Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Twilight, Traffic and Fog


My neighborhood gets no pre-dawn, just twilight. I did the math and it appears that I actually got up at 4:45. I was actually able to read yesterday's paper while I shoveled down my eggs and toast. The only thing that was a pain was trying to remain as quiet as possible in a house full of sleeping people.

Shelley, did you hear about Uncle Marve yet from mom? =(

It seems that no matter WHAT time I go through Middletown, there is still a backlog of traffic along 66. At least I beat the tree cutting crew to work this morning. Sitting at the light downtown it was so foggy that when a fire truck went past all I really saw were it's lights and the vague hint that the truck was yellow. There must be a lot of morning accidents in the river area caused by the fog. I should take note of this since I drive a silver car that might be hard to see in those conditions.

Yesterday afternoon at work I totally scared myself... one of the prior Admins left a spongy back support piece in the office, so I tried it out on the chair. Scary, no? What I was NOT aware of is that if you put enough pressure on the device, it has a heavy massage/vibrator unit inside that activates. Needless to say, I had been sitting there and relatively relaxed and unsuspecting when I finally stretched and the thing kicked on for a second. WHAT THE...!!!??? I see why they wanted this; the chair is bad on the lower back. Since I am 'local' and will be present here for at least a little while, I am giving consideration to bringing in the chair from my room at home. It is the shorter version of the chair at my main desk, and also relatively unused so it looks brand new. I have always only been comfy in those chairs, so it stands to reason that I should bring one along. Oy, that's a thought... transporting EVERYTHING cross-country... It's nice and easy to pack the essentials into the car and go for a few months. Quite a more involved process to dismantle my waterbed, desks and furniture. Do I HAVE to? I wish I weren't going alone. Yes, I always do well in these situations, and dating has gone tolerably well for me this year, but I want to share a connection with someone. To share the experiences and the memories, to always remember, you know? To smile and say, oh what I time we had doing X, and do you remember when we Y? And to love, of course. I certainly look forward to finding someone new to share with. If anything, I have had too many people loving me. Just not enough where I have felt an equal or greater reciprocation.

Ok, off to make the official introduction to my night shift. Everyone has already been surprised to see anyone in this office so early. Why is it that no one else ever thinks to vary their schedule?

Have a good day, everyone. I will be sure to buy some sort of Lotto ticket today. I feel lucky. Besides which, there was the prevalence of the number 28 in a recent dream so perhaps something good will happen today. Dinner in West Hartford, I believe. Then gym! (Twice in a day doesn't hurt)


Blogger Tusc said...

Ug, already having deja vus... what's coming down the pipeline today, I wonder? We need something good to happen. Root for the home team with me.

9:35 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Possible good luck? Discussion of career path and peoples' impressions was had today. I was highly highly flattered by what different peoples' thoughts of me were. More discussion will ensue, but it is clear the direction the winds are taking me. I am no Superman, but the winds are taking me up up and away just the same. It really is too bad that we don't have a facility in or around Las Vegas. I would LOVE to live there for a few years. A party city that never sleeps? My dream! Of course, most areas along the southeastern coastline are also appealing. The only bummer is that the ones which are coming available are a ways inland. Not that that is bad, because they are both lucrative in terms of political value and could stand well in my stead.

Who knows?

I still have a lot of questions which need answering. I would like to be able to lay out my next year's financial plan as soon as possible. It is also unfortunate that this is both an incorrect season and a tough market to be selling my weekend cars in with gas prices what they are. I'll get all the bargain shoppers knocking down my door. Ah well.

So it is good to know these things. It definitely makes me feel better about my situation with LCS to know that I am no longer lost in limbo. Yay!

The big question now is: Where to?

Shelley... call me sometime, sister! I miss you. Oh, and how was your test this morning? =)

Rob... later on tonight, do you feel like some gaming? I haven't touched my PC in ages. I believe it is writing mischievous code because it feels neglected. =( Let's remedy the situation! I'll call you when I get out of work.


3:25 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Hey, found out today the promotion is retro-active to my start here at Essex. YAY! It's not 'buy a new car this weekend' great, but it's certainly 'party until the bank account is empty this weekend' good. Gotta love recognition and positive reinforcement!

2:01 PM


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