Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Yub-Yub, not Nub-Nub.....

I just read an article on Yahoo! about the new Star Wars release that is shipping today (but shipping number isn't activated until tomorrow). Anyway, it's the ORIGINAL original series - in both versions. That is, it's the 70s/80s movies and they can be played as the updated CGI versions... OR as the clean originals with no George Lucas "this is how I meant to make it" bullhockey. =)

So Yahoo! says that the end of the series has reverted to the Nub-Nub song.... what are we, 2 year-olds with our moms playing airplane to get us to eat? Nub-Nub!?!? You ignorant jerks, it's Yub-Yub, biotch! LOL


I'm NOT that involved in it. (But it IS yub-yub) =P

On an unrelated note of nostalgia, I found this awesome site that lists all the original card data as well as with pictures for every G.I.Joe throughout the 80s. That is hella cool. Hell dorky, too, but I can handle it.

Also read about this new disc drive called the Blue-Ray Disc which is the next development beyond DVD. These discs will be 50 Gb and capable of playing HD movies. So far, it seems a bit unplausible... the drives cost $1400, the burn speeds are only 2x, and currently to play any movie on BD format you require a video card with the proper copyright protection decryption. Well, the copyright stuff can be undone with shareware. That's simple. But we'll want to wait a bit for prices to drop and burn quality to increase before considering it seriously.

So.... that's all I've got for today (so far).


Blogger Tusc said...

Oh, and the other thing was the dream I remembered from last night. I had several, but I clung to this last one. It was a futuristic setting which seemed to be loosely based upon the E.E.Knight 'Vampire Earth' novels, but only loosely. I and a cohort were going after one of the vampires. My buddy didn't make it off the rocky hill. I got inside the modern castle, killed my way through most of her familiars and finally came upon the vampire. But we ended up being darkly attracted to one another. So we end up being lovers and then we're on the same team, but I'm not a vampire. (And no, I'm no Liken as in Underworld). We figure ways to deal with the internal politics of the vampire world, but before we can act one of the others sends a death squad after her. So we try to escape. We're in this long tunnel with cars when we're attacked and a chase scene ensues. Between driving, shooting and using a knife I manage to stave off the attack and it all ends in an accident at the end of the tunnel. When the local constabulary arrives, he apparently has the power to pass sentence. He determines that the one surviving bad guy was at fault for the accident which claimed the lives of several innocents. This is where it got cool... we're in the semi-dark end of the tunnel and it's near dusk, so the flames from various cars are giving this awesome eery red light and plenty of shadows. Well, all along the pavement now a sort of moss is coming up. Not moss though, and not soft. It's crystalline in nature and appears red and green. I'll just call is blood moss or blood crystal. Anyway, it covers the pavement around this guy for 15 feet in any direction. The rest of us are backing away into little corners to avoid it like the plague. The guy, who is already kind of busted up from me, starts sobbing. Then the blood crystal begins to rise and take form (thank you, Terminator 2). I guess it is some sort of elemental executioner? So it rises up and the guy swings at it hard, but does no damage. Then it grabs him by both arms and hoists him up off the ground before giving a quick jerk and literally TEARING one of his arms off. (that probably came from watching the opening video to Lego Star Wars 2 on Shelley's laptop). He half-screams as it continues to do the job. Gruesome. Apparently, the vampires in this world believe is swift and harsh punishment in public view. It makes sense, this will certainly keep the people in check. Anyway, that's when I started to wake up. Other than the gruesome stuff, which wasn't bloody at all, the rest qas quite interesting and enjoyable. These graphic dreams aren't all that bad. ;)

Also, last night was my first 'successful' night at sleeping without the fan on.

Go me! =)

9:24 AM


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