Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Revenant Dreams

Had an interesting one last night, though it really wasn't recurrent. This one was new as far as I could tell. It took place in an odd high school setting. The school or building itself seemed to be attached also to a shopping mall, although that mall looked more like the interior of a Sam's Club. But I never saw the exterior of this complex as I meandered around. We, as students, weren't being taught so much as we were being trained. I participated in an arena combat sequence where the room itself was surrounded by metal walls which curved in at the bottom forming a bowl. Around this ring were windows facing what was obviously a main corridor where students traveled. Inside the ring, there were parallel barriers centered in the room which resembled the Roman numeral II. There were other assorted barriers, such as burned out vehicles in the way. But it turned out that it was myself and two others trying to eliminate a fourth 'student' who had superhuman abilities. Not godlike, but certainly unattainably faster and immune to pain. Even though I was the new student, I was able to retain our opponent's attention long enough with my fire at one point that I ran him straight into my female partner's stream of fire and we won the match. To be honest, I don't know if the opponent lived or died. I just remember trying to catch up to the chick in the hallway afterwards. =) She seemed upset. Only later did I realize that the oppenent probably WAS KIA, but also that he had been a friend of hers previously. Now it became apparent that being the new kid with a star on your shoulder isn't the greatest thing. This school came with its share of enemies, you see. The first of which being the 'enforcer' of the local bully. Both bully and enforcer happened to be quite strong and somewhat gothic. They looked pretty bad-ass, but I took them for typical anti-establishment types. And right now as the new kid, the establishment was my only friend. In any case, the guy I just hosed was apparently the enforcer's friend as well. He didn't take lightly to my participation in his demise and made that publicly clear between classes when he tried to scare me down. I didn't scare down. But I DID miss my next class, and with the halls empty I had no one to ask for directions. I'm lost? Greeeeeeat. So I go wandering around. This is when I found the connection to the big hangar that looked like Sam's Club. I couldn't get in though, since it was still school hours. So I kept meandering around until I came across the enforcer and the bully and some cronies together. They didn't really make fun of my being lost, but did 'suggest' a way to go. I knew they were full of it and going that way would probably get me in trouble, but when I DID go through that door I realized they actually meant to either scare the life out of me or get me really hurt. Behind this door were the tops of two floating staircases and I found myself clinging to the handrail on one for my life as it swung around, free from any tethers over a dark pit. Just when I'm thinking I'm toast, one of the cronies... apparently as important as the bully himself, came through the door and with a tired expression gave me his arm and got me off the staircase. Oddly, his features looked similar to Heath Ledger, so we'll call this guy Heath. His challenge to the bully's rule was not taken well, you could see the hatred in everyone's eyes as he led me back past the crew. But no one dared reproach him in any way. From there it was the end of the day, so I went home. I woke up the next day (or perhaps time had passed) and there were construction workers in my house remodeling everything and expanding the house. It felt weird, and may have tied in with a dream from the other day where I walked into my room... but it wasn't my room. The same furniture and accoutrements, but moved all around, a new extra window and some bookshelves built into the wall next to a small gym. Strange. Anyway, the house is in a state of flux and some of the construction crew are people I know. A friend from my youth, a guy I worked with at Pomperaug and a few others. It was weird, but fun to see some faces I knew. But then it was back to school. It was now becoming clear that this certainly WAS some sort of training cadre. This was partially made clear by the reverence shown me by people I had known all my life. They showed deference to my family for what I was doing, and for the risk which seemed inherent to it. So I ponder this as I travel. When I get there, we are assembled outside on a large grassy meadow that sloped gently down to a focal point. We do not all sit in rows, tightly packed. Instead, we spread out as though enjoying a mid-summer picnic with trees and bushes dotting the meadow. I have found a position in some shade when 'Heath' finds me. He is calm, yet distressed. It is apparent that he is under a great cloud of concern. He gives me a syringe filled with a clear liquid and bids me to hold onto it for now and use it only when no one is looking. Then he gives me a conspiratorial look and claps me on the shoulder before moving on. I watch as he disappears around the lip of the bowl in the valley. I notice the bully is opposite him and nodding discrete orders to his crew, who I now notice are moving even more discretely through the crowd dispersing syringes to a select few while trying to remain unnoticed. I tend to think the syringe has some sort of drug in it, so I have hidden mine under the edge of my blanket. Then I happen to catch the Enforcer sneaking up behind me. We share a meaningful glare at one another and I notice that he has several syringes in his pocket... and a knife in his hand. He's here to do me in. But while we're locked in this momentary locking of the eyes, he shocked at being caught in the act, me scambling for SOMETHING to do... I gently pull back the blanket and reveal the syringe. He sees it and his face turns to a shroud of frustration. This syringe is the key to some sort of puzzle. It seems that he didn't expect me to have it, but since I do he cannot hurt me, as though obeying some law. He gives me a look that speaks volumes... I'm safe, for now.

Oops, it's almost 9:30. There isn't too much more to the dream after this, but I'll come back and flesh it out later when I have time.

Have a good day!


Blogger Tusc said...

Interesting... if I wanted to go back to Administration...

...Which I very well may before long! LOL

We'll see how it goes.

9:32 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

I'm sure he's alive and well in the World... of Warcraft!

12:09 AM

Blogger Ninja said...

I am alive and well, just not in the world of warcraft at the moment. Haven't really felt up to sitting at my desk yet, so I borrowed Jen's laptop to go online at least. Everythings going ok, I'm learning to crutch myself around the house. It's kinda amazing how many things take a working knee to do well. Anywho, I'll give you a call later, I tried your cell, but you didn't answer.

10:32 AM

Blogger Ninja said...

And for your viewing pleasure, I present to you:

as seen on Future Weapons on the history channel
and Action shots of said weapon

10:34 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Sweet. I've seen it before... in fact, I still have a link in my favorites saved from a CNN article:


Here's a vid I figure you'll enjoy during your recovery:


1:00 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Guess I never finished writing about that dream. Ah well, I never finished dreaming it, either! =)

9:31 PM


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