyond budget, beyond any planned schedule, and far more comfortably than we need to. Of course no one is complaining about the staffing pattern!

Oh, got a haircut, too. Why is it that I seem to be approaching more blondes lately? I do believe that I still generally prefer brunettes. Oh well, I'm not complaining. Neither is my cell phone.

Off to bed I go... I've been sleeping most of the night since I got home anyway.

Have a good day! Oh, and Rob, sorry I didn't call.... as stated above, after 1.5 hours of sleep last night and 20 hours of work.... I've been crashed out cold. Actually, I passed out in my chair here for a while before I got a stiff neck and rolled over to the couch. LOL ttyl

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Target Stocks "Feminine Products"

This just in... Target is now going to begin carrying vibrators for sale. Read it again, you heard me right. Aparently, the recently increased public acceptance of these things through such shows as Sex & The City has lead them to stock the shelves with such things. They still don't carry the male equivalent, though they will have a selection of safety products and

Ah crap. =( My phone just rang. =(

Ok, now I'm NOT so pleased with myself. I just heard that my buddy, Maurice, from Pomperaug Woods passed away on Saturday. =( Maurice was our Accounting Director and a damned funny guy. Never got mixed in the politics, just did his job and ate every dessert in the building. Damn. When I left for DC he was fine. Then just before I came back he had a stroke. They put him on meds to prevent another stroke, but he experienced a bad reaction to them and his pancreas, liver and kidneys all but shut down. He was living on a respirator for the past month or so, though the word was that he was slowly getting better. We learned that he would not be coming back to work, but we thought he was going to pull through. Dammit this hurts.

Ok, so for all the bad things that happen... I'm glad I'm alive. But moments like these are no good. I actually feel a bit light-headed, and here I am at work... Crap. ::sigh:: I have to go make phone calls. ttyl

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Scotch / Irish warrior... hey, that's not a bad idea. If I can find the right sized belt, I ought to grab my dirk, basket hilt backsword and my claymores! Get out and have some REAL fun!

Dead sexay! Yeah... or not. LOL I need a freakin haircut, man.

What are you looking at, dawg?

Showing off my deep tan... where is the "Official Kilt Inspector"? Got to love that tight shirt on a tall blonde!!

A serious man in a skirt!

Skimming along the shore at dusk.

Celtic Festival !! Rathkilter

My favorite spot to sit and have lunch!

Last weekend looking down over New Haven.

Shot this on the side of a road. I enjoy the coloring, though I wish it were a brighter exposure.

Origins of the nectar of life.

Harvest at Gouveia Vineyards

This Saturday: The Complete Brett Experience

Saturday has passed quickly. I slept late this morning and purposefully put myself back to sleep a few times just to linger amidst my fictions. At some time near noon I leveraged myself up and out of the waterbed to begin the day. I really had intended to wake up earlier and spend some time reviewing the cars before posting them for sale next week. From first glance, the RS only needs tires and a good waxing. The Trans Am could probably use to have the oil leak sealed, but it otherwise 100% roadworthy. I may reinstall the factory head unit in the RS and use the Alpine on the Trans Am, since the blasted CD player is going to heck. I placed my usual barrage of calls to see what's cookin', then proceeded to make myself breakfast. During the week it is basic eggs and toast with cran-ras or milk. I would normally do something a bit more extravagant on the weekend, but I was still feeling tired from my 4 a.m. crawl-in so I opted for soup and crackers. I've become a bit of a soup consumer lately... not intentionally, just pure happenstance.

After a period of lounging on the deck in the sun and chatting with Tiffany over her latest developments, I marched down to the gym. My lungs are completely clear of the sinus congestion I had for the past week or more and I am restarting the exercise program now. As usual, I am a cautious person when it comes to my body. Reflective of this is my slow approach to working heavily with weights. I currently remain 20 pounds lighter than my initial weight in March. At 195 pounds, that puts me 47 pounds lighter than I was over the Winter and Spring of 2004 when I began working with LCS. My photo on the LCS Connect business site is from then and I want to bring a copy of the file home to post before/after shots. I have one other good shot to exemplify the 'before' from a trip to Yankee Silversmith. Both I and the ex looked about 100 pounds overweight at the time. Thankfully, both of us have managed to put some distance on those weigh-ins. But today was spent with a simple regimen of warm-up on the bike followed by intense stretching and focusing on tight spots, as well as the shoulder. You may not think it, but putting such focus on stretching does bring a sweat. Perhaps it is from controlling the impulse to stop?

Once I was clean I went to pick Amber up and we went into Hartford for the Celtic Festival. I believe I mistakenly listed it as an Oktoberfest gathering in a previous post. Either way, there was plenty of beer! The wee 14oz plastic cup of beer (foam) was the most alcohol I have consumed since the last time Rob was down. Before that, well, it's been a long time since I have really drank anything.

The festival was really a LOT of fun. I shot some video of different groups performing. I enjoyed hearing Amazing Grace played by the Manchester Police & Fire Pipe and Drum Corp. The best show of the day was Rathkilter (sp?). They played a combination of music on fast pipes and fiddles with guitar and drums. Should anyone wish to find me a cool Christmas gift, I'd love to get one or more of their CD's. The rest of the festival was an assortment of clothing, beer, jewelry vendors and various artisans. I actually found several things I liked and came home with a good long-sleeve top, a pair of good skull caps for skiing...

...and a kilt!

I actually look rather dashing in it. And I wear it properly! That is, my legs are sufficiently pale while also being of requisite musculature. Now I just need to learn how to shave without knicking my knees. ;) It's very comfortable. In fact, it barely feels like I am wearing much at all, yet I still remain warm even on a night as cold as this. While at the fair I wore it over my jeans since there was no place to change. I MUST get some photos soon and post them for mutual online embarassment. Perhaps I can incorporate it into my Halloween costume for work.

The rest of the night was unplanned, just traveled to a few nice places after dinner at On The Border and talked a lot. We watched the sun set over a lake while walking and skipping stones. Amber couldn't manage more than a double skip, but I was fortunate enough to achieve a single quad-skip from an unlikely rock. We spent a long time way out in a field on our backs watching the stars move while seeing who could get the other to laugh harder. I won. ;) We wrapped up with a quick stop for ice cream... I mean, what better idea than to ingest ice cream after you have been stoically freezing for two or three hours, right? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. This fella loves his sundaes. Especially the ones that are free.

So Ms. Lynch seems to have champagne taste and the champagne wallet to match. How many Louis Vuitton bags do you see that are real? Nine out of ten that I see are skillful fakes from Chinatown in NYC. Remember ladies, you must approach the counter, set the gift stand aside and then repeat the phrase, "Yes, David mentioned that I might find a suitable pair of gloves here" when the owner asks you. Only then will you be lead to the secret closet full of fake bags. LOL It's a silly world, but it's the silliness like this which keeps the world real.

Not sure what to do tomorrow. There is so much I want to do, but not nearly enough hours to accomplish it in. I want to see Amber, but I have been trying to get to the Big E for two weeks now and I know she can't go because it would still be too long walking and on her feet with her sore back. =/ I'd love to walk through with Rob, but the family needs him right now. Maybe I'll call Shelley.... hmm, good idea! If not, then I can probably twist someone's arm. LOL Good Lord, I've spoken plainly... and even harshly by my reckoning to Chelsey, but the girl has not stopped calling. ::shrugs:: What is there for me to do?

So yes.... beer, bagpipes and kilts. Today ruled all around. A pretty good wrap to a really great week. Next year I will have to organize a group outting to this event if I am able to be in the area for it.

Pictures forthcoming!

Take Care

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Deep Blue: Gratuitous Eye Candy

Partway through the film I finally remembered the original with what I believe to have been Steve McQueen. This version was correctly up to date and very easy on the eyes. I was somewhat surprised at what they were able to get away with. Needless to say, both Amber and I were pleased with the show. Yum! Jessica Alba... my god... they got this one shot of her ass when she was underwater and I have never felt such a primal turn-on before. Now I'm home watching Keira Knightley painted up in blue in King Arthur. Double yum! I feel like busting out the mead horn and giving the neighborhood a long blast. Btw, I have somewhat perfected it since purchase. If a relatively small horn can belt out such a blast, I am curious to see what the really LARGE ones can do. Maybe I'll buy another someday, but for now I enjoy the one I have. Can't beat a mead flaggon that doubles as a horn. Nice display piece, too!

Good weekend so far. The plan is to see Amber again tomorrow. Yay! Could things be looking up? She's such a sweetheart. I will endeavor to keep my hopes in check for now. That means I am letting them run rampant, of course. LOL What other way is there to live than to experience it fully at all times?