Monday, September 25, 2006

Shelley Pre- and Post- Op......


What a dramatic change!

Well, good luck on your first day in Hartford, sister dear. Make sure you do a little map studying sometime so you know where not to go and how to get back to the highways if you need to. Where you are, though, it won't be a problem. Anyway, say hi to Bob-bert sometime when/if you get to have lunch together. Have a good week, and bring back some dough! =)

And here's just a cute pic I snagged at the fair this weekend:

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My Quote for Today is as Follows:

"Hey. If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like Frank Shirley, my boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other rich people and I want him brought right here, with a big ribbon on his head, and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is. Hallelujah. Holy shit. Where's the Tylenol?"

Friday, September 15, 2006

"You feel that? That's the Force... f_ckin' witcha"

Which reminds me, I really ought to try and find the Pulp Phantom videos and get a copy...

...But nevermind for now, because:

And since I had the cam out, I snapped a few shots of the new desk arrangement. Not sure if I'll keep it this way, but it has given me far more room to sprall out to either side with papers and projects. Right now its all clean (except for that patch of dust down below in the center shot where the AC used to vent out the back) but it really does get quite cluttered with papers.

Notes: I seem to remember a commercial on Cinemax or some such channel being rather suggestive of a 'great movie event' in November whilst mentioning Episode 3... so I believe there will be an all-day event coming up on tv. (Not that it matters, I have the versions I want right here.... plus some weird Greedo card. Probably has something to do with Han shooting first. Anyway, the card is trash unless Rob wants it I guess.) AND... the Trinity theatre will be showing Raiders of the Lost Ark soon. W00TAGE!

That's all for now. Have a good weekend, folks.

Been Feeling Like Crap Lately....

...darn all change of season allergies! LOL

Actually though, I HAVE been feeling crappy lately. General lack of quality sleep, some stomach issues, me changing my eating habits, the weather, Pluto being relegated to an asteroid... I dunno... But I've been a bit more irritable (or so I feel) and the past two days have seen me experience crippling headaches. Not enjoyable. It's not the lack of a job - I've got money, and I'm not spending much of it. But I'm not sure which is the symptom and which is the cause: the physical feelings or the mental stuff? Hmmm... I am going to go with physical based on the extreme sinus/allergy crap I've had. That has severely skewed the sleepage and made everything else deteriorate as an offshoot. So...... we'll go with that. ;)

Just waiting for the weekend now. I hope to get the main parts for the new Firewall rig so I can toss that together and get rockin' with the new cable line for the house. That, plus I love tinkering with my techno-toys. *Tinker-Tinker!* =)

Hmm, what else? Vee hef got ze futbol on der Saturday. Und eet shoold be qvite gut, ja? .....und zen mein yearly futbol qvota veel be completed!

Tonight was cool. I tagged along on an outting to Trinity to catch a movie in their little theatre. The seats were old-school uncomfortable, but I dug the cool curtain they had. Definitely old-school. So was the movie, 'Overlord', a film about a young Brit enlisting in WWII and going off to D-Day. It was made in 1975 and would alternate between the storyline actors and then play some footage of actual WWII action. It was done pretty well, nearly seamlessly, and the World War II footage was all new to me - quite interesting. The whole experience was a lot of fun and I signed up for the e-mail to get the monthly list of movies and events they have there. It looks like they play over 200 movies per year. Cool! Score! Jackpot! Eureka!

That's all I've got. 'tis almost 1am and time for this monkey to get his big lovable bear ass into bed. Alone. =( [and no, I do NOT mean THAT type of bear ass] [[nor do I mean bare ass, it's not hot enough to warrant that anymore this year]]


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Yub-Yub, not Nub-Nub.....

I just read an article on Yahoo! about the new Star Wars release that is shipping today (but shipping number isn't activated until tomorrow). Anyway, it's the ORIGINAL original series - in both versions. That is, it's the 70s/80s movies and they can be played as the updated CGI versions... OR as the clean originals with no George Lucas "this is how I meant to make it" bullhockey. =)

So Yahoo! says that the end of the series has reverted to the Nub-Nub song.... what are we, 2 year-olds with our moms playing airplane to get us to eat? Nub-Nub!?!? You ignorant jerks, it's Yub-Yub, biotch! LOL


I'm NOT that involved in it. (But it IS yub-yub) =P

On an unrelated note of nostalgia, I found this awesome site that lists all the original card data as well as with pictures for every G.I.Joe throughout the 80s. That is hella cool. Hell dorky, too, but I can handle it.

Also read about this new disc drive called the Blue-Ray Disc which is the next development beyond DVD. These discs will be 50 Gb and capable of playing HD movies. So far, it seems a bit unplausible... the drives cost $1400, the burn speeds are only 2x, and currently to play any movie on BD format you require a video card with the proper copyright protection decryption. Well, the copyright stuff can be undone with shareware. That's simple. But we'll want to wait a bit for prices to drop and burn quality to increase before considering it seriously.

So.... that's all I've got for today (so far).

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

We ARE at War

Countdown to 9/11

I may have the title wrong, but the show was aired as a two-part mini-series on ABC over the past two nights. It was a "fictional" look at developments as they progressed through the Clinton presidency and early Bush Presidency. From what I've read and learned since '94, the only parts I could pick off as being "fictional" were the relationships between the characters. The show itself was an unflinching view of the expected bureaucracy that piled up mistakes and bad ideas instead of taking decisive or adeqaute action that could have prevented not only 9/11 but many other attacks on our soil. Remember, warships and embassies are American soil. Likewise, any American in and of their personage counts for me as well.

The first episode was the history leading to 9/11. Last night's episode walked us through the entire event as closely as possible. Seeing people react on the ground and in the buildings, and then the calls from the hijacked planes or buildings to loved ones was heart-wrenching. But then seeing the planes strike the three buildings and the field... THAT had a different effect. That really pissed me off. After that I had to go for two laps of the neighborhood. All the while I was thinking about what happened, what has happened since then, and particularly what will be coming in the next few years. We're still far from out of the doghouse.


In other news, this morning's breakfast was yumsy. A piece of toast, a scrambled egg mixed with some Egg Beaterz 'Garden Veggie' variety, and a tall cool glass of OJ. Tough to beat that! Ok, well, the trip to IHOP on the weekend notwithstanding...

Oh, late update for Sunday. I went over to that property I like and walked over the first hill to the top of the second. QUITE a view from that second crest there by the treeline. However, (and I am no surveyor) I can't imagine the reported size of the lot filling the space all the way to the treeline. If it does, GREAT. If not, there's no point to owning the property because the edges of the lot are expressed as preserve... and there is no way I'm putting a house on a semi-view with an untouchable mass of grassy field behind me to conceal and support all manner of critter. For instance, it has been YEARS since I've seen a Six-Foot Critter like 'ol Ted who was curled up in the sun waiting for us:

Sunday, September 10, 2006

More Dreams....

Over the past nearly two weeks I have found it quite difficult to manage a normal night's sleep. First I'll have trouble just falling asleep, but then I will have successive series of dreams. Its been the same almost every night, but one of last night's dreams was pretty long and somewhat involved.

I'll give you the short-short review of the ones leading up to it.
1 - I was in a dark city, a city I have been in in other dreams. The skyscrapers and tall buildings are mostly bereft of light and seem dark brown like they are shrouded in the pitch black of 3am. But the buildings low to the ground, shops, doorways, etc... are all well lit and abundantly so with excessive use of neon, LEDs, and anything else to make it gorrishly bright by comparison to everything else. Especially when any other light to be found is dimmed out and subdued.... headlights appear as though someone has put a layer of black spraypaint over them. Anyway, that's the setting and I am traveling there over a series of broken/destroyed interstates. At one point a connector ramp is broken and I must take a ferry to reach the other side. Apparently ground travel is 'lowly' now though, since there are new tramways or railroads on a raised platform (hovering, actually) on which everyone seems to travel. Outside, the cars have a heavy blue glow underneath them and a light translucent blue glow around the rest of the shell. It seems like a new form of mass transit. With that in mind, perhaps traveling by car is not so much 'lowly' as it is outdated and expensive.... the mark of someone with money? I couldn't tell you. So I get into the city to hear someone important speak. The setting is an amphitheatre, but dug down into the ground and on a massive scale - perhaps 30,000 people can sit here. I find that I am down in the lowest rung or semi-circle. Must remember to tip the girl who sold me the tickets! lol But we're there, we are all moved by what we are listening to... a discertation of sorts, but we are motivated and enlightened. The feeling would be akin to listening to the founding fathers speak about revolution or maybe Jesus speak of the Kingdom of Heaven (great movie, by the way). I tend to think the talk was less spiritual and more mundane. As we were leaving, I noticed an old woman who is having difficulty getting down the steps and I notice two young Marines standing in her aisle waiting to get out. For some reason I find it within my power to order them to help her and they snap-to as though I were their Gunny. The man who was with the elderly woman thanks me, and he turns out to be another person of some importance. We exchange information and plan to get in contact the coming week. Then when I get to the surface, I find that I am late for one of the Trams out of the city and must wait in an unsavory place. I end up sharing a meal with a young college girl who is likewise stranded and we both share for our safety as we wait. Don't know why.

Ok, there were a few other snippets of dreams in between, but they're not worth mentioning. Now for the main act. I might not type it out to be as detailed or interesting as this last one, but it was the details to the plot itself that made it so interesting to me. Here goes...

The setting is a mountainous region - perhaps the Mid-West toward the Rockies, but given more thought it could have been the mountains of New York. I'm driving through a new section of roads with Shelley and we're in a large new SUV. We come to one section which has been recently repaired, perhaps a connection to the world of the prior dream? Regardless, as we go around the corner on what it now a narrow lane that can only have one vehicle going in any direction on it the truck slides on ice (it is wintery out, but there is no snow). It wasn't a terrible slide, but with large pine tree trunks all around (we're traveling in their great shadows) it was a bit nerve-wracking. There had been a sign not far behind us which stated something to the effect of 'Thank You for Traveling On Route 23' (I don't remember the number) and 'The Municipal Works Hopes You Enjoy This Newly Reformed Road and We Hope You Travel With Us Again.' It was a minor detail. But after the sliding, Shelley dropped a sarcastic "Yeah right" which made me laugh.

So now we're in whatever small mountain town that we were going to. But it's not a podunk place with quiet people. Instead, it seems to be a town full of wealthy people and egos. It's quite dark out now, but not necessarily late in the day since this is Winter. My parents and I are going to go pick Shelley up from some practice or performance. We don't all have to go, but since we don't see each other too much we figure it to be a lark to all go and get her, probably with the intent of going out for dinner afterwards. So I take my truck and the folks take their car - both vehicles are black and classy. I arrive first and manage to get a good parking spot close to whatever building this is. I am near the corner of the turn-around area of a rather large parking lot. The turn-around is the only section that gets close to the building, which lays out on three sides of the turning area. So the folks are a ways back. Geographically, the turn-around section has a small green with trees in it's middle. That section of grass narrows and travels down between the parellel strips of road going into and out of the turn. Spaced along the grassy section are small trees at regular intervals. On either side of the 6 foot patch of grass are parking spots along the way. 'South' of this strip is the main parking lot. I go from my parking spot at the northwest end of the turn to the southeast section of building which is on the right side of this area. There we find Shelley walking out with a lot of other people. I'm not sure what her purpose was in being here. Practice? A show? A game? I don't know. But she decided to go with the folks to wherever we're going. I say ok, and I'll catch up to them there. I walk back to the truck and I should point out that we've all been wearing dressy clothing... I'm in my Kashmere longcoat and wearing a nifty fitted blue work shirt with nice detailing like my Brooks Brothers favorite but I'm also wearing cufflinks. There is a conspicuous lack of a tie, thank God. And then just some nice suit pants and shoes (which in the real world would be deadly to wear in a wintry setting with any possiblity of snow or ice. As I'm getting into my truck a bunch of young guys are passing by on the grassy section in front of me. Two of them seem rowdy. The group looks young... probably college age, too old and big to be high school. Well, these two are yelling at each other and it's escalating quickly. I'm sitting in my seat with the door almost closed when I see the angrier guy of the two (on the left) bring up a bottle and smash it over the back of guy 2's head right in front of my truck which has the headlights on... dropping him immediately. I figure that was possibly a killing shot, remembering Rob Glidden's assault from a few years ago. So I'm back out of the car now. The other guys are not interfering with Guy 1, or Kid 1, whatever. The rest of them seem to be both shocked and in fear, but also this Kid with the bottle holds some unofficial power position over the group, like he's the leader. So I get out of the truck and my blood is up - this kid is going down...hard. I take a step forward and use my angry dog voice (the 'I'm going to kill you' voice that would scare people if I ever used it in public, but I've only had to use it twice to get Star to come when I've called her so she wouldn't get run over or cause a problem) Anyway, now he and I are engaged in a way. The rest are still shocked and either helping their other friend on the ground or dumbfounded and still watching what's going on. I'm trying to get this kid to drop the sharp remains of the bottle, but I find out that he's not drunk like I had thought.... you know, fight, bottle...drunk, right? No, he's flying on some sort of drug. His hand is bleeding from the bottle and he doesn't even realize it yet. As we're yelling, he is escalating out of control and I'm quickly realizing this is going bad. And still, none of the other guys are getting involved. Shit! So I flick that switch in my head that says "He's not going to feel anything, but he's going to attack me and I have to defend myself now... which means not just fighting, I'm going to have to hurt him... possibly very much so" and so I am preparing myself for what's about to come. But he has another idea as he pulls out a pistol.

I've already been riding the adrenaline highway and tense with the setting, but now the moment nearly freezes and I can hear each heartbeat coming painfully slow. I would call this the fear of death. Or more accurately, the fear of IMMINENT death - such as when the Corvette went off the road. In my head, I knew I was going to die heading towards trees and cement blocks. That was it and I knew it. Same in this dream. Nothing you can do against a pistol. In the meantime he has brought it up to fire.... and the first round goes wild. Is he messing with me, or is he too high-strung to shoot straight? I don't wait for another chance, I bolt behind the truck as another round follows me. I'm pretty sure the truck is armored... you know me, lol. But in the heat of the moment, that understanding has gone clear out of my head or I would have just jumped back into my seat and slammed the door. Somewhere between the fight and the gunshots, a crowd had drawn in... but was now scattering quickly. I ran around the right side of the truck and through a few people who didn't realize I was involved and that the gun would soon be coming this way. As I moved behind another car I dropped my jacket and tried to filter back through the crowd and disappear so this guy couldn't find me. I know, REAL brave right? But there's nothing I can do against a gun, and I'm not going to risk my life in this situation. If he was going to hurt someone ELSE, then yes, I'd risk it. But it's just this guy firing a few rounds at me, no one else. I should note that there were several more shots before I dropped the jacket. I had been counting the shots for some reason as it happened, but then I realized ...what the f_ck am I doing? This is a pistol, not a revolver. It could have 7 shots or 17, I have no way of knowing. That was the point where I decided to drop the jacket and mix into the crowd. So that was it... I got away. What happened next is a blur and I don't remember it.

And that's how it went in the dream, too. The next thing I know, it's the next day and I'm sitting in an office with a Police Officer answering questions for him. At first I think it's about the kid who got beat last night and what happened afterwards. So I'm at ease. But then I realize that the guy with the gun has turned up dead. Uh oh. And furthermore, it turns out he was murdered in what appeared to be his own bedroom - in his parents' house? Because of my involvement the night before, the police are questioning me. But as the conversation goes, it becomes apparent through intonation and body language that the cop thinks I did it. More surprisingly, he is asking questions in such a way as to suggest my response and he is acting as though he is helping me get away with it. For some reason, this kid was NOBODY'S favorite and he seems to have had a lot of enemies. They found his corpse and they found a big needle mark where the drug he used was injected. It had a name in the dream, three words making an acronym starting with A, but I don't remember the rest. Anyway, it's like a combat drug - maxes out adrenaline, is full of amphetamines, makes him fear nothing, etc. So he went nuts. But as the cop is talking, he's saying how a vehicle matching my truck's description had been seen outside the house. Then he says, nah, the witness was an old person so it was probably just as likely to be some nondescript dirty formerly tan van, right? So he keeps writing and asking questions saying they haven't found the kid's car yet. And I do a flashback or vision thing..... suddenly I am not in the office, but seeing through someone else's eyes as they squat in the tall grass trying very hard not to be seen as they watch a person dowsing a car in gasoline and toss a match in the back seat before getting in the rusty old van behind it and pushing it into a ravine.

So all of a sudden the dream has become a mystery. Who was this kid? His family seems to have been powerful, but for some reason people are covering things up. And then, why was he fighting with the kid he beat up? More importantly, why did the cop so strongly believe I had killed him? And why was he 'helping' me? Why didn't I remember the rest of the night before? Who burned the car and killed the kid at his house? So I wanted to write this all down, because it felt like the beginning of a good murder/mystery book. I also wanted to write it down because this all happened before when I dreamed the entire story of the book 'Once' by James Herbert in the first-person perspective before I ever read it, and this dream was so detailed that it had a similar feel to it.

Anyway.... just another night of dreams! (and little sleep)

Great book, I highly suggest it...

...and if you read it, try to put yourself in Thom's skin as though he were you.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Tusc Enterprises, Inc.

(a little funny for Friday)

After reading about taxes, corporations, Schedule C, VEBA, Section 475, etc... for several days, I needed to get my head OUT of the darned dry and boring tax book. So we ended up with this gem of modern photography. I took about 30 shots using different settings and then adjusting the angles of the Nazgul for different shadow effects. This was the single best I came up with. There are others which I hoped would come out as well where I held my left hand just out of shot to the left so that it would leave a dark hand shadow over the light spot which seems to be centered in this photo over...Alabama? Because the dark revolution will come from Alabama.... of course.... LOL. Anyway, it was just a bit of fun to toss this together really quick. If I get super motivated I may do it again with the same lighting angle, but with the Nazgul turned more towards the camera. What I REALLY need is a little tripod for the dang Casio, because using Manual exposure controls without a flash (purposefully, because otherwise it would look washed out) set the exposure time long enough that even standing still my hand would leave the pictures slightly blurred. Feel free to use this as your desktop wallpapers. I pumped it through Paint and set the already mostly black background to the same black as Microsoft uses. Enjoy!

As for Tusc Enterprises, Inc.... just being funny with the post title. Though I do need to sit down and start tossing around some possible names for two companies. Trust me, I'm not at that point yet. But it's down the road and you ALL know how picky I am about the name of a thing. Look how long it takes me to create a simple character for The Sims or Oblivion! LOL

Hmmm, maybe you guys could spend your free time at work coming up with some company name suggestions for me and post them here. Winner gets... ice cream. My treat! =)

Friday, September 01, 2006

Sweet Dreams

So yesterday I woke up feeling like I was fighting off a sinus infection. Bleh! Had been up most of the night 'fighting' with it, armed with a box of tissues. I made little progress, but the feeling quickly passed as the morning went on. And then last night when I got back to Tori's after a little shopping trip, I totally zonked out on her bed for at least and hour-plus. I had to force myself awake to drive home, where I promptly passed out again just after 11. Well, it is 11 again.... LOL.... on the OTHER side of the clock, as it were. So I have gotten almost 13 or 14 hours of sleep. That is an AMAZINGLY huge chunk of sleep time for me.

As you may have guessed, I did my fair share of dreaming last night.

Interjection: WTF!? I just turned on my cell phone and it won't unlock. I've typed in the right code, as well as several close variants.... not flying. Ok, now I'm not happy. LOL

So i had this long rolling dream. After some thought upon waking as to the possible location and significance, I believe it could be a combination of TWO things. First, it is obviously a 'house' of my mind. What exactly it represents I haven't figured out quite yet. Second, it seems possible that it could be the compound I have put some thought to recently - the setting a general style seems to fit.

The setting this time is "current" or "future". The house itself was a large Tuscan / French Colonian Revival manor (rather Renaissance in appearance), complete with halls, lofty ceilings with buttresses, a second floor with open foyers down to the second floor, the house was made of stone and furnished lavishly inside. There was a large inground pool outside, cement walkway around it. I was seated on the grass at one corner (7 o'clock) with the pool's length facing away from me. The house was behind me and to the right (6 and 4) and there was a garage-like building to the left (8 o'clock) but it did not extend far out in front of me on that side. The section behind me seemed to be a covered connecting walkway. It, too, was stone and reminded me of the center courtyard in the Harry Potter movies in the way it was solid stone but still had plenty of room to see through. You'll have to watch the movies to figure that out, I guess. =) So I'm there. Shelley's there. My Uncle Trevor is on my right. And there is the sense of a full house. Like 'everyone is there' or something. But we're just hanging out by the pool talking. Then Star shows up and we're remarking how well-behaved she is since Uncle Trevor had brought his dog Maizy and they were getting along well together, like two puppies at play. But then I get wrapped up for some time playing with a young child. It wasn't baby Matthew, since he is 3 now. This child was perhaps 1.5 to 2 years old, much smaller. But I was lit up inside playing with him. Very careful, and VERY happy. The feeling was definitely joy. So I wonder if he represented my son? That feeling doesn't come from other people's kids, you know? Plus if I had to guess, I'd say there was a tinge of pride as well. Hence... a future son and heir? Daddy likes!

So we're all hanging out there and then some new guests arrive. I'm pretty sure it's the Tecenos, and they brought their kids and Callie's son as well. I presume they were part of my dream because my folks had mentioned them to Shelley this week, so it must be rattling around the back of my mind. Anyway, the social event kept getting larger and it was just a good time. Everyone commented on the oppulence of the place, which seemed to be mine, but I only drew pleasure from playtime with the kid. Go figure.

The next section of dream changed people and setting entirely. The house seemed to be the same.... but much more medieval. It was darker around, perhaps night or evening. There is no pool here, but in its place is a courtyard with a small tower and various forms of vegetation. There seems to be a romance taking place. I and a young woman seem to be quite taken with one another, though we're not sure what to do about it. Later in the night, the elderly couple who also inhabits the place is upstairs in their room and playing a piano while the woman sings a song... which, strangely, I am reading the along with the words on a page in a book. The lettering is artistic and flowing. Anyway, I went back out from the room to the bannister and looked down to the first floor towards the main foyer at the entrance. There I found the woman sitting at the piano lightly playing with the keys and forming a soft slow tune. It was as I approached that a man came saying she (a woman of some renown, perhaps a baronness or other low-level royalty) was en route to this place. I was starting to wake up at this point, but the last few moments were of me in the stairs of the tower in discussion with Boromir above and Aragorn a few steps below me. It had something to do with a decision Aragorn was making. Boromir offered his advice, which I did not agree with. Then I offered my own advice, which was that The King be happy. I have no idea what that was all about, but it was a heated discussion as though we were in his confidence and our statements had great bearing on some decision.

That's all I know. Then I woke up. The first dream seemed to last a long time, the follow-up I think was right before I woke up.

Ah well, dreams are dreams.

Have a good weekend, everyone! =)