Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Late-Breaking News!

This just in. The authorities are looking for...ME!


Blogger Tusc said...

Oh come on, that was mildly funny at the very least.

I think I got enough sleep last night, though I tossed and turned often. The dreams I had the night before were interesting - cross-sections of high school, some future fantasy world, and even some people 'visiting' me whom I hadn't seen in a while

Last night's dreams were more future fantasy co-mingled with topics surrounding this slender girl sporting many piercings and we were apparently supposed to perform some ritualistic combat to the death the next morning. She vaguely made me think of my friend Adie from high school, but older, prettier. This one certainly had a flair for eastern theology.

Oh, and the house I was living in was cool. I've been to it before in dreams, but I still get confused navigating the upstairs.

I still feel asleep. ug....

9:07 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Bobbert is in a very special place right now and won't be back for a while. It's called PAID MEDICAL LEAVE and not only does he get uber vacation AND salary (although probably lower than normal), but he also gets the GOOD drugs almost for free! If he decided to take the pain and sell the drugs, the street price alone might cover the payments on the Mini-Van! LOL

He shall return. I'm just AMAZED he has barely touched his PC in so long. I mean, DANG, I would have rigged that puppy up so I could use it without hurting the knee. Put the screen on a bedside stand and slide it over you, man! This really should have been covered by the company bill. I mean, doesn't the term "reasonable accomodations" come into play somewhere?

2:06 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

To Rob:

Holy mega-kill, gatman! I ran up a killing spree last night of 32! I was on the -=5SF=- server (and wisely joined the team with 5 members from that clan) and we ran through about 12 maps REALLY fast. They were all pretty tiny maps, and the way those guys worked... they all lasted just 5 to 10 minutes EACH!! Really quick. But they seemed to like Devil's Perch and we ran 8 rounds there. As a SEAL, I wasn't too great because I was playing alternate kits like Medic and Support and basically just making sure no one tried to cap flags my team had left. Did well in that role. But whenever we played the MEC side of the round, I grabbed an SVD and sprinted from the compound to the walkway along the ridge. Just sat there and kept firing! Pull the trigger, get a kill. Pull the trigger, get a kill. Pull the trigger, get a kill. Pull the trigger, get a kill. And so on... We generally kept them contained to the beachhead with guys along the road keeping them pinned and I kept nailing the guys as they tried to sneak their way up. A few got wise and tried to grapple up to me. That turned out NOT to be such a good idea. LOL

Later I got back on the GTG server and caught up with my team, though we were split across both sides. Well, I haven't played against them in about a WEEK. I've learned a lot since then, and they paid for it in crakced skulls. Here's how it played out. I started on the MEC team and took command. My team, though matched numerically, did not spawn fully for a LONG time. Meanwhile, it was two of us VS 5 of them! So we lost a TON of flags. But I capped the TV and held the roof. You see, I learned a way to mine up there that will keep you protected if people try to rush the roof. I'll tell you about it later. So I would keep dropping supplies on myself to keep health, ammo and mines in supply. Meanwhile, I'm knocking THEIR snipers on all the other rooftops (and three of them had a hard-on for trying to kill me) but I kept popping them because no one could manage a head shot. I got plenty wounded, but I'd just go heal. Anyway, I managed to lead the team back from defeat. We capped the Palace, repaired our UAV and then took back the rest of the map in a wave. I never left the TV building, though I did get killed twice and had to run back in. It was great because my fellow clan members were trying their best to be devious bastards and find ways to hide and get me. What they DIDN'T have was patience. Because I'd wait. That's all, that was my major tactic. Instead of firing back instantly, I'd wait a while til they thought I left. Then I'd 'POP!' a round off and end it. It was fun. We won by 40-something points. It was tight.

But on the next round I was SAS. I had someone else take charge of the unit, because I wanted to be free to do some hunting. I helped cap a few flags, but they held the TV station with an iron grip (wisely). They ALSO ziplined 4 guys over to the tall roof west of the TV tower and those guys played HELL on us. Two snipers, a medic and a support. So they have shooters with M95s, unlimited health, and unlimited ammo. Bastards! Though it was pretty smart. And that is a TOUGH roof to hit. I managed to wipe them out a few times, but always as a suicide attempt. I'd 'chute into the closest roof, get to the top and then JUST be able to get a headshot if I was lucky. But no SVD, so the time delay between shots/kills meant they'd spot me and drop me. But I FINALLY decided to go to the spot I sit in when I command as SAS on the top floor of the construction building. From there I managed to snipe 3 guys from that roof, got 5+ kills on two guys who kept sitting on the TV roof, as well as got one guy THROUGH A WINDOW who was attacking the Plaza... and assorted other ground targets. But it was fun. I always like being a sneaky bum. And being a sneaky bum.... well, I generally know where to look now when I get hit. So that helps, too.

OK, the BF2 report is complete for today. Maybe more for Friday.

2:30 PM

Blogger Ninja said...

Actually, my salary is normal for 1 more week, then goes to 60% I believe. I have used my computer, it's just that I couldn't sit at it for all that long, even with my leg elevated :( I've been starting to work up to longer time frames, but it still bothers me.

I'm meeting with the doctor next tuesday, and we'll be working out when I come back to work. I'm thinking that it will be the week after next, at least part time. Which means that I need to start shaving again. I'm fairly scruffy since I haven't shaved in a month :) Not much else going on. Hopefully we'll be able to get together soon, but I'm not sure when yet.

4:39 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Haven't shaved in a MONTH? Dude, your legs must be lookin' NASTY by now!

Yeah, no rush. But keep me posted.

Does Traveler's discourage you from wearing a beard, goatee, mustache or other alternative facial hair design?

And jeez, I would have thought that by now you would have CONQUERED the World of Warcraft with so much time off from work! LOL

5:32 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Dinner last night was fun for us. I was worried about how you were feeling though. Didn't look too alive. I'm surprised that the doc would prescibe a med that would make you feel WORSE in a different way to alleviate the migraines. Why not just prescribe a stronger painkiller, like Tylenol 3 (totally stronger than the over-the-counter version) or, like, morphine or something.

In any case, I hope you're feeling better today, little sister. Maybe next time Tori and I can take y'all out somewhere... like IHOP! LOL Ok, I'm mostly kidding on the location, but it was fun and we should do it more often.

In other news..... the new grand tally for my music collection after FINALLY filtering through all the scrambled directories is:


WOW! I knew we had a lot of cd's, but I had no idea we had THAT much music!

In my spare time I've been going through and finding correct song titles for the several cds that were either not detected or were wrongly detected. The filing system works thusly:
Main Directory
Artist Name
CD Release Title

This way, when you load music its easy to locate info and/or just load up everything by one group. In the case of groups with more than two cds, I put a prefix number on the CD folder so they run chronologically.

For random collections of music from any artist I created a directory among the CD folders with the artist name and an "- X" suffix. I may also add an X at the beginning so those folders come AFTER any actual CD in the playlist.

Likewise, I went through and marked those folders which were not recorded at 329kbps with the suffix "- LOW". Most of them are still fair quality though, and I took a LONG time merging directories to make sure I chose the highest quality version of any song or cd, since we'd put some of them on more than once and at different times.

So now we ought to have a good solid file system of tunes.

The only thing I still want to do is go through the main artist directory and cull it down into categories. That is, I want to keep all my favorite groups in the main area there. But I also want to create a section of all the Blues stuff, another for Jazz, Classical, Country, Rap, etc. I just haven't figured out how I want to do that yet.

Have a good Thurs, everyone!

9:43 AM


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