Tuesday, August 22, 2006

At Her Ladyship's Request....

Her Ladyship, Miss Victoria has requested an update...

Well, there's not too much to update. The Jehovah's Witnesses hit us up today. I think Shelley knew who they were and dodged them to me while she grabbed the dog. Damn you, Shelley! LOL Actually, I was not rude to them or dismissive. I was polite and engaged them in theological conversation. I didn't push them, raise questions intended to make them question their faith etc or generally cause them hardship as I have in the past. All they spin is marketing and circular logic, it's not too hard to run their brittle vessel aground on a reef... But I was very nice this time. It's THEIR belief after all, who am I to mess with them or play games? Through conversation I got them to discuss "the end times" and offer me quotes, etc. A couple of other topics mixed in. For instance, we were discussing the afterlife. They showed me a quote where it stated clearly that those who are dead are unconscious. Now, granted, you could define the term "unconscious" in many ways - but we didn't go there. They were discussing how this is accepted as a matter of faith. I stated plainly that it was prime evidence as to why I don't choose to believe in the word of man. That is, the words thought up, written down, misunderstood, translated, and then selectively accepted or denied access as verbatim holy scripture. I just don't trust that many people going that far back. While I DO have great faith in there being a God entity, I just don't trust zealots, clergy, or politicians as far as I can throw them. Too many personal motivations and lack of clarity to present a clear picture to modern-day people. Anyway, I said that that line was simply untrue. I have spoken with the deceased, I have seen the deceased and they most definitely retain the ability to reason. And in unrelated topics, I've been struck by lightning, can read people's thoughts (occasionally, and by this I don't mean infer based on intuition), and I've seen my own future many many times. So it was an interesting conversation. Though I daresay it was probably a mistake because now they will want to return in force and hit me up with the single-minded and prepared examples from the Bible they use to influence weaker people's opinions. I'm glad they have faith and feel the need to share the Word.... in basic terms, that is a laudable effort. However, the means by which they propose to accomplish it are those used by brainwashers. Besides, you are supposed to FIND your faith.... faith is not supposed to find YOU while going door to door.

Hmmm, what else? I am wracking my brain doing math on Excel in an attempt to put together some spreadsheets. Pain in the arse, I tell you!

When something more postworthy comes up, I'll post again.


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