Friday, September 01, 2006

Sweet Dreams

So yesterday I woke up feeling like I was fighting off a sinus infection. Bleh! Had been up most of the night 'fighting' with it, armed with a box of tissues. I made little progress, but the feeling quickly passed as the morning went on. And then last night when I got back to Tori's after a little shopping trip, I totally zonked out on her bed for at least and hour-plus. I had to force myself awake to drive home, where I promptly passed out again just after 11. Well, it is 11 again.... LOL.... on the OTHER side of the clock, as it were. So I have gotten almost 13 or 14 hours of sleep. That is an AMAZINGLY huge chunk of sleep time for me.

As you may have guessed, I did my fair share of dreaming last night.

Interjection: WTF!? I just turned on my cell phone and it won't unlock. I've typed in the right code, as well as several close variants.... not flying. Ok, now I'm not happy. LOL

So i had this long rolling dream. After some thought upon waking as to the possible location and significance, I believe it could be a combination of TWO things. First, it is obviously a 'house' of my mind. What exactly it represents I haven't figured out quite yet. Second, it seems possible that it could be the compound I have put some thought to recently - the setting a general style seems to fit.

The setting this time is "current" or "future". The house itself was a large Tuscan / French Colonian Revival manor (rather Renaissance in appearance), complete with halls, lofty ceilings with buttresses, a second floor with open foyers down to the second floor, the house was made of stone and furnished lavishly inside. There was a large inground pool outside, cement walkway around it. I was seated on the grass at one corner (7 o'clock) with the pool's length facing away from me. The house was behind me and to the right (6 and 4) and there was a garage-like building to the left (8 o'clock) but it did not extend far out in front of me on that side. The section behind me seemed to be a covered connecting walkway. It, too, was stone and reminded me of the center courtyard in the Harry Potter movies in the way it was solid stone but still had plenty of room to see through. You'll have to watch the movies to figure that out, I guess. =) So I'm there. Shelley's there. My Uncle Trevor is on my right. And there is the sense of a full house. Like 'everyone is there' or something. But we're just hanging out by the pool talking. Then Star shows up and we're remarking how well-behaved she is since Uncle Trevor had brought his dog Maizy and they were getting along well together, like two puppies at play. But then I get wrapped up for some time playing with a young child. It wasn't baby Matthew, since he is 3 now. This child was perhaps 1.5 to 2 years old, much smaller. But I was lit up inside playing with him. Very careful, and VERY happy. The feeling was definitely joy. So I wonder if he represented my son? That feeling doesn't come from other people's kids, you know? Plus if I had to guess, I'd say there was a tinge of pride as well. Hence... a future son and heir? Daddy likes!

So we're all hanging out there and then some new guests arrive. I'm pretty sure it's the Tecenos, and they brought their kids and Callie's son as well. I presume they were part of my dream because my folks had mentioned them to Shelley this week, so it must be rattling around the back of my mind. Anyway, the social event kept getting larger and it was just a good time. Everyone commented on the oppulence of the place, which seemed to be mine, but I only drew pleasure from playtime with the kid. Go figure.

The next section of dream changed people and setting entirely. The house seemed to be the same.... but much more medieval. It was darker around, perhaps night or evening. There is no pool here, but in its place is a courtyard with a small tower and various forms of vegetation. There seems to be a romance taking place. I and a young woman seem to be quite taken with one another, though we're not sure what to do about it. Later in the night, the elderly couple who also inhabits the place is upstairs in their room and playing a piano while the woman sings a song... which, strangely, I am reading the along with the words on a page in a book. The lettering is artistic and flowing. Anyway, I went back out from the room to the bannister and looked down to the first floor towards the main foyer at the entrance. There I found the woman sitting at the piano lightly playing with the keys and forming a soft slow tune. It was as I approached that a man came saying she (a woman of some renown, perhaps a baronness or other low-level royalty) was en route to this place. I was starting to wake up at this point, but the last few moments were of me in the stairs of the tower in discussion with Boromir above and Aragorn a few steps below me. It had something to do with a decision Aragorn was making. Boromir offered his advice, which I did not agree with. Then I offered my own advice, which was that The King be happy. I have no idea what that was all about, but it was a heated discussion as though we were in his confidence and our statements had great bearing on some decision.

That's all I know. Then I woke up. The first dream seemed to last a long time, the follow-up I think was right before I woke up.

Ah well, dreams are dreams.

Have a good weekend, everyone! =)


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