Friday, August 25, 2006

6am Muster, and other joys...

With notable exception to Thursday's 11am roll-out, I have been managing to not only wake up but also pry my corpse out of bed by 6 am this week. Oh my god, what is WRONG with me!?! LOL I guess it is all part of the 'righting of the ship' I am doing. Basically, I have been sitting in front of this computer (this one right here - ::taps monitor:: - hear that?). What that means is that I have been entirely too lethargic AND eating not just bad food, but too much bad food. It's taken me almost 3 weeks of partial effort to be able to get on the bike and keep my heart rate below 160!! LOL That is SAD! Though this morning I managed to keep it to 140, and on the cooldown run I maintained 112. So the old cardiopulmonary system is slowly phasing back into shape. Not that is has EVER been great, but hey, why not try? Following shortly will be the weights again, though Shelley's crap is still blocking the whole area. I mean, where can I stash a whole COUCH? LOL (Shelley, I'll gladly trade you the parking space if you can get the couch out of there!) ;)

Hmmm, so the whole 'let's not be a lazy slob' thing is on track and moving. Since I'ev got some money in my pocket I've gone out and spent a bit. Some basic stuff I needed, as well as a few unnecessary purchases....

...like Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball. A good volleyball game, to be sure. However, the program's merits lie in the abundant eyecandy. Tres entertaining! Now I can't wait to try one of the other games: Playboy, The Mansion. LOL The rest of the list includes HALO 2, Mech Assault, Madden 06, and NCAA Football '06. These are all for the Xbox, and I got them all for under $60. Hard to beat!

That's it for now. Still trying to figure out what to do tonight since Tori's having a Girls' Night Out with Maureen.


Blogger Tusc said...

I know I'm neglecting my blog, but there's not much to be posting at the moment, ya know?

Essentially, SSDD.

Um, and Star says hello to her many internet fans. :)

I've spent each day since last Thursday working on computers..... I'm finally done, and my mind is spent. Yesterday's unbelievably long project was compressing and then burning all my pictures and important files to DVD. I've always had multiple copies on different drives, but it adds some peace of mind having them on hardcopy.

12:23 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

P.S. - I recently learned that the correct spelling when referring to a psychologist in colloquial terms is: pshrink.

Thank you, Tom Clancy.

12:23 PM


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