Sunday, January 29, 2006

::Scratches Forehead:: 30 Days?

Well, I had an interesting end to the past week. Thursday, I woke at 3 and left Tori's to get home and stay up all day. Wrote my letter of resignation, which I agonized over to make it both concise and appropriate... and to say the right things. So I went to work on Friday, started AND finished my projects, then handed them in to David and presented my findings. He was very pleased. My numbers were perfect, my facts firm. So I was glad to finish things on a high point. Once we were done with that, I explained to him my intentions to resign. Before going to Centerbrook, I called Dick down in Maryland because I wanted to do the honorable thing and inform him personally that I would not be joining the team. Plus, he's a friend and I didn't want to leave him hanging indefinitely until Corporate got back to him. From here I took about an hour to make the rounds at CVW and say my goodbyes, since once I turned in my resignation I thought I would be home-bound.

So I head down to Centerbrook and wait to see Joyce, who was there when I was hired. In fact, it was to her that I gave my initial application two years ago. She had already received an e-mail from Dick Baker down south which gave her a heads-up. I opened right up with my resignation and she asked me a few questions. I stuck firm to my statements that I LOVE LCS, it just was not the right opportunity for me right now. When asked if I had a job offer, I said I had not and that I have only been looking for the past 2 days... true enough. It was all very pleasant. But then I was caught off-guard. I gave them two weeks notice, but since I have been in a holding pattern since last Fall I figured they'd just cut the strings and I would be going home. Instead, she asked me to give them 30 days and "see what happens." I don't have a clue what that means. Perhaps there is a counteroffer in the works? Doubtful. I presume they will send me to Evergreen to help facilitate the turnover to the new owners. Funny... I just sent my resume to the new investors. LOL

I was not expecting to be going to work tomorrow! LOL But I am also not going to complain at getting another 4 weeks of salary PLUS 8 or 9 days vacation pay. Nice! This is also healpful, since I can continue to list my experience with LCS as "current" whilst hunting.

In this area, there are several options for me. However, the one which is by far my preference is Tower One/Tower East's position for a COO. They are just AL and IL, so VERY simple without the responsibilities of a HC. Located right down by Yale hospital, it is a well-respected member of the New Haven community. Lots of ties locally, and especially with the Jewish community.

Oh! And to backtrack slightly, Thursday night's dinner at Spris was excellent. Particularly the dessert and the alcohol! =) The company was, as always, irreplaceable. Hi, BB!

Friday night was good... relaxed over at the apartment in W.Hartford, ordered some chicken parm and pizza with Tor and Hils while watching who-knows-what on tv... mostly pop culture gossip shows, but I was pretty at ease... until 5am when the fire alarm went off... FOR REAL. At first I wondered if I had snored myself awake, LOL. Then I hoped against hope that it was a drill and that I could just roll under the bed and nod off again. NOPE! Could smell burnt plastic, so we cleared out. Stood outside freezing for an hour (everyone's stuff was inside, essentially). Then shuffled over to the rec center before heading out for snacks at 7-Eleven. Long story short, we came back to Wlfd to sleep... until 2pm!!!! Then went back to try and get stuff. We could see where a fire HAD kicked up later in the morning in the attic and cooked through the roof. GReeeeeeaaatttt.....

Well, Tori got what she needed for the night out of her room and we ran back to do the 30th Anniversary dinner with my folks. The five of us went out to eat at The Armoury in Middletown..... The entrees themselves were EXCELLENT. However, the service was both painfully SLOW and just not very good at all. Additionally, the drinks were NASTY. I asked her to take mine away, just to clear the space, but ended up with a credit. I felt bad, I would have paid for it... it just SUCKED. The food was good, the rest was bad... and in the end they charged a PHENOMINALLY high price for it all. I do not recommend The Armoury. Better or equivalent food can be had at any other notable restaurant in the area for much better service and a more appropriate price. I suggest: Amici, Yankee Silversmith, Sans Souci, Mortons, Ruths Chris, or the Hawethorne Inn.

Dane Cook was on SNL last night! =) Gotta love the guy! "What a bag of douche!" and "...because regular peanuts tend to go rogue, while cashews say 'I'm ready for business'." LOL =)

Woke up with a full house today. Felt nice having Shelley and Tori around. Then Rob swung down to hang out before getting called off to celebrate his sister's award over dinner.

And here I am typing because, well, I haven't said much lately. And because I'm sorta bored. My book is still up @ UHa, there are few movies out which I want to see, and no one is around to hang out with. Before bed tonight I do intend to accomplish the following: Go out and have a cigar, clean the den and my drawers here, and take a LONG and HOT bath. =) That sounds nice to me. Too bad I can't enjoy the cigar whilst in the warm waters and just pass out for a while.

Ah well, that's the core of my blogging for now. We'll see what the week has in store for me. My mind remains focused on the random request for a 30-day period of retention and the myriad questions it raises for me.

Ta! =)


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