Thursday, October 06, 2005

Awww, Come ON! and... Puppy Goes to Work = )

What a pain. Here I went and grabbed all these new CDs tonight and one of the ones I'm most eager to hear keeps crashing my computer. "This CD is protected against unauthorized duplication. It is designed to play on standard playback devices and an appropriately configured computer. If you have any questions or concerns visit www.sunncomm.com/support/bmg" Ok, first time I put it in the system automatically detects and begins trying to rip.... system crashes. Next time I try just LISTENING to it... system crashes. Then I try opening the launcher on the DVD drive... system crashes. Appropriately configured my ass! I bought the freakin' CD, so why can't I rip the music to my PC to enjoy? Why hath though forsaken me, oh great masters of the Foo?

The rest is Pennywise, Institute, and the entire collection of Incubus. Their recent stuff has been good, and I've read the lyrics to the older ones... now we'll see if they only recently got on board with a good mixer.

Star came to work today! That was fun. I wish I could bring her to more public places. She was amazingly well-behaved... none of that usual 'impolite behavior' she usually does when she meets people. And meet people she did! Everyone LOVED her, always commenting on how pretty she was and how beautiful her coat is. She of course loved the attention, the petting, the cookies. She was even mostly civil when she met Bailey (resident ancient Golden) and Mr. Belvedere (little therapy dog). She even LIKED the little puppy... not sure of the breed, but one of our resident's aides brings the puppy and her little girl to work every day. So cute! Yesterday we had both puppies at work. This drew many ooohs, and aaaahs from the staff. =)

Star was great.... when I had to leave her behind in the office, she would give one requisite whine/yelp to see if I would turn around and was otherwise perfectly well-behaved. I know I've said it twice, so it must mean I was perhaps expecting her to go crazy? LOL I will say, however, that she is not used to the leash... my hands are pleasantly smooth this evening after getting sanded down trying to keep her from pulling me over! Not an easy task when wearing dress shoes with smooth souls... particularly not easy when there is someone 10 feet away offering cookies!

That's it for tonight. Just another exciting day... LOL Budget is wacky... we are apparently staffing way WAY beyond budget, beyond any planned schedule, and far more comfortably than we need to. Of course no one is complaining about the staffing pattern!

Oh, got a haircut, too. Why is it that I seem to be approaching more blondes lately? I do believe that I still generally prefer brunettes. Oh well, I'm not complaining. Neither is my cell phone.

Off to bed I go... I've been sleeping most of the night since I got home anyway.

Have a good day! Oh, and Rob, sorry I didn't call.... as stated above, after 1.5 hours of sleep last night and 20 hours of work.... I've been crashed out cold. Actually, I passed out in my chair here for a while before I got a stiff neck and rolled over to the couch. LOL ttyl


Blogger Ninja said...

No problem, give me a call tonight if you have a chance. We should be all set for saturday. Are we just doing a Saturday or Friday night-saturday?

Also, have you considered a harness for Star, it might cut down on the pulling. Loki tends to be much better walking with the harness then just the collar.

8:26 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Harness... it sounds worth trying. She behaves while with the collar/leash, she just feels the need to always pull on it with all her strength... which is considerable.

I'm just having a joy of a day. Sitting here now debating... paper trail long enough to fire? Or are we stuck with discipline and action plan? Decisions...

DEFINITELY Saturday. Earlier the better if we feel like climbing. Should be perfect rainy weather for climbing. I don't know about you, but I just love being in the woods during the rain. The sound of the drops on the leaves and the general sense of being enveloped is surreal to me. Plus, you know... beer and stuff... LOL

As to Fri night? I don't know yet. Don't know about the girl since I haven't asked her. I did talk to her and we are likely either picking up tonight or Sunday... so I should go check my phone now. Shelley... are you coming home for a while?!?! You bum, come home. We'll drink and play cards or something. Why aren't you 21 yet? I'd love to take you out somewhere. Got a couple of suggestions from the girl at Fye last night. She happened to mention that she'll be at Alchemy on Saturday ;) But friends come first.... and I haven't gamed in what seems like MONTHS. I need my fix! LOL Where's the methodone clinic at!?

5:23 PM


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