Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Manchester & Potter (spoilerz!)

Having done the math, I believe I helped move over 3600 lbs of floor boards for Shelley's new condo today. Oi! But I believe we got most of the tough work done. Tomorrow will be a lot of painting, and with luck we'll get to the floor project on Thursday and be fairly well wrapped up.

Now. Potter.

Ok... I HAD to stay up until now and finish the second half of the book. It was cool.


Dumbledore is, in fact, quite dead. Though he is a focal secondary character and makes cameos of sorts.

I am tempted to go back and read the book again simply to write down the names of ALL the characters that got killed: Mad-Eye, Fred, Tonks, Lupin, Snape, Crabbe, Scrimgeour...

.... but saddest of all.... Dobby. = ( "You must NOT harm Harry Potter...BITCH!" =)

And that is reminiscent of Mrs Weasley's comment to Bellatrix before she stitched her one.

And now a brief review of Harry Potter: Generation 2... as best I can remember it.

Lupin/Tonks spawned - Teddy, who is Harry's godson

Bill / Fleur spawned - Victoire, who is dating Teddy

Ron / Hermione spawned - Rose and Hugo

Draco / Whore spawned - Scorpius

Harry / Ginny spawned - James, Albus-Severus and Lily

Interesting points of the story?

The back-story on Snape. The back-story on Dumbledore. Dobby to the rescue. (It's a good name, I think it would fit nicely as a middle-name for a kid)

But we are left to wonder.....

.... what the HECK is a crumple-horned snorkack?

We are also left to laugh at the goblin who stole the sword of godric gryfindor when it reappeared for Nevil. =P

So... someone ELSE read it now so I can talk about it with you!!!! You bums!!!



Blogger Tusc said...

Michael Dobby Stewart
Ramius Dobberick Stewart
James Dobberton Stewart
Dane Dobskiy Stewart
Frederick Dobbious Stewart


4:34 AM

Blogger Tori said...

dobby? ramius? FREDERICK?

and i though i liked odd names. do you want your kid to be made fun of or what?

dane isn't so bad, but dobskiy will NOT do.

2:01 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Have to find a different baby momma then! ;)

12:51 AM


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