Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Just because it's been in my head for a while....

Nickelback - Animals

I, I’m driving black on black
Just got my license back
I got this feeling in my veins
this train is coming off the track
I’ll ask polite if the devil needs a ride
Because the angel on my right
ain’t hanging out with me tonight
I’m driving past your house
while you were sneaking out
I got the car door opened up
so you can jump in on the run
Your mom don’t know
that you were missing
She’d be pissed if she could see
the parts of you that I’ve been kissing

No, we’re never gonna quit
Ain’t nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we’re animals
No, no matter where we go
‘Cause everybody knows
We’re just a couple animals

So come on baby, get in
Get in, just get in
Check out the trouble we’re in

You’re beside me on the seat
Got your hand between my knees
And you control how fast we go
by just how hard you wanna squeeze
It’s hard to steer
when you’re breathing in my ear
But I got both hands on the wheel
while you got both hands on my gears
By now, no doubt that we were heading south
I guess nobody ever taught her
not to speak with a full mouth
‘Cause this was it, like flicking on a switch
It felt so good I almost drove into the ditch
I’m screamin’

No, we’re never gonna quit
Ain’t nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we’re animals
No, no matter where we go
‘Cause everybody knows
We’re just a couple animals

So come on baby, get in
Get in, just get in
Look at the trouble we’re in

We were parked out by the tracks
We’re sitting in the back
And we just started getting busy
When she whispered “what was that?”
The wind, I think ‘cause no one else knows
where we are
And that was when she started screamin’
“That’s my dad outside the car!”
Oh please, the keys, they’re not in the ignition
Must have wound up on the floor while
we were switching our positions
I guess they knew that she was missing
As I tried to tell her dad
it was her mouth that I was kissing

No, we’re never gonna quit
Ain’t nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we’re animals
No, no matter where we go
‘Cause everybody knows
We’re just a couple animals

So come on baby, get in
We’re just a couple animals
Get in, just get in
Ain’t nothing wrong with it
Check out the trouble we’re in
We’re just a couple animals
Get in, just get in

Monday, January 30, 2006

Rob - Forgot to Mention.....

....here is one thing I want to work on while I am BORED OUT OF MY SKULL at work for the next 29 days....

In-car PC. Done up.

Was going to say before that when I was at Staples tonight grabbing storage bins I came across some briefcase-like items with combo locks on them. The brand name is Vaultz, and I thought they would make PERFECT cases for mobile PCs... They are sturdy, locable, affordable and easy to modify/cut. Best of all, these suckers come in about 8 different shapes, sizes and dimensions! Very Good! =)

I have a sheet somewhere with a FULL list of ideas for the system, but I'll just post the gyst of it here...

I want the system to include:

-MP3s playable through car stereo with equalizer in the pc..AM/FM capability?
-LCD screen, to replace head unit if I can get AM/FM through PC.. probably an S-video feed so I can hook up other accessories straight to the video if I want.
-Mapping Software, though not necessarily GPS.
-IR capability!!
-DVD / Video through LCD
-Might as well make PS2 available, too. Why not?

Those are the key functions I am curious about. I'll have to reference the list tomorrow when I get back to work to add other thoughts I had. I'm ready and willing to do this. I thought I could try to use the Athlon system I am going to pull out of the basement soon and run that as a test-bed... so we can upgrade and add new functions over time. Then perhaps upgrade the system if necessary later on.

If I can find out how to properly power the unit, I will start moving ahead with it. =)

Gotta love technology. I have some cool ideas for controls, also curious about voice controls.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

::Scratches Forehead:: 30 Days?

Well, I had an interesting end to the past week. Thursday, I woke at 3 and left Tori's to get home and stay up all day. Wrote my letter of resignation, which I agonized over to make it both concise and appropriate... and to say the right things. So I went to work on Friday, started AND finished my projects, then handed them in to David and presented my findings. He was very pleased. My numbers were perfect, my facts firm. So I was glad to finish things on a high point. Once we were done with that, I explained to him my intentions to resign. Before going to Centerbrook, I called Dick down in Maryland because I wanted to do the honorable thing and inform him personally that I would not be joining the team. Plus, he's a friend and I didn't want to leave him hanging indefinitely until Corporate got back to him. From here I took about an hour to make the rounds at CVW and say my goodbyes, since once I turned in my resignation I thought I would be home-bound.

So I head down to Centerbrook and wait to see Joyce, who was there when I was hired. In fact, it was to her that I gave my initial application two years ago. She had already received an e-mail from Dick Baker down south which gave her a heads-up. I opened right up with my resignation and she asked me a few questions. I stuck firm to my statements that I LOVE LCS, it just was not the right opportunity for me right now. When asked if I had a job offer, I said I had not and that I have only been looking for the past 2 days... true enough. It was all very pleasant. But then I was caught off-guard. I gave them two weeks notice, but since I have been in a holding pattern since last Fall I figured they'd just cut the strings and I would be going home. Instead, she asked me to give them 30 days and "see what happens." I don't have a clue what that means. Perhaps there is a counteroffer in the works? Doubtful. I presume they will send me to Evergreen to help facilitate the turnover to the new owners. Funny... I just sent my resume to the new investors. LOL

I was not expecting to be going to work tomorrow! LOL But I am also not going to complain at getting another 4 weeks of salary PLUS 8 or 9 days vacation pay. Nice! This is also healpful, since I can continue to list my experience with LCS as "current" whilst hunting.

In this area, there are several options for me. However, the one which is by far my preference is Tower One/Tower East's position for a COO. They are just AL and IL, so VERY simple without the responsibilities of a HC. Located right down by Yale hospital, it is a well-respected member of the New Haven community. Lots of ties locally, and especially with the Jewish community.

Oh! And to backtrack slightly, Thursday night's dinner at Spris was excellent. Particularly the dessert and the alcohol! =) The company was, as always, irreplaceable. Hi, BB!

Friday night was good... relaxed over at the apartment in W.Hartford, ordered some chicken parm and pizza with Tor and Hils while watching who-knows-what on tv... mostly pop culture gossip shows, but I was pretty at ease... until 5am when the fire alarm went off... FOR REAL. At first I wondered if I had snored myself awake, LOL. Then I hoped against hope that it was a drill and that I could just roll under the bed and nod off again. NOPE! Could smell burnt plastic, so we cleared out. Stood outside freezing for an hour (everyone's stuff was inside, essentially). Then shuffled over to the rec center before heading out for snacks at 7-Eleven. Long story short, we came back to Wlfd to sleep... until 2pm!!!! Then went back to try and get stuff. We could see where a fire HAD kicked up later in the morning in the attic and cooked through the roof. GReeeeeeaaatttt.....

Well, Tori got what she needed for the night out of her room and we ran back to do the 30th Anniversary dinner with my folks. The five of us went out to eat at The Armoury in Middletown..... The entrees themselves were EXCELLENT. However, the service was both painfully SLOW and just not very good at all. Additionally, the drinks were NASTY. I asked her to take mine away, just to clear the space, but ended up with a credit. I felt bad, I would have paid for it... it just SUCKED. The food was good, the rest was bad... and in the end they charged a PHENOMINALLY high price for it all. I do not recommend The Armoury. Better or equivalent food can be had at any other notable restaurant in the area for much better service and a more appropriate price. I suggest: Amici, Yankee Silversmith, Sans Souci, Mortons, Ruths Chris, or the Hawethorne Inn.

Dane Cook was on SNL last night! =) Gotta love the guy! "What a bag of douche!" and "...because regular peanuts tend to go rogue, while cashews say 'I'm ready for business'." LOL =)

Woke up with a full house today. Felt nice having Shelley and Tori around. Then Rob swung down to hang out before getting called off to celebrate his sister's award over dinner.

And here I am typing because, well, I haven't said much lately. And because I'm sorta bored. My book is still up @ UHa, there are few movies out which I want to see, and no one is around to hang out with. Before bed tonight I do intend to accomplish the following: Go out and have a cigar, clean the den and my drawers here, and take a LONG and HOT bath. =) That sounds nice to me. Too bad I can't enjoy the cigar whilst in the warm waters and just pass out for a while.

Ah well, that's the core of my blogging for now. We'll see what the week has in store for me. My mind remains focused on the random request for a 30-day period of retention and the myriad questions it raises for me.

Ta! =)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

How's She Look? (Resume)

This isn't quite how it appears on the .doc in Word format, but it's close enough. I find it to be FAR more professional and better appearing than my original draft two or more years ago. Opinions? Suggestions?

Brett N. Stewart, M.H.A.

60 Wisk-key Wind Road Telephone:(203) 687-9050
Wallingford, CT 06492 Email: Brett.Stewart@yahoo.com
Leadership position as an Executive Director or Administrator within a Continuum of Care Retirement Community or Health Center. Opportunity to demonstrate proven skills and continue to grow professionally as part of a resident-focused organization with strong ties to the community and an ongoing commitment to excellence in the field.
Master of Healthcare Administration 2003
University of New Haven West Haven, Connecticut
Concentration in Long-Term Care
Facts: Interned at Plainville Health Care Center. Issued current license as Nursing Home Administrator in the State of Connecticut. Lic. #001706

Bachelor of Arts in History 1999
Albertus Magnus College New Haven, Connecticut
Minor in English Literature
Facts: President of English Club, Represented College in “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges: 1999,” Supervisor for Student Calling Program, and Completed degree in 21 months.
Administrator March 2004 to February 2006
Life Care Services, Inc. Des Moines, IA.
Responsibilities including daily operation of services across independent, assisted living and health center levels of care. Prepare annual operating budget, analyze monthly statements and report to Board of Directors/Owners. Complete special projects and time-critical goals.
· Deficiency-free state inspection of health center.
· Planning and construction of health center and kitchen expansion/renovation.
· Number one in overall resident satisfaction among LCS communities nationwide.
· Highly diverse experience with employees and community management.
Pomperaug Woods Essex Meadows
Piper Shores Chester Village West
Collington Episcopal Life Care Community

Administrative Intern October 2001 to March 2002
Apple Healthcare, Inc. Plainville, CT.
State approved five hundred hour Administrator in Training (AIT) certificate program yielding Administrative experience in all facets and departments of skilled nursing facilities.

Trade Technician March 2000 to August 2003
B & G Resources, Inc. Wallingford, CT.
Assisted in opening of family-owned business. Responsibilities included executing day-to-day management of operations, charting trends, setting company goals, daily communication with the owner and continual maintenance of computer network.

Fate Conspires

Today was absolutely CLASSIC. I'm still laughing at myself!

First - de-iced the car and went to get in the driver seat (after already loading my paperwork and suit jacket in the back) and the driver door is frozen shut like last week. I pound around the edge of the door to break it loose. No luck. So I pull on the handle like a large angry ape and no luck. Now I pound HARD on the door, but to no avail. I finally give the door a firm shove/kick with my foot. NADA! GRRRRR! Now I'm paying close attention to the frame of the door...you know, I don't see any ice down in there. Only now do I realize that all this time I have been fighting with a LOCKED DOOR... the lock had stuck in the cold weather. LOLOLOL

Second - en route to work and the truck in front of me has not cleared his roof... a MASSIVE sheet of ice and snow goes airborne and managed to get some serious hang time before coming down directly in the middle of my hood about 4 lengths back. With traffic encroaching, I couldn't do anything to avoid it. I haven't looked for damage yet.

Third - An hour or so before end of the day and I have nothing left to do. Options are be bored, draw, write, or take a walk and see if I can help some other people or departments somehow. I opt to go try to help people out. So I head back towards the staff area and my jacket swished the door frame.... which apparently had JUST been painted, but there were no signs in place. Brown jacket... cream 'pinstriping'... NOT the best match. Thankfully, the paint was water-based so I doused the jacket and split early to run to the dry cleaners. It should be ok, but I won't find out until Thursday.

That's been it.... LOL. Kind of a funny day! =)

Though I could SO go for a drink right now. If drinking were like sex, then I've been celibate for FAR too long now! Somebody give me a sympathy ..... um, shot? Keg? Whatever, I'm not picky. =)

Oh, also took care of the parents' anniversary gift.... got a copy of a picture of them taken at Kelly McCurdy's wedding. =) Also got a copy of one with me and my friend Liz.

Ok... that's all I've got. I know T is EVER so eager to read and post. Ta! =)

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Alea Iacta Est

The die is cast.

This is the week I draw a line in the sand. As the time draws closer, I am being hit by many new thoughts. My mind has been made on this for a few weeks now. Concretely right before Christmas, but I had been toying with the idea since Thanksgiving. I contemplate the possibilities of taking different paths in life and I vaguely wonder what this last one would have lead to. But if you were to see me as a corporeal entity standing at this imagined crossroads in my head, you would see a smile on my face as I step towards the unknown. I've considered all angles, and know that this is by far the best one for me now.

In fact, as I have begun looking I have found some AMAZING opportunities right in my home state. Who knows if I am meant for any one of them. But it is EXCITING to try! =)

I'm off to bed in a minute.
Amicus, ave atque vale.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Purity, Schmurity....

The Impure
You scored 34% Purity, 66% Sexual, 59% Kinky, and 38% Moral!
Wow, you've done quite a bit. You could make a sailor blush. You're no Angel. We should get to know eachother better. ;) A domme could take some pointers from you!

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Link: The 1000 Point Purity Test written by darkman424 on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Friday, January 20, 2006

Rob: Figured it out.....

Ok, not sure yet on the Strider still... or the combine... but I have at least gotten the Antlionguard to work, so I am posting this since I know you will read it now (morning at work).

The file said to enter it as such:
sk_strider_health 350
sk_strider_num_missiles1 5
sk_strider_num_missiles2 7
sk_strider_num_missiles3 7
give npc_strider
ent_setname strider
ent_fire strider setcannontarget player

Simply add admin_rcon in front of them, erase the setname one and change the strider name in the last one to npc_strider.

That's it. That solves the mystery. Now YOUR part in this is to tell me how to script it so that I can set each character to a single key such that when I press it, they come in with the proper health, damage, weapons etc and are ready to go except for the ent_fire command. =)

I will go back and see if I can figure out the Strider now. TTYL

Monday, January 16, 2006

Perks of the Job

Never let it be said that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Down in Essex, the food was $1 for anything. That means $1 from a sandwich to prime rib. Here the food is free, charged to the administrative account. =) And it is SO good. Among the specialties here are the soups, of which I have become a great fan.

But here's one you might not find often.... I just had a 15 minute massage while AT WORK and I think I can feel the tips of my hair. I feel loopey. As one might guess, my shoulders bear much of my stress and took some extra work. I was glad to find (and feel) that there were no great issues with my right shoulder. I still want to stretch it more.

What a mood shift. I went from tense this morning... to almost giddy. I like this! I feel that very post-coital relaxation.

Another interesting thing from this morning is that a 90 year-old man, not of this community, came in to speak with me for a while. We hit on musical tastes in classical and piano, then on local history and a few quick stories regarding luck or the lack thereof at different points in life. This only took about 10 minutes. But at the end he offered me his copy of the new testament. I was surprised at this, but then I realized his ring was that of a cross and while he plays the piano here at the community, he was a priest. I accepted the wee pocket copy, and even read lines from Luke 12 at lunch. It was a strange, but perfect gift. For some reason I feel very touched by it. How excellent.

Other than these quick reports, I have no other information to yield at this time. I am just plugging away at figuring out some numbers for a budget model for the afternoon and will be putting together a presentation for Wednesday. Shelley, have fun up at UConn and make the most of your last few months.


Friday, January 13, 2006

I Guess This is Postworthy: Happy 100k to Vicki !!

No, I don't mean Tori. We get a lot of miles, but not THAT many in so short a time! The Crown Victoria crossed the threshold en route to work this morning. I had been watching for it for several days but did not get to see the roll.... must have happened around when I got on the connector. Anyway, I made sure to pat the dashboard affectionately and give it a well-intentioned pep talk, "You're a good car. I abuse you more than I should, but you take it and keep going. I think you're due for a good cleaning and an oil change... maybe even some new shoes." And with that, I put the issue to bed. I mean, no reason to make her all self-conscious over an additional digit before the decimal point.

It's funny though, on Tuesday JUST as I sat down to lunch with my directors we were informed of a car being stuck in our entryway carport. I went out and one of our residents' cars would not start. It was interesting because it was a silver 99 Crown Victoria exactly like my own. While I could not get it to start (security system malfunction) I WAS able... fully regaled (sp) in my favorite suit... to PUSH the nearly 4500 pound car into a parking spot. In fact, it was surprising easy because once I got it moving I didn't realize we were on a slight decline.... and she picked up speed!!!! Took my WHOLE force to slow and stop that puppy and not run clear into the snow bank. LOL

What else has been going on? Not too much, actually. Just more stuff at work. Holiday party. Kevin was made an Executive Director. I congratulated him, but I was thinking to myself.... what has HE done? I was the one who put a stop to Brian's games and brought him back to the team. I was the one who caught a $36,000 mistake in the budget. I was also the one who Kevin used to "pad" the budget since I was entered as an Associate from Day 1 but onyl paid as an Assistant. That's a $22,000 difference for budgeting purposes. Quite a pad! I was also the one who decided to hire Thomas as the new F&B Director, as well as training him in the specific needs of the community. Couple this with ALL the projects I did... projects which Kevin could NOT do while being so busy signing checks. Granted, at the end he WAS busy with construction details... but those were random and sparcely scheduled meetings. Perhaps twice a month. Who did all the residents and staff recognize as the "Go-To" person? Who did they also recognize as the one who got things done, and who ventured out from the office at least twice daily to make rounds, keep in touch with the community at large. I have also always traditionally been among the first on-hand in the case of emergencies. Kevin has never responded, unless the State showed up for our inspection. I know from my wording I sound angry, but I'm not really. Frustrated, certainly... but mostly at the politics in this region. The gmaes which have been played. I look at Kevin and I see him simply trying to survive in this system. Whereas I look at the two females I have worked with and see nothing but games and politics. There is a significant difference between a leader and a manager. While I don't feel I yet have the experience to consider myself a true leader, I know I have the moral and social qualities which cannot be taught. Yeah, frustrated.

However!!! I was hearing some inside dope on a community in Bridgeport which is likely or perhaps actively going into receivership... 3030 Park in Bridgeport. The Executive Director there was hooked up. Lived in a penthouse on the property free of charge. Ok, cool. But may e facing criminal charges because of housing family members in the health center who were on Medicaid (for those who are destitute, it pays the essentials and no extra....) and he had given them private rooms and private aides. VERY pricy deal... So other than doing that and not really managing the community, he'd be ok. Here's the kicker. Salary? $245,000 =) Hey, send me in there! I'll take a 50% cut of that TODAY. Where do I sign? Legality is not a question with me, and I've already been in a community of dire straits this summer at Collington. No stranger to the fix it and build it setting. Or perhaps it is the 'start from scratch' approach?

The only time I've heard of or seen salaries below the 100k mark in this field has been when LCS has been referenced or when a smallish SNF is the topic. LOL

Ok, that's all I have for today. Everyone happy? Hope so! Have a great weekend! =)