Wednesday, November 15, 2006

BF2 Signature Test



Blogger Tusc said...

FYI.... on the detailed stat page which I wrote in the link for it displays anticipated timespans for reaching goals like medals, ranks, etc based on my performance over time. Well, technically I created my account in September of '05 but never played online until October 17th. So, by dividing the number of days I've played online (ranked - 29) by the total number of days I've had the account (441) you get (.065). So if you want to anticipate accomplishment timeframes, simply take the number the site gives you and multiply it by (.065). Neato, skipper! LOL

..........yes, I am terribly bored today.

11:00 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Fine... hurt my feelings... =(

9:50 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

LOL - Not quite. I'm not really SURE how you gain team score. I play a sniper and simultaneously command my team most of the time, so I generally find a good safe spot and camp with my rifle. To gain team points I think you need to stay near your buddies as well as help to defend and support them with ammo and med packs, etc. The game actually takes proximity into account. Just like I get points for defending a flag by shooting the enemy who is near it. To gain commander points, I have to keep dropping UAV (radar) and supplies as necessary. The more points my teammates rack up while I guide them, the higher my command score gets. Likewise, if my team happens to WIN the round, then the winning commander gets a 2x multiplier to his score. Generally, commanders are 'supposed' to sit back and just command.... not fight. In fact, some servers get pissy and will boot you if you kill someone while you're a commander. How lame! I pretty much have it down though. I use the Scan function to do a high satellite pass of the map and this IDs where all the enemy are. Then I drop a UAV (small 30 second radar feed) over the area where they are most concentrated. After that, I point out to my team where anyone is who is NOT under the UAV range. Then I go back to my rifle and see who is in range of me. The commander function CAN get annoying at times, and it has CERTAINLY gotten me killed many times while I am doing that and someone finds me. But it's worth it. It's the only way my score has gone so high so quickly. And as for combat points, I think you get a static amount of points for each kill, plus you get kill assist damage, etc etc.

Bottom line is that I'm pretty darned good. I used to HATE the Warlord map (which EVERYONE and their brother has on their server... it is by far the #1 map played). But I learned to always play the Insurgent team, try to always be commander, and then just camp the roof of the TV tower. The only way up is on the stairs and I can lay two claymores out which will stop at least two guys. Meanwhile, since I'm commander, I can drop supplies on my area and re-arm with more claymores to continue blocking the stairs. This generally makes people VERY mad. Now that I am perfecting it, I am able to camp there indefinitely until someone gets REALLY sneaky and is able to find a good shadow to hide in while waiting for me to show my head. But I've learned almost all the angles, views, locations and hiding spots by now. So it's pretty tough. PLUS, unless they get a clean headshot on me, I won't die with just one shot. The enemy in this map is the SAS, and both of their sniper rifles have bolt-actions. Which means, they shoot once, unload, reload, shoot again. I have LONG since ducked back before the second shot. And the same supply box that gives me ammo ALSO heals me slowly. So though luck for them. Now that I've got it down, I'm really starting to make people angry. I've had two kick votes in the last day. All this plus I am commander and pretty much am able to see where everyone is..... so it's no wonder that I am getting some insane accuracy and Kill/Death ratios now. You have to realize that this game has easily 7,000,000 players worldwide. Perhaps 10% of those play regularly. Out of the entire PLANET, I am ranked about 844 or better for accuracy now. And THAT means I am kick-butt in this game. =)

'tis fun

And no, I don't play well with others. When they don't listen, or if they are jerks, I just switch teams and visit some pain back on them. Most of the time that means I lead the OTHER team to victory (because I don't just drop UAV, I also will type written commands guiding strategy and tactics to them).

5:02 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Basically, my accuracy has always been the same. But I tried out the other kits/characters one weekend and in using the assault rifles and machine guns it seriously degraded my accuracy due to the insane number of rounds being fired. Since then, I switched back to the sniper kit and have been trying to be more careful with each shot.

5:06 PM


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