Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Brrrrr.... What a wicked commute!

Ok, yeah I know... I stayed up too late last night. Again. But I was WIDE. THE. HECK. AWAKE... at least until close to 4am. Besides, I was entertained listening to all my new Christmas music and alternating between studying insurance info and playing Half-Life.

My ulterior motive was also to wait up and watch the snow fall. As is readily apparent this morning, we had but a dusting. I still went in for 10 since I have my class tonight at 7. I prefer to go straight from one to the next. Otherwise, that break in between prompts my brain to shut down for the night! =)

Hmm... no powder, per se... but the temps still seem cold enough to make snow, and I am certain I heard Powder Ridge last night pumping away. With my seminar across town on Thursday... I am thinking Wednesday night would be the PERFECT time to start skiing again for the year, don't you agree?

OMG... I cannot begin to express my frustration over the lack of exercising in the past two months. Both times I have begun the effort to exercise, I have ended up with asthma from a cold within a week and shut down for a while. Earlier, I was delayed by the overwhelming time I was devoting to projects here at work. Now I'm back to it again and stretching... shoulder needs a lot of work! But that first stretch is SOOOOooooo tough. Your muscles and tendons have not been worked and are constricted again. The PAIN from just a simple, partial stretch is enough to cripple you. Oy! But hey, pain burns calories. ;) I mean, it must! I always stretch until I reach the pain threshhold that I can't pass, then hold it there for a 20 count. Often, as you begin to relax into it it helps to relax your muscles a bit. This can give you a more thorough stretch.

Ok, like you want to read about stretching..... sorry.

Uhm yeah. Not much to report today. No news re: Baltimore. Have made a TON of calls in the past two days reaching out to whomever can give me answers, but there are just none to be had at the moment. Spoke to Allyson, whose spot I would be replacing, and she had high praise for the community. Just a personality conflict w/ the new ED.... who, admittedly, I did not warm to on the phone. That only means that she's not a bubbly happy person on the phone.... and who IS? I could certainly work with her without issue. And she was very helpful, so I don't think there would be any clash between myself and her at all. I am neither so picky, nor as thin skinned as to be put off by such a problem anyway. PLEASE... there are worse things to deal with. That's it. You know as much as I do right now. It took them 2.5 months to go through the process when I started at PW, so I imagine it will take a while now.

I just wish I knew ANYTHING about SOMETHING, instead of NOTHING about EVERYTHING. Or somethin' like that....


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