Tuesday, September 12, 2006

We ARE at War

Countdown to 9/11

I may have the title wrong, but the show was aired as a two-part mini-series on ABC over the past two nights. It was a "fictional" look at developments as they progressed through the Clinton presidency and early Bush Presidency. From what I've read and learned since '94, the only parts I could pick off as being "fictional" were the relationships between the characters. The show itself was an unflinching view of the expected bureaucracy that piled up mistakes and bad ideas instead of taking decisive or adeqaute action that could have prevented not only 9/11 but many other attacks on our soil. Remember, warships and embassies are American soil. Likewise, any American in and of their personage counts for me as well.

The first episode was the history leading to 9/11. Last night's episode walked us through the entire event as closely as possible. Seeing people react on the ground and in the buildings, and then the calls from the hijacked planes or buildings to loved ones was heart-wrenching. But then seeing the planes strike the three buildings and the field... THAT had a different effect. That really pissed me off. After that I had to go for two laps of the neighborhood. All the while I was thinking about what happened, what has happened since then, and particularly what will be coming in the next few years. We're still far from out of the doghouse.


In other news, this morning's breakfast was yumsy. A piece of toast, a scrambled egg mixed with some Egg Beaterz 'Garden Veggie' variety, and a tall cool glass of OJ. Tough to beat that! Ok, well, the trip to IHOP on the weekend notwithstanding...

Oh, late update for Sunday. I went over to that property I like and walked over the first hill to the top of the second. QUITE a view from that second crest there by the treeline. However, (and I am no surveyor) I can't imagine the reported size of the lot filling the space all the way to the treeline. If it does, GREAT. If not, there's no point to owning the property because the edges of the lot are expressed as preserve... and there is no way I'm putting a house on a semi-view with an untouchable mass of grassy field behind me to conceal and support all manner of critter. For instance, it has been YEARS since I've seen a Six-Foot Critter like 'ol Ted who was curled up in the sun waiting for us:


Blogger Tusc said...

We still see snakes at my house, but they're the younger smaller ones. That or they're just ribbon snakes, garters, water snakes and the like. When the house was built and for years after we used to come across the grandaddy Copperheads every once in a while. You know, the ones that are bigger than people would believe if you told them? "There's no way a Copperhead could get THAT fat or long." Yeah, maybe not downtown. But out here along the cliffs, loose rock, watershed and wild woods? What's worse is that other people near here have seen other snakes that were bigger yet. Our friend from the picture in my post is probably.... about a 5 footer. No more, no less. Five shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be five. Six shalt thou not count, neither count thou four, excepting that thou then proceed to five. Seven is right out. Once the number five, being the fifth number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.


Gotta watch that again soon!

10:25 AM


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