Sunday, November 12, 2006

A Must-See Destination

Tori and I went down to see her family today in Niantic.. or East Lyme.. whatever! After stopping at The Village Bake Shop for their INSANELY amazing salad (Yes. I Brett Stewart called a salad amazing) we decided to do a little shopping. I truly had no idea what to expect. Perhaps a little book swap shop on the side of a house? What I found was an actual complex of books. Old and new, a veritable TROVE of unique and good books. Even though I didn't go there to buy anything myself, I found it hard to keep my hands in my pockets and my eyes from scanning the titles. The vibe there was pretty cool. Somewhat grainy. Hippie, you might say. But classy. I can see sitting there for a few hours in the summer and reading just for fun. Put this little hidden gem on your travel map and make sure you set aside an hour or two to peruse the paperbacks!

The reason we were in town was to see Kit perform in his school play tonight, "The Boarding House," which was a delightfully humorous show. Normally the understudy for his part, the main actor had a forced absense and Kit filled in for the day. A lucky man indeed, because his character was married off to two of the hotties. I hope he appreciates his position.

We began with the Bake Shop yummies for a LATE breakfast at 2:30, followed suit with some London Broil before the show, then decided to go for broke with some Coldstone ice cream while we watched Nacho Libre with Doug and Katie (who is overly concerned that her tattoo did not come out as planned - it'll be fine. It's a nice one, too!)

So that was Saturday. It is now the wee hours of Sunday morning, and I'll be hitting the hay momentarily. With luck, Tori will stop by for a few hours before heading back to the fort. The rest of my waking time on Sunday will be spent on applying the trade execution strategy dad proposed to me on some practice charts. Fun fun fun... it never ends!

Ah! And here is the link for the Book Barn for those who may be interested:


Note that I am just typing out the links, since Blogger has been showing them as empty space with no link whenever I try to insert them properly.

Edit: One should note that the magic of The Book Barn can also be found in their exchange rates. The books they sell, in any condition, are lower than the fraction of the cost of something straight from B&N or Borders. If you have some old books or novels you want to get rid of, here's where you can go. Likewise, if you're looking to find some unique books - give them a try. I got the sense that everyone who 'worked' there was much more well-read than the average book lover.


Blogger Ninja said...

Sounds like you all had fun. My day consisted of all of us going to Ruby's for lunch. Sub-par expeirence. They didn't think we needed a high chair for Maverick, and they put the 6 foot tall guy who can't bend his knee in a tiny ass both. Jen's potato was raw in the middle and my medium well burger was rare in the middle :(

After that, we went to Target, which was actually kinda fun, since it was something to do other than sit around the house. I rode around in one of the carts, complete with beeping when I backup. Picked up a new game also, Fable. Going to give it a shot and let you know.

Anywho, sounds like you're busy today, but if you get a chance, give me a call tomorrow and we'll see if we can get some Battlefield in :)

3:26 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Oh? How so? I already had some simple ideas.

12:50 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Rob, any idea if I can borrow your cds before 2007? =)

1:04 PM


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