Friday, July 13, 2007

Order of the Phoenix

Since I haven't posted here in a while... here you go!

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix... having not read the book recently, I can only vaguely claim that the movie seemed to faithfully follow the plot. Even if it didn't bring focus to every bit of the story from the book, it touched on the side topics. Ok, so it was a good movie all around. Of interest to me was that they finally beefed up the effects and strength of the magic. No longer just children's gimmicks and slightly used, now you see Dumbledore whooping ass on Voldemorte and vice versa in a way that made you feel.... "yes, they really ARE powerful wizards, aren't they?" Or at least much more than any time previously.

Die Hard 4: Getting Harder... the previews made me think it would be a dopey rehash of prior films. That didn't prevent me from seeing it. =) And I'm glad I did, because it really WAS on par for the Die Hard series. A good flic.

Speaking of flicks..... ::flick:: VERMIN! =)

Megatron is large and in charge in Transformers. SOOOOOOOOO an awesome movie!!!! Particularly to any child of the 80's.

The robots were done extremely well. There were loads and loads of action and cgi from start to finish. Some good laughs. Some hot skin. And a few dopey humor points as well.... I could do without the S7 guy. But all in all, the BEST overall movie experience I have had this year.

Uber Quoteage:

Megatron, having been knocked to the ground and on his back, looks over and flicks a nearby human with his finger... snapping his back when he hits a car... and with casual vehemence breaths "Vermin" under his breath. =) How can you not like Megatron?

Bumblebee, stop lubricating the human!


Dude, seriously... stop with the spanish!

And..... basically ANYTHING the Australian chick said in the movie. I want to marry her accent and have children! =)


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