Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Target Stocks "Feminine Products"

This just in... Target is now going to begin carrying vibrators for sale. Read it again, you heard me right. Aparently, the recently increased public acceptance of these things through such shows as Sex & The City has lead them to stock the shelves with such things. They still don't carry the male equivalent, though they will have a selection of safety products and

Ah crap. =( My phone just rang. =(

Ok, now I'm NOT so pleased with myself. I just heard that my buddy, Maurice, from Pomperaug Woods passed away on Saturday. =( Maurice was our Accounting Director and a damned funny guy. Never got mixed in the politics, just did his job and ate every dessert in the building. Damn. When I left for DC he was fine. Then just before I came back he had a stroke. They put him on meds to prevent another stroke, but he experienced a bad reaction to them and his pancreas, liver and kidneys all but shut down. He was living on a respirator for the past month or so, though the word was that he was slowly getting better. We learned that he would not be coming back to work, but we thought he was going to pull through. Dammit this hurts.

Ok, so for all the bad things that happen... I'm glad I'm alive. But moments like these are no good. I actually feel a bit light-headed, and here I am at work... Crap. ::sigh:: I have to go make phone calls. ttyl


Blogger Tusc said...

He was a funny SOB! Always sending me e-mails with dirty jokes or links to funny videos. And he knew what honor was, standing up for his employees even when he probably shouldn't have. Putting his own neck on the line for them. He always helped me out when I needed information or help figuring out financials. I always knew I could stop by his office if I needed a chocolate fix. He always kept a Superman christmas ornament tacked to the frame of his office door because he had survived a heart attack four years ago. And EVERY day at lunch, we knew he would be the first one there! =) I admit, I beat him once or twice. ;)

I don't know how else to salute him, but he was my friend and he will be missed. And I'm glad he was able to enjoy that Mercedes before the end! Talk about keeping a car immaculate. He loved that car. But not so much as he loved his family. His office was always plastered with new pictures of his son, his wife, the grandsons... He even had a calendar made up using large photos of his grandsons. He was a good man. Last year when he totaled the old Honda.. and I mean TOTALED.. I picked him up and drove him home. Well, we stopped at a bar first! LOL But here's this guy all beat up, battered and bruised. Just lost his car.. and he's sitting there like, "I never liked that car anyway. I think I'm going to get one of those new Mercedes." LOL How can you beat that? No better way than to let it roll right off you. So in short, he will be missed. Maurice was a good man.

10:42 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Holy third ring of hell, Gatman. I am STILL at work!

Let me see... as I was saying initially on the main post. Yeah, how odd is that? Target carrying those things. Normal product, sure, but I should think a lot of people would have problems with them right in front of the kids. I'm sure there will be some discreet way to keep them from the public eye... but I thought it interesting that suddenly sex is coming out from behind the closed door in America. How great is that? Let's go, America! Pick up the pace! LOL I live for the day that we're as at peace with things as the Japanese. Japanese I say, because the Europeans are perhaps a wee bit extroverted even for me!

Back to me old self, I am. The news today of Maurice was bad, but after the hell he went through at the end I am sure he is better off now. Obviously, I think he would have been better off NOT dying. He was only about 3 years older than my father, after all.

I've been plugging away at this project all day. Numbers and more numbers upon more numbers. The digits themselves are easily understood and I have completed the majority of the work. However, trying to balance FTE's across the week, then the weekend baylors, and all the special deals, shift differentials, bonuses and totally random call-in bonuses... that all gets confusing.

Ah! But I get to bring my puppy to work tomorrow. Yay. She had better be good! I'm not sure what to expect. She's pretty calm, but what if she starts barking? Anyway, I'm glad my only meetings are in the morning. That way if she gets out of hand I can bring her home.... which wouldn't be too bad, either!

A lot of good stuff planned for the weekend. To think, this time last year I was up in Portland, Maine. Has it been a year already? Great memories of bar-hopping. Jello shots. Hot jacuzzis on cold nights. Waking up on the cliff. Whose clothes are those? Exploring the lighthouses. Some GREAT restaurants. LOL And living out of an assisted living unit. LOL That was too cool. Fun as it was, it can't top DC though. Not much could. Maybe Vegas? Have to wait and see. It feels good being back where I belong, too. Figuratively, of course.

10:16 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Holy smack. How did I get 434 profile views on my blog profile?

::yawn:: Time to move around a bit

10:26 PM


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