Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Tired, but good. . .

My budget trek is finally DONE. I've always been math phobic due to some really piss-poor asshole teachers I had in high school. I'm actually quite adept with numbers, graphs, etc and find it to be rather intuitive... as demonstrated by my 98 average in QM601 Quantitative Methods. Of course, I had to take an incomplete on it the first time around. I've been to the budget training course, and even did the PW budget for several of the IL departments, but those are very simple and, well, any ignorant person can complete them. And the budget training course info essentially went in one ear and out the other because I did not have enough familiarity with the reports to make sense of the second-level info they were teaching us. This means that last week I began this trek by staring at over 70 pages of excel sheets dealing solely with the HC.... and absolutely NO comprehension of the numbers present, the numbers to be filled in, or where to look to get them. Think of a child of 7 being tasked with assembling a computer.... oh, and all the parts you'll need are in a pile over there.... but most of that stuff you won't need. Oy! So I basically started from beyond scratch and played, punched and eventually was able to reverse engineer the whole damned thing. I found and fixed some significant holes and misconceptions which had been in this community's budget since Kevin was here in '01.

So all of that concentration and effort... I mean come on, working until 4:56 this morning? Day-yum. But once again I'm getting recognized for my ability. ::purrs like kitten being petted:: Oh, yes please, stroke the ego. LOL Come to think of it, did that too tonight. MMmmmm, Windsor woman and I went to dinner and 'Two For The Money' up on the pike. I didn't think I was working it, I WAS kind of tired, but it must have been the black pants and dark grey shirt I'm wearing... looked rather svelt tonight... mmm cuz yeah. Pike, you know. Felt like a kid or something, but it was all very interesting. Go Go Gadget belly ring and tattoo turn-ons! Silly girls... it must be 9 out of 10 that get butterflies, roses, or crosses. Though there was only one cross I've seen that I really liked.... and that was mostly due to placement. Coolest I've had the opportunity to see was actually a faded (white?) tattoo script in cyrillic from the top of the right hip angling down the torso inside the leg crease towards the front. Apparently it said "Adeste Fideles" or "Be present, faithful ones." Nah! I'm kidding. I have no idea what it said now. But it did look really cool. Keyword might be unique. Kind of like a ghost flame paintjob on a hot car.

I must be tired, prattling on. Going to go soak it up in the tub and call it a night. Maybe even get 6 hours for once!

No idea whatsoever what I'm doing this weekend yet. But then, it's not like I've been in contact with the world outside of work too much in the past week or two. Of course, leave it to fate that just when I stop getting out I get a good hit on the internet. For now, who knows? Just someone to chat to. But I've got to say, she has her head on her shoulders. Knows herself and what she wants. I.e. very mature. She's an independent thinker. BONUS! Got a lot of things clicking so far. I may have to persue this. Too bad she's across the water on Long Island! But right now I'd be eager as heck to meet her and see if she stands up to the same scrutiny in person. Have I mentioned I've discovered I have a thing for slender Italian girls? Only the moderatly hot ones or better of course. This is me we're talking about. No big noses! But they tend to be empassioned, lively, sometimes spritely, able to take some handling, and just a joy to be around. Dark or light features, they're yummy.

Yeah, majorly prattling. 'Scuse me, must to bed and rest.

As always, Dominus vobiscum.


Blogger Tusc said...

I knew there was a reason I still had a Hotmail account.... wonderful ads like these....


My favorites are the FBI Girl, Sexy Trekkie, and the Naughty Nurse. MMMmmmmm.... ok, where's the party?

7:48 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

OMG... ok, YOU try explaining every detail of Medicare Part D to 220+ people. LOL I'll be holding a separate workshop on it next week sometime and going REALLY into detail. LOL.... handouts and graphs. Cool! LOL Yeah, I'm a dork.

Ug, I always prefer to ad-lib. I feel comfy that way and I elevate the energy in the room. But when I'm stuck to a timetable and trying to get it all out I hate it. Still did very well.

Now? Lunch @ 12:30 w/ Jen, and Judi our new DOM. That's Director of Operations Management to you folks out there with dirty minds, not domme. LOL

Yeah, once again a night with little sleep. I don't feel any effects from it, in fact I'm rather energetic and spry. However, I know it's not healthy to continue in this manner so I intend to sleep VERY well tonight.

Anyone have thoughts for the weekend? I'd love to hang out w/ either of you. And it helps to know some schedules before I line up play dates.

Other than that, it's rainy as heck and beautiful. I love the Fall, no matter how it rolls through. =) Just another wonderful benefit of being one of those darned irritating "glass is half full" types. =P


12:05 PM


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