Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fitness and Photographs

I'll take Photographs for $200, Alex.


I'm just noticing that I need to bring my digi-cam with me more often. I haven't been taking as many pictures lately and I'm beginning to notice the lack of new wallpapers for XP. Well, I take that back. I have PLENTY of good new wallpapers, but they are mostly of the SL 550, Vanquish S, or Elise that I have on my mind. I just feel the need to do a little more artistic splurging via the virtual shutter. The last things I 'shot' were Mark's old Camaro last week while trying to set up a website ad for the car. Fun as the car is to DRIVE, it is not what I want to stare at off and on all day!

Feet-ness. I'm still doing the bike and am managing to mix in some walking of the neighborhood to boot. Stretching, push-ups, twists, crunches and light dumbell work is the extent of anything else. Not really "working out" in my book, but it's definitely not a form of vegetation. The pounds are staying the same right now, since I persist in eating like a horse. But the overall cardio and limberness are increasing at a steady pace. This is good! Now I just need Shelley to move her junk out of the basement so I can get access to the real tools and bust myself down a few dozen pounds again. Gu-rah!

As someone who grew up with a DEADLY case of asthma and who has never truly had great cardio/pulmonary.... I feel really great right now. Not quite up for sprinting the block yet, LOL, but close. The bike is my best friend lately. w00t!

Oh, and I saw South Park last night for the first time in months. I must have needed a good laugh, because I was cracking up uncontrollably... and it was just goofy humor.... though I'm still smirking today when I think of it. =)

I am all about the simple things in life! LOL


Blogger Tusc said...

And again tonight I caught South Park and watched an episode that was new to me. I only saw the last five minutes, but the boys are trapped in the generator building at a dam that is collapsing. Army helicopters are coming to pick them up and they are racing to the roof when Cartman turns against Stan and blocks his path.

"Give me your gold, Stan."
"I don't HAVE any gold, Cartman."
"Goddammit! Give me your Jew gold! I know you keep it in a pouch around your neck! Give it to me or you die!"

It plays out from there.... LOL

Tasteless, senseless tongue-in-cheek humor.... my fav!

11:46 PM


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