Monday, January 16, 2006

Perks of the Job

Never let it be said that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Down in Essex, the food was $1 for anything. That means $1 from a sandwich to prime rib. Here the food is free, charged to the administrative account. =) And it is SO good. Among the specialties here are the soups, of which I have become a great fan.

But here's one you might not find often.... I just had a 15 minute massage while AT WORK and I think I can feel the tips of my hair. I feel loopey. As one might guess, my shoulders bear much of my stress and took some extra work. I was glad to find (and feel) that there were no great issues with my right shoulder. I still want to stretch it more.

What a mood shift. I went from tense this morning... to almost giddy. I like this! I feel that very post-coital relaxation.

Another interesting thing from this morning is that a 90 year-old man, not of this community, came in to speak with me for a while. We hit on musical tastes in classical and piano, then on local history and a few quick stories regarding luck or the lack thereof at different points in life. This only took about 10 minutes. But at the end he offered me his copy of the new testament. I was surprised at this, but then I realized his ring was that of a cross and while he plays the piano here at the community, he was a priest. I accepted the wee pocket copy, and even read lines from Luke 12 at lunch. It was a strange, but perfect gift. For some reason I feel very touched by it. How excellent.

Other than these quick reports, I have no other information to yield at this time. I am just plugging away at figuring out some numbers for a budget model for the afternoon and will be putting together a presentation for Wednesday. Shelley, have fun up at UConn and make the most of your last few months.



Blogger Tusc said...

Oh, sorry. That's from an IM conversation with Rob. I was tense yesterday morning because I came in and went online to find that a girl who had previously been at Essex had been promoted to Admin. That is GREAT for her, but it is salt in my wound because I know her and she is not very knowledgeable, plus I was in her former office at Essex and reviewed all of her notes... during meetings, half of what she wrote was about her boyfriend Adam, when she was going back to see him, and then very specific details such as.... bus ticket cost, timing, reservations made, etc.. as well as various doodles, stuff needed at the grocer, etc. And she made Admin over me. Just one more sign that this company is not above politics. I had one foot out the door before yesterday. Now the other one is following. I am thinking I will present my resignation not next week, but the week after.

The whole scenario of resigning is a very complex gig... there is excitement involved, but also trepidation and a good amount of recurring frustration over the malarky I have dealt with for two years.

Welcome to Blog, m'dear. =) Expect me to post a LOT when I'm bored.

Love you!

9:22 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

I should say that at least I am getting a 'fair shake' compared to two of my other friends in this area. Heather, who made Admin over the summer, is getting the "thanks for playing" line because the community she is at is being sold and there's nowhere to put her... because I got it first. The other is my friend, Connie, who I LOVE. She's the one who told me about a year in advance to dump the broad. I didn't listen. =P But she has been a Nurse, a Director of Nursing, and now an Admin for several years. She is the ULTIMATE for knowledge of the operations in the health center... she knows her crap... but she is going to become a free agent, also. No love from the company. That one shocks me, because she is MUCH more experienced and has knowledge I could never get... but she's out. GO figure. Basically, we're line staff and get turned over is what it comes down to. They target younger folks because we give loyalty, extreme effort, are flexible as far as moving or taking on assignments, and we work for dirt. Then they spin us off.

So it is frightening to say, but I am actually the 'lucky' one to be offered the Columbia gig in Maryland when these others who I respect are getting abandoned.

3:31 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Deja Vu continues..... BIG TIME. Most of you know how this works by now: I have a dream which I consciously remember a few months back, then I start to go through those 'clips' in real life. And we know from experience that when they happen with great frequency, such as this case where I've had at least 4 in two days, it means something is coming. Vague, I know. That's how it works. It usually means something of notable memroy, either good or bad. A moment, experience or event of significant strength.

It happened leading to my car accident, which made me sit up and take more heed. It happened again over the summer and in the Fall around the time I met Tori. Now it's going again. I have to say, I REALLY enjoy my stay here at the Village and wish I could remain. Perhaps it is the natural high which is setting it off. But I believe it is the decision I have made to leave LCS and the general uneasiness of striking out once more on the unemployed job hunter market which may be bringing these moments of deja vu on.

Who knows? We'll find out. It may be something entirely unrelated.

A comment on the deja vu itself.... it is really funny how when I first experienced these visions, NOTHING made sense. The people were unknown to me. The settings foreign as well. None of it made sense to me because it did not play out in a context I was familiar with at the time I had the dream. But NOW, as the moments come I think....oh DUH! I get it now. Mind you, these are not moments of GREATR significance. The one right before lunch was upstairs here where the wind must have blown soot from the fireplace into the room. I went to pick it up and 'CLICK' deja vu. Of course, in the dream I was wondering why the heck I was somewhere holding a glass of water and then working in and around a massive hearth. You would wonder how it all fit together, too, if it all came at you as unknown contexts.

Ok, enough of my rambling. Back to Med D speech preparations.

1:16 PM


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