Friday, September 15, 2006

"You feel that? That's the Force... f_ckin' witcha"

Which reminds me, I really ought to try and find the Pulp Phantom videos and get a copy...

...But nevermind for now, because:

And since I had the cam out, I snapped a few shots of the new desk arrangement. Not sure if I'll keep it this way, but it has given me far more room to sprall out to either side with papers and projects. Right now its all clean (except for that patch of dust down below in the center shot where the AC used to vent out the back) but it really does get quite cluttered with papers.

Notes: I seem to remember a commercial on Cinemax or some such channel being rather suggestive of a 'great movie event' in November whilst mentioning Episode 3... so I believe there will be an all-day event coming up on tv. (Not that it matters, I have the versions I want right here.... plus some weird Greedo card. Probably has something to do with Han shooting first. Anyway, the card is trash unless Rob wants it I guess.) AND... the Trinity theatre will be showing Raiders of the Lost Ark soon. W00TAGE!

That's all for now. Have a good weekend, folks.


Blogger Tusc said...

As you can see from the middle picture, I will have to hunt for a central speaker for my Klipsch 5.1 that fits the dimensions of the monitor base. The current one is way too big to fit there or even behind the monitors.

2:56 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Help me, Obi-wan kenobi. You're my only hope!

2:57 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Maybe the local Jawas have something I can trade for. ;)

2:57 PM

Blogger Tusc said...


What fricken decade were you BORN in, kid?

You and Tori, I swear you're both nuts... you don't recognize Star Wars quotes and she has yet to even SEE one of the movies.

Nuts, I say! Nuts!

1:05 AM

Blogger Ninja said...

The Jawas need some measurements to work with. Please submit the specifications at the earliest convenience

8:42 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

I still don't understand what either of you mean. How can you be confused? Although they are three separate replies, they came within a minute of each other because as I sent the first one I came up with the next line - thinking it funny, and then the last line, again amusing myself with it.

I you need an explanation, then... "Help me, Obi-wan Kenobi. You're my only hope!" is just a laugh at me being helpless to find a new speaker that will fit. Help!

Then the Jawa reference is because they are the little guys in A New Hope (Star Wars IV, otherwise known as the first release) who steal and sell R2 and C3PO and they have a whole huge desert vehicle FULL of techno-crap... so "Maybe the local Jawas have something I can trade for."

Does THAT help, chillen'?

And Tori - I'm sorry, but you'll just have to watch the movies with me so you can get it. Otherwise, I'll be forced to sell you off to Jabba.

10:30 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

And well it should... it's an adaptation of a line from Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction. The source of the quote is from Pulp Phantom, an animated parody combining aspects of Pulp Fiction and Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace.

10:32 PM


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