Sunday, December 04, 2005

The Wrap.... or is it supposed to be Rap? Wrap, I think.

Anywho.... another weekend gone already? Damm. First things first... I'm still a bit perturbed that father forgot to look for tickets to the Army / Navy game until it was too late. Way to break the chain, Marc! It was just as well, because we all knew Army would lose just like UConn last night against Louisville. Tori and I didn't go to that one, either.

Friday... what was Friday? Came home, bagged some Pad Thai w/ tofu and hopped on 9 up to her place. We didn't poke our heads out the door until almost 9, at which time we decided to make the trek up to Mass for an alcohol run. Longmeadow turns out to be a rather nice little New Englandy town. Stoic old homes decorated with traditional as well as colorful Christmas decorations. It felt kind of neat, plus it was snowing just a little bit on the ride up. Had to call Rob for directions to the closest packy near his place.... go figure.... hey, at least I didn't make you bust out the Mapquest.... "Uh dude... you don't understand, I am NOT slowing down here or I WILL be mugged or shot... move your scroll button faster!" LOL

Mission successful, we went back to the pad and hung out a little while with Pam's friends as they were in the midst of an impromptu graduation party for her. There's been some grating between the roomies and Pam, but I smoothed it all out with my usual charismatic self.... just jump right in and float to the top. Her Jewish girlfriends all liked me. Awwwww. LOL Pam, MAYBE. But I wouldn't go for any of the others. And MY GAWD... do you know just how annyoing it is to have TWO or more Bretts in the same place? Where did all of these usurpers come from? Until this year I have never known another 'me'. Now suddenly I know 3 down by East Lyme and Mystic, 2 in West Hartford and one way down in Maryland. What gives? If I'm pouting, it's because my name is a little less unique now. LOL YAY, more 'Brett' to go around! LOL So yeah, and intro'd Tori to gin & tonic to help her forget about her banged up ankle. It seemed to work ok. I think we watched Boiler Room at least for a few minutes.

Woke up, cleaned the place and adios'd the trash, then made breakfast for all. Don't get excited, it was just eggs and Eggos. Remember those glorious college days when you had nothing in the shelves?

Momma Naima is fast becoming a good friend. Slap me for not remembering which island she is from... DR? But she has an awesome British / Island accent, and is one of the very scarce few black women (Note: never call an Islander either African or American, LOL... she's cool with it, but I had some co-workers in DC who would probably tear you a new bum for saying it) anyway, she is one of those rare women who I find very attractive. And she's so cool. Though I don't know what's up w/ her BF Ricky.... she loves him, but he's kind of a bum. SCARY control freak. Ah well.

Saturday afternoon was spent shopping for various people. Of course, I opted to hit Toys R Us first.... this IS me we're talking about! This year's goal is to get each child one nice Medium gift. Last year I got them all 2 Huge gifts which was fun, but the families apparently feel bad that they cannot reciprocate. I am not concerned with what I get in return, but I can appreciate their feelings. We were there, too, until I got to college. Oh.... since I have to tell SOMEONE... Trevor is getting one of those slot car racing tracks, Kayleigh is getting the PRETTIEST Cabbage Patch doll that was available.... carefully selected to help guide her tastes in self appearance, LOL.... and young Matthew, whom I enjoy so much for his calm demeanor and sharp intellect (reminds me of me!) is getting my old favorites.... a MASSIVE container of Linkin' Logs. =) Mom is done, Dad is done, Shelley has one thing but I need to find one or two cooler gifts. That leaves me with Gram and Nana really.... tough women to shop for! Everyone else gets a bottle. Merry Christmas, HO HO HO, go get verschnickered with the reindeer! +)

Hung out until about midnight last night, then drove her back. I stayed up until some ungodly hour working on my dad's pc. Think I finally found out what's up.... the mobo shipped with Bios for the 5xx series Intel chips, but needs an updated one for the 6xx chips like this 660. Also, the board does not support Registered ram.... so I may need to order new ram. Ah well!

Today? ::Grumble:: Ambition can go rot.... I spent the day from 8am to 6pm in Cheshire learning the finer aspects of life insurance, annuities and crap. Bleh! I know this shit already!!!! Why did I have to go burn a whole day sitting in a classroom!?!?!? GRRRR!!! Darned laws. LOL

Ok, so.... yay for the new week! =)

Keep in touch!


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