Tuesday, October 24, 2006



I finally made Sergeant last night. Now I have all the weapons I really wanted. I think the only thing I might want to add to the list would be the F2000. Anything else is pretty much picked over.

G36C - Spec Ops - Good accuracy, I use it on single shot as an unaugmented sniper.
M95 - Sniper - does massive damage, but is hard to aim and very slow to reload.
L96A1 - Sniper - Cannot use it in SF.
G3 - Assault - Good all-around gun, stronger than the base unit.
PKM - Heavy Support - more accurate when prone, heavier round, haven't tried it in combat but I can see now how people were scoring one-hit kills on me with it.
L85A1 - Medic - average when in auto, but use zoom on semi-auto and it can probably be pretty swanky as a backup sniper rifle.

Also learned something I did not know before: Medic, Heavy Support and Engineer special weapons respawn. I can't believe I didn't know that!!! Now I am left to wonder why more Medics and Ammo guys don't spill supplies all over the map. Too bad the claymores or C4 don't refresh!

Ok, so now I think I can get out there and try some new characters a bit. SCHWEEEEET!

Had a tough time getting the rank. GTG was full of people from different clans and it got pretty hairy. Of course, I got mad because I joined JUST as the team I was assigned to lost. Then the next map they voted a different map and we lost before anyone could even move. What a rip! I hate that stuff because it negatively impacts my stats. Though I DID make sure to get a terrible revenge on them in Warlord. Their team would move as a group.... all 10 of them. Well, they got wiped out at the palace and suddenly they're all parachuting in at the base. I'm on the TV tower with SVD. Got 2 in the air. Three landed on one rooftop where I got one before the other two could turn, got the other before he could get to cover and lucked a headshot on number three as he was sighting in on me. To add humor to it, not long after that I got three claymore kills inside the TV station and 1 at the ladder by their base flag. Ooops! I seem to drop those things in the darndest places...

Anyway, glad I made SGT now. I don't feel so much of a noob.


Blogger Tusc said...

Har Har. =P

Update? I feel like total POOP this morning. How's that for an update. Yes, I went to bed remarkably late last night at 1:30. Not terrrribly late, I suppose, but later than is normal for me now. Anyway, my left sinus was clear because I had been lying on my right side so I tried my best to keep it clear, right? Well, after 3 hours of non-stop heavy sniffling it would NOT STOP. It was so much so fast that I was afraid to go to sleep and have it choke me or go to my chest and hit me with heavy asthma/congestion.

So, finally, I was starting to fall asleep when Shelley got up at 6. Yuck. So I feel like mega-crap today. Nose still going. And, of course, in the still of the night I partially lost my mind around 5.

I'll probably try to crash after lunch or so.

In other news, today officially or unofficially (not sure) marks the one year anniversary of Tori and I. w00t! =) One is a good number, but two is better. ;)

9:45 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Oh, and Sergeant is not a rank earned too lightly in BF2. When/if I make officer, it will put me ahead of the vast majority of other players.

As it is, I am already a deadly sneaky bastard and am well-known for hunting/capping officers like Colonels and Majors who have MANY times more experience and points than I do. The servers I frequent all recognize my name. So much so that the admins swap me to their teams and/or invite me to their squads and I've already been made a full Admin on one of my favorite servers. Such is the reputation of my ability with the rifle.

A note for Rob: played an interesting server last night since GTG was not to be found (full). This one was the XMN clan and it was a Pistol, Knife or Sniper ONLY server. No other guns and no explosives or alternate weapons. With 12 men on either team, it got interesting. I learned to respect the Leviathon map. I also managed to be sneakier than all but one player... all of us snipers. The one guy, nightmarrrre (or something) was just as sneaky as I was and we kept killing one another. But in the end I turned out to be that extra bit sneakier than he was in finding a good perch and I went on my 4th rampage of that map. By this I mean shooting people until I ran out of ammo. At one point they (SEALs) took a flag on a pier and kept racing from the spawn point at the end of the pier towards another flag underneath me. So I sat prone on a rooftop, snug up against a wall in the shadow and scooched as far back as possible to still be able to shoot them.... and managed to drop 11 in a row before being scared out of position and accidentally falling and killing myself. Ooops!

I'm busy now through Saturday night, but if you're up for some action on Sunday night give me a call and I'll show you some good servers.

Have a good day, everyone!

9:57 AM

Blogger Ninja said...

Sounds like a plan. Sucks you feel like poop today. Sinus problems suck. Congrats to the two of you on 1 year :)

11:32 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm glad y'all come over here. But wouldn't it be more fun if we ALL had Blogs that we updated regularly to share amongst one another? You all get to come here and look at my stuff, but I never get to go to your sites and see anything. It suxxors.

But yes, Rob must heal up faster so we can game next weekend!!! (You know you want to.... use the Force, you know it to be true). LOL

Well, I dunno if you'll be up for traveling THAT soon.... but let me know when you are. We have some uber gamage to do!

2:08 PM

Blogger Tusc said...



Ah, welcome to the working world, sister dear.

OMG, I am going nuts trying to get this second tape to work. It had seemed the 'play' side of the reel was getting stuck on the internals of the case, so I applied a very light oil to it hoping it would work. Nope! Then I tried fast-forwarding it in the tape winder. Nope! So THEN I tried putting the existing reels in a new case. Nope! So finally I went ahead and strung the tape to a new 'play' reel thinking the old one was just getting wicked stuck. Nope! Now finally I have fast-forwarded the tape so it is all on the 'play' side and am going to put the back end on a new reel as well. So now it is officially the same actual tape inside a whole new VHS cassette..... shall we cross our fingers? (Don't bother, if the others didn't work... this won't either) What a headache! But it'll be too bad if the tape is just DOA.

Tested it...

How frustrating. The strange thing is that all this time, when I put it in the VCR the machine will spool it for a few seconds before not just stopping, but actually shutting itself OFF. How weird is that? Never seen that before.

So I have no idea what's wrong with this second tape, but it is no longer anything to do with the physical cassette itself.

Oh well. I did the best I can manage with it. Let's hope there are other copies! Otherwise, they'll have to send it to a professional with the big reel to reel machines.

TGIF, all!

10:42 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Aha... I have determined that it was the VCR itself that died. Doh!

It managed to play the other tape through twice and died. Wonderful technology.

Oh! I know. For fun, the rest of you can come up with (realistic) questions I can ask the girls tonight. Have at! =)

10:51 AM


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