Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Grandiose Dreams

The hill.

I had gone down to a car show Sunday night to try and market the TA only to find that it was an unremarkable gathering of 10 cars or so. I decided to take the long route home since I had the tops off (and earplugs in, LOL). I'm way out in the woods of eastern CT when I passed a new development and decided to check it out. I have long considered it a great place to plop some houses, and now someone is doing just that. I had no idea just HOW awesome a spot it was until I got to the cul-de-sac. I parked the car and did a little walking. What I found was pretty much the coolest location I could think of to plant a house. In a perfect world, I would love to buy both lots and own the end of the development with 11+ acres. The property includes the entire field and hill beyond the smaller hillock my camera captured. The border towards the other houses to the south and east are conservation areas and can never be cleared (bonus!). Likewise, there is a true chasm between the cul-de-sac and the property. For lack of a cooler term, I call it a Mote. =) A 40-foot high pile of stone perhaps 60 to 80 feet in width at the top spanning a little brooklet. Tres cool.... So you have the 'mote', you plant some pine trees down that way to complete the 'this is my land, stay the frig off' look, and then you plant a 3-story mansion on the crest of the hill with commanding views of the eastern valley, as well as plenty of nice woodland views along the ridge. The house, if planted on the crest, would be visible from the nearby hilltop road and not too many other places except far down across the valley. Standing in that field, its just so nice and quiet. All you hear are the bugs. Talk about perfect. A view, a cool location, plenty of space, decent access to highways, permanent borders/barriers to your neighbors and no possibility of further development on your sides.

Now picture a line of pines along the bottom area, a smooth winding driveway going up to the house and a detached barn (behind the hill), the driveway lined with maples at even spacing and a professionally landscaped yard by the house. ::Droooooooooool::

Anyway, I'm sure it is FAR FAR beyond my meager checkbook at the moment. Still, I would love to somehow grab the property itself. I wouldn't mind waiting to put the house there if I could lock up the land.

The next few are a series of panoramic shots.

The right mote.

The left mote. It doesn't look it, but the water is about 40 feet down from me.

Big sky at dusk.

Mid-property looking down towards the road.

Bottom of the property and the driveway/mote


Blogger Tusc said...

LOL, you Dane Cook FREAK@! Ok, as long as I get to wear my favorite "I bleed if you shoot me in the chestplate" shirt all the time. LOL Thanks for the laugh.

....and yes, I already considered your points seriously.

Tori - 'sup babe? Wow, you even have por.... internet out there on the ocean? Cool! ;) Counting down to your return, m'dear. Much to catch up on. Movies, books, peeps, etc. Though I figure your first day or two back will be a mad dash to catch up on those little life details such as work .... and laundry. Ewwww, laundry. Not to mention perhaps some slight jetlaggyness?

Take care, both of you! My travelin' famdamily. Or, more simply, my 'broads abroad'.

I know, I SOOOO get points for lack of originality on that one. Suck it up! =P

Love ya both! (Just very, very differently)

1:12 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Dork! Schematics.... who needs schematics? I'm more worried about where I can find a talking battle monkey to live in the house. They're not easy to come by in the Northeast, and they have a strong union. I mean what good is coming home to do battle with a monkey hidden somewhere in the house if I get home at 7:30 and they're on a 15 minute break? That just ruins the fun.

Sounds like a blast up there in Canada.

Tori, watch out for people on your return flight who have slight accents. The Islams are at it again, and their agents are no longer going to 'look' like the profile would suggest. Otherwise, the cruise sounds like a rather rewarding experience.

Oh, and I have now officially had a minimum of about two dozen entirely new dreams in the past few days. Mostly just fun to neutral stuff, but one last night was rather harsh. I was living in my house at the dream property and someone broke in coming after me (and/or my family) and I actually had to use the katana on him. Not pleasant. In fact, rather disturbing. It wasn't graphic at all, just made me feel scared/panic/adrenaline/remorse. Bleh!

Needless to say, despite an early bedtime I feel somewhat tired today.

Ta! =)

10:41 AM


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