Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Back to the Grinder

I have a busy week coming up, so I thought I'd post here. I have a LOT to do to get ready for the changes at work. I just spent the whole day building the new work server for the basement. At 1:22am I am finally calling it quits, though there are still some minor things to be done. I am curious to see about the Swappable drive setup I bought my dad for Christmas. Other than that, I am just glad it is RUNNING.

Tori is on vacation and living closer to work. I hope this leads to some more time together, as well as a few more meetings for lunch. I believe we will be doing so tomorrow. =)

The Christmas list? A bunch of GOOD books about military history from my dad and an ENTIRE set of Calphalon stainless steel kitchen ware, Corning Ware, Farberware, Wolfgang Puck, etc. Pricy! Now all I need is a stove, a crock pot, and a rice cooker. Tori got me some great gifts... some things funny, some things Guinness brand, and a few things I had to hide quickly. ;) Dorky as it sounds, one of the more interesting gifts I got this year is a professional tool kit for computers. It is a combination lock briefcase filled with every tool I could POSSIBLY need for working on pcs. It's pretty cool, and I have already put it to good use today.

My sinus has been killing me for about two weeks now. I haven't been able to shake it... can't blow it out, can't snort it down (disgusting, I know, but it is the one proven method which has saved me from many weeks of asthma in the past). Anyway, despite overloading myself with vitamins I've been unable to really shake it. Over the past three days I particularly began to feel it getting worse and feared an onset of asthma. I've been maintaining the vitamin OD, and now today I also began taking this 'miracle drug' called Airborne Formula. It was developed by a teacher and was suggested to the family by a pharmacist friend of ours who says he and his entire department swear by it. It's an effervescent (sp) and it doesn't even taste too bad. I've been popping these every 3 hours today, and downing Robitussin CF every 4 hours.... and right now at 1:33 I can actually breathe clearly and heavily through both nostrils as though I were running the mile. We'll see how I feel in the morning.

Bringing my camera to work in the morning. I want to get a few last shots of the place. It really is quite beautiful. Too bad the snow has all gone!


Blogger Tusc said...

Dear Sister,

You suck for not coming home more often.


P.S. Life is moving a bit fast for updating, but at some point in the future I will make an effort again.

In the meantime, perhaps this will suffice...

Work: Seeking the BBD (bigger better deal) in CT
Love Life: Heavenly and perfect
Personal Life: Great! Only pressure I'm feeling comes from the work arena at present.

First week of vacation in 2 years and it has felt great! Technically, it is my first vacation ever. Neat!

12:49 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Dear Shelley (part ducks)... but which part? I mean, duck is somewhat of a rich meat. And what type of glaze to use?!

Hey, I'll update sometime soon. Maybe even tonight. But I'm here until at least.... 7:30? So I won't get back to the 'puter until closer to 8:30 or so. Phun!

Other than that, I really dig it at the new place here. Great atmosphere where we all pitch in to do multiple jobs. This is the scenario I prefer. Plus, there's no health center... so it is all very simple and straightforward. Neato.

Ciao for now, kiddo.


P.S. - no P.S. to post

6:40 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Sista Gurl,

What do you MEAN he doesn't like you? Does Wayne Brady have to smack a b*tch!?!? Major suckage. Bad news on the glasses, too. Come to think of it, I ought to go while I'm still on the bill. I know my left eye has changed a bit this year. Free frames are a good thing!
Ah well, that's ok. I'm staying over Tori's on Friday night, but I intend to wake both our asses up early to go skiing. Would you like to come with? (just the skiing part, not the sleepover part.... ok, unless you REALLY like sleeping on the couch, LOL).

Anyway, I have access to a PC for the day so I am here for a while. Maybe over lunch I'll even be able to post something! =) Or maybe not. Just not in a posting 'place' lately. Plus my constituency wasn't encouraging me enough! =P

TTYL, Shel


10:23 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

BTW - when was the last time you saw a PC with Windows 98? Other than my liquid server at home, this is the ONLY one I've seen. Ok, and Rob is still in the last millenia as well. LOL

OMG.... I just realized.... zero restrictions.... I can install Winamp and get tunage all day! OMG! I am SO happy now! =) SCHWING!


10:26 AM

Blogger Tusc said...


Well, it works out ok because who even knows if there will be snow to ski on this Saturday with the temperatures so high! Yeesh!

Well, Tori-kins (example of hot girlfriend), a.k.a. "Boo", has class from 5 to 9 or so... this means I may actually be able to see you (example of dork) Friday night if you're home (example of box with roof)early enough. Ya dig?

Anything going on Sunday maybe? At some point in there I need to get some work done around the house and do some shopping. Hmmm... come to think of it, I can get it all done this week since Tori has this insane winter session class.

So... yes... call me when ya can tonight, kiddo! =) Maybe I can come check out NYC or something.


1:18 PM

Blogger Tusc said...


I've been so focused on skiing that I totally forgot about skating! I need to find a good public skate rink for this weekend.

Also heard it might be cold for Saturday... which means maybe I can drag Tor-meister out for some snow bunny fun.

Welp, that's about it. Yup. G'night all. See ya this weekend!


(if you're interested, up for skiing Saturday perhaps?)

11:57 PM


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