Sunday, October 02, 2005

This Saturday: The Complete Brett Experience

Saturday has passed quickly. I slept late this morning and purposefully put myself back to sleep a few times just to linger amidst my fictions. At some time near noon I leveraged myself up and out of the waterbed to begin the day. I really had intended to wake up earlier and spend some time reviewing the cars before posting them for sale next week. From first glance, the RS only needs tires and a good waxing. The Trans Am could probably use to have the oil leak sealed, but it otherwise 100% roadworthy. I may reinstall the factory head unit in the RS and use the Alpine on the Trans Am, since the blasted CD player is going to heck. I placed my usual barrage of calls to see what's cookin', then proceeded to make myself breakfast. During the week it is basic eggs and toast with cran-ras or milk. I would normally do something a bit more extravagant on the weekend, but I was still feeling tired from my 4 a.m. crawl-in so I opted for soup and crackers. I've become a bit of a soup consumer lately... not intentionally, just pure happenstance.

After a period of lounging on the deck in the sun and chatting with Tiffany over her latest developments, I marched down to the gym. My lungs are completely clear of the sinus congestion I had for the past week or more and I am restarting the exercise program now. As usual, I am a cautious person when it comes to my body. Reflective of this is my slow approach to working heavily with weights. I currently remain 20 pounds lighter than my initial weight in March. At 195 pounds, that puts me 47 pounds lighter than I was over the Winter and Spring of 2004 when I began working with LCS. My photo on the LCS Connect business site is from then and I want to bring a copy of the file home to post before/after shots. I have one other good shot to exemplify the 'before' from a trip to Yankee Silversmith. Both I and the ex looked about 100 pounds overweight at the time. Thankfully, both of us have managed to put some distance on those weigh-ins. But today was spent with a simple regimen of warm-up on the bike followed by intense stretching and focusing on tight spots, as well as the shoulder. You may not think it, but putting such focus on stretching does bring a sweat. Perhaps it is from controlling the impulse to stop?

Once I was clean I went to pick Amber up and we went into Hartford for the Celtic Festival. I believe I mistakenly listed it as an Oktoberfest gathering in a previous post. Either way, there was plenty of beer! The wee 14oz plastic cup of beer (foam) was the most alcohol I have consumed since the last time Rob was down. Before that, well, it's been a long time since I have really drank anything.

The festival was really a LOT of fun. I shot some video of different groups performing. I enjoyed hearing Amazing Grace played by the Manchester Police & Fire Pipe and Drum Corp. The best show of the day was Rathkilter (sp?). They played a combination of music on fast pipes and fiddles with guitar and drums. Should anyone wish to find me a cool Christmas gift, I'd love to get one or more of their CD's. The rest of the festival was an assortment of clothing, beer, jewelry vendors and various artisans. I actually found several things I liked and came home with a good long-sleeve top, a pair of good skull caps for skiing...

...and a kilt!

I actually look rather dashing in it. And I wear it properly! That is, my legs are sufficiently pale while also being of requisite musculature. Now I just need to learn how to shave without knicking my knees. ;) It's very comfortable. In fact, it barely feels like I am wearing much at all, yet I still remain warm even on a night as cold as this. While at the fair I wore it over my jeans since there was no place to change. I MUST get some photos soon and post them for mutual online embarassment. Perhaps I can incorporate it into my Halloween costume for work.

The rest of the night was unplanned, just traveled to a few nice places after dinner at On The Border and talked a lot. We watched the sun set over a lake while walking and skipping stones. Amber couldn't manage more than a double skip, but I was fortunate enough to achieve a single quad-skip from an unlikely rock. We spent a long time way out in a field on our backs watching the stars move while seeing who could get the other to laugh harder. I won. ;) We wrapped up with a quick stop for ice cream... I mean, what better idea than to ingest ice cream after you have been stoically freezing for two or three hours, right? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. This fella loves his sundaes. Especially the ones that are free.

So Ms. Lynch seems to have champagne taste and the champagne wallet to match. How many Louis Vuitton bags do you see that are real? Nine out of ten that I see are skillful fakes from Chinatown in NYC. Remember ladies, you must approach the counter, set the gift stand aside and then repeat the phrase, "Yes, David mentioned that I might find a suitable pair of gloves here" when the owner asks you. Only then will you be lead to the secret closet full of fake bags. LOL It's a silly world, but it's the silliness like this which keeps the world real.

Not sure what to do tomorrow. There is so much I want to do, but not nearly enough hours to accomplish it in. I want to see Amber, but I have been trying to get to the Big E for two weeks now and I know she can't go because it would still be too long walking and on her feet with her sore back. =/ I'd love to walk through with Rob, but the family needs him right now. Maybe I'll call Shelley.... hmm, good idea! If not, then I can probably twist someone's arm. LOL Good Lord, I've spoken plainly... and even harshly by my reckoning to Chelsey, but the girl has not stopped calling. ::shrugs:: What is there for me to do?

So yes.... beer, bagpipes and kilts. Today ruled all around. A pretty good wrap to a really great week. Next year I will have to organize a group outting to this event if I am able to be in the area for it.

Pictures forthcoming!

Take Care


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