Monday, October 23, 2006

Poision Ivy is t3h suxx0rs

I mean, in case any of you were wondering. It blows. It's not even very itchy, but the dang stuff likes to spread and before it even presented itself as what it is it had spread across both forearms. I quickly went through bandaids, so now I look like a ridiculous fool because I have opted for gauze pads kept in place by strips of duct tape wrapped around my arms. Quite silly I look. And I anticipate loads of fun removing said strips of duct tape from my hairy arms. Actually, I can at least remove the tape going in the same direction as my hair grows and I doubt it will dry-seal to my skin the way the bandaids did. And in the end, I'm not really sure WHAT this is.... I know for a fact that I came nowhere near poison ivy while in the woods, so this must be oak or sumac. Likewise, I didn't actually get it on the hike. No, I got it from the shirt I wore while hiking. Wore it again on Wednesday (having been washed) and didn't realize I was infected until Thursday night.

So I look a fool. What's new?

Oh, interesting.... I feel even more foolish now. I just looked up the photos I'm going to post with this and learned that poison ivy is NOT the little red leaf I was raised to think it was. Instead, its the dang vines/leaves you see practically EVERYWHERE in these woods! D'oh!

So what's new with all of you?


Blogger Ninja said...

Well, technically, it is the red leaf plant you were told about, but only in the spring and late fall. Yeah poison Ivy sucks, I used to get it often in high school. Two things,

If you realize you've come in contact with Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac try to wash with a grease cutting soap, Dawn, Palmolive, etc, with in 20 minutes. After about 20 minutes the oil from the plant bonds with the protiens in your skin and your SOL.

Second, just use a cream for anti itch, don't use something that dries it. The liquid in the blisters is your skin healing, kinda like a regular blister, but with more itching. It'll just take a little while to heal. Gauze is good, just to keep the seeping down. And no, you can't spread it from the liquid in the blisters. It only comes from the oil on the plant, though I would was that shirt again, or maybe 2 more times, just to be sure.

Rememeber, Leaves of three, let them be. Unless it's Sumac, which looks like a small tree or bush and has something like 7 leaves, I think.

Anywho, sucks, good luck recovering, and I'll catch up with you later. I have PT today, so not sure how my knee will feel later on, but from the sounds of it, you might not be up for gaming yourself :)

10:39 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Interesting. Lucky for me, anytime I get infected I never feel itchy. That is, the spot itself isn't itchy but I feel every other itch on my body with supersensory skill because I am so paranoid of it spreading. But having read the article I found online, it seems I don't have much to worry about since I have already scrubbed my arms with a poison ivy wash paste.

I had left my shirt sleeves down while we were in the lower woods by my house, then put them up for the rest of the trip once we cleared the treeline and was extra cautious in how I took the shirt off that night for this very reason. Judging by the markings of the ivy on my skin, I probably got infected when I put the shirt back on and/or when I slid the sleeves partway back because the spots are almost lines moving the length of my arm. Yay me!

Sumac I know well. We had a ton of it around here when I was a kid, but I am surprisingly not affected by it. THAT plant I can i.d. by sight and scent from a distance. LOL

Yes, get in contact with me tonight. I will try to find out what I can about the UAV / Scan resources I e-mailed you about. I looked through the manual but found nothing, so the info must be online. I may go onto an unranked server and try my theories.

So far, my theory is this:
The Engineers CAN repair those resources, though they need the resupply box to replenish the "ammo" for the wrench which is part of their kit. So it makes sense to be a commander and drop a box there, then suicide/respawn as an Engineer there and get it back in operation. Makes sense to me. I would have come up with it earlier if I believed that the Engineer could affect the commander resources like that. I had thought they were only good with vehicles.

We'll find out later.

And what IS your online account name? Just Zolsta, or MrZolsta?

11:34 AM


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