Friday, October 06, 2006

For Lack of a Better Post

The comic is for Rob, our favorite tech support guy, who is going on a medical leave to fix his third leg. The one that hangs to the left. You know, the one with the busted knee. What did you THINK I was talking about, silly? =)

Yeah, you've all busted my ass for reducing the quality of your workdays by not posting more regularly lately. Well SOOOOO-RY! Been a wee bit busy losing money hand over fist on the stock market. It's fun, let me tell you. At this point, if I thought I could make money, I'd rent my girlfriend out! =P (Kidding, honey. No one in this part of the state could afford you.)

OK! So now that I've dug myself as deep a hole as possible... what's going on in my life lately? Well, firstly... I have spent roughly two weeks of agony with what I can only presume to be walking pneumonia or something close. My sinus has never been this bad and I'm lucky I didn't totally suffocate with asthma. The only reason I DIDN'T is because I basically didn't sleep at all for two weeks. I have this nervous switch in my head that doesn't allow me to sleep when my sinus is pouring crap into my chest at night. So I stay awake doing what I can to move said sinuses however possible. After two weeks of extreme sleep deprivation, low oxygen levels, and increasing side-effects from said two problems... I'm finally turning the bend and have had two successful nights of sleep. It feels SO good to bag at least 5 hours solid and not wake up choking or feeling like I'm drowning. All of this, plus trading has recommenced. I'm definitely stumbling a bit in my first few days as I apply what I've learned in practice to the real deal. Right now I'm just laying the bulwark and learning the ropes with the new approach. This means only trading one contract and moving pennies around back and forth. Bah! But it's still fun! =)

So all of that aside, my car is still running iffy, but I've got Paul on the job trying to find a new transmission. I figure with all the Crown Vics he's around, he ought to know either a good shop or a good source. We'll cross our fingers.

Yay for the weekend! (Even though Tori Poopy Pants isn't going to see me tonight. FRIDAY night.)


Blogger Tusc said...

LOL, thanks honey poopy pants! =)

Done now? Can we go to the orchard?

2:04 PM


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