Friday, January 20, 2006

Rob: Figured it out.....

Ok, not sure yet on the Strider still... or the combine... but I have at least gotten the Antlionguard to work, so I am posting this since I know you will read it now (morning at work).

The file said to enter it as such:
sk_strider_health 350
sk_strider_num_missiles1 5
sk_strider_num_missiles2 7
sk_strider_num_missiles3 7
give npc_strider
ent_setname strider
ent_fire strider setcannontarget player

Simply add admin_rcon in front of them, erase the setname one and change the strider name in the last one to npc_strider.

That's it. That solves the mystery. Now YOUR part in this is to tell me how to script it so that I can set each character to a single key such that when I press it, they come in with the proper health, damage, weapons etc and are ready to go except for the ent_fire command. =)

I will go back and see if I can figure out the Strider now. TTYL


Blogger Tusc said...

Yay for those. Better 8:30 than 4:30, though. Been through a few of those.

Funny thing is that it used to happen like clockwork down at Southern. One night the alarm was pulled and the local dealers had been having a party down the hall....CLOUDS of pot rolled out of the room and everyone came out hardly clothed. Well, they made a 'concerted effort' to find out who did it and miraculously Thursday nights were never interrupted again. =) I tend to think that someone got their head put in a vice.

BTW - this morning is awesome. Perfect morning so far. Slept in, listened to good music in bed... surprisingly on 108 fm... came down and it is really sunny and awesome out. Now listening to some of my new classical collection while rearranging ye olde resume. Later I will zip it out to a bunch of new places, then clean my car and my space here since it is a MESS.

Yay for days off! =)

10:20 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

OMG - I didn't even KNOW it was coming out anywhere near NOW.... but Underworld: Evolution comes out TODAY! =) SCHWEEEET!

Underworld was one of the BEST Vampire/Werewolf movies I have seen. Unique twist, great story. Right up there with Blade and Interviews. And here comes the sequel. Must see!

10:27 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Scratch that. Changed over to some Jack Johnson and going to make up a funky 'lil playlist. Fridays RULE. =) Natural highs = AWESOME

btw... since it was the beginning of the weekend, I was drinking scotch last night... but it did not touch me. Come on, 'spensive bottle like that and zero effect! Just as well, not a huge fan of drinking... but when you WANT to get a little loose and get nothing? Ah well, LOL. It's not a bad thing. Not too much is right now. =)

10:27 AM


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