Sunday, October 09, 2005

Sure, let's climb the hill......

Classic form. Absolutely classic. Rob and I decided to go for a hike today up the hill. First, we ended up free-climbing it and not using the rope. This was fun and exciting until we hit a 100 foot section of very loose rock. It seemed like we were trying to climb the steep side of a sand dune. Think 70+ degree incline... NOT cool. And then Rob had the good fortune to almost lose a shin. As I looked over, I saw a HUGE boulder come loose. He had just used it as a balance point when ... yoink! There it goes! That sucker rolled halfway down the hill before splitting in twain. Pretty cool.

Got to the top and decided to begin divvying up the contents of the water bottle. This being a water bottle.... and Rob and myself.... it was obviously NOT water, but a wee bit of scotch. Certainly took the pains away. As we're walking and discussing life we come upon a trail I haven't walked in years and decide to follow it. By now we're lit and we come to another split, flip a coin and go left. Or was it right? I dunno. But we ended up coming out at Powder Ridge. At this point we thought, "Hey, we're already soaked and hungry... we're halfway to Lyman's Orchards, let's just go there for food." So we did. =) Of course, we were SO hoping to reach someone at home who might have been able to swing over the hill and offer us transport home. That was not to be, so we girded ourselves for the long walk home. Total milage is being estimated at approximately 7, part of which was a steep incline and much of it uncut paths. Fun, qui neg? LOL (excuse the Mechwarrior slang). Even for being "in shape" I was pretty beat after that excursion. Beat and SOAKED through! Good times!

Shelley... hey, you came home. Cool. =) Loved hanging out with you. Had a blast just standing around in the garage 'n stuff. Must repeat soon. As much as possible before impending assignment!

Ok, yeah. 'Tis late. Time for me to get some ...sl... sli... no, that's not it...sple... OH! SLEEP! The concept seems so foreign to me! =P

G'night y'all. Thanks for a cool weekend. =)


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