Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Amazing - No more drama! =Þ

Tori's in Seattle/Alaska for ONE day and I am already completely relaxed. This is the life!

I'm kidding. But it does feel nice to have a truly open schedule to burn as I wish, as well as no new apartment drama for some time. I got up a little early this morning and walked the driveway with the dogs to get the paper. A beautiful morning, though it was already hitting 80 by breakfast. I decided to set the AC way low for a little while to try and bring the house cooler and make it less taxing on the system later when it is supposed to breach the 100 line on it's way to 104. Tonight will be a good evening to spend in the pool.

I think I've been overworking the mind lately, and totally ignoring the body. Spending a full day sitting at the desk here involves almost no physical activity and far too many opportunities to snack. While I've been using the bike sporadically over the past three weeks, I have also been pretty tense over Tori's situation at home and have managed to pack a few pounds back on. This ends today. I see no reason why I can't get in some light exercise in the space behind my desk while trading is slow. And boy has it been slow! I've seen the market trade down to a range of 10 points with zero volume, and I have seen it trade down to a range of 3 points with passable volume. Both scenarios are the order of the day this summer, and you can definitely watch paint peel. Meanwhile, still waiting to sell my cars. Same amount of interest coming in, just no firm buyers. And it's the end of summer... =/ Ah well, best to just decimate the asking price and let them go for a steal than stay shackled to them, right?

Going to try to spend the next two weeks catching up with friends if I can. Everyone is busy these days, but we'll see what we can make happen.

Oh, and damn Rob for getting me hooked on the game Oblivion. LOL The pictures above are actual screenshots. The scenery and the architecture in the game are very impressive.


Blogger Tusc said...

Oh man, I totally zonked out last night. Brought my new book over to the couch to read for a while but never even cracked the cover. I laid down for 'a second' before 11 and woke up at 5 when the dogs came into the room. =) I'm lucky I was facing the back of the couch at the time or I would have had a face full of Star's wet nose and tongue.

9:59 AM


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