Thursday, August 25, 2005

Hello. My name is Diego Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!

Well, I never got to see Constantine past the scene where he and she are in the street and attacked by the flying demons. The DVD (widescreen, of course) has been sitting on top of my dusty PS2 for several weeks now. I guess one more night won't hurt? But several hours later I was flipping through some channels before bed and came upon Princess Bride. Ok, so it's more of a cult classic with young women, but it was still a cool movie to me when I was a kid, too. The six-fingered man, the the rodents of unnatural size, the gypsy deciding which goblet is poisoned... all very cool. And, of course, poor Andre the Giant. LOL, you know... someone ought to write a book titled "Everything I Know I Learned from Princess Bride." Ah, nostalgia.

Work has been quite unbelievable this week. It seems that the Summer is just heating up as it draws to a close. Medicare billing problems persist, resignations are flowing, disciplinary actions are being drawn out of me (I don't like having to do it, but it comes with the territory), and etc. I have not slept much this week and have managed only two complete exercise sessions since the weekend. Exciting? Of course! But getting up at 5:15 to "get a jump on the day" is never a wholly voluntary act. At work by 6! I feel like a cat whose owner has rubbed his hair in the wrong direction, making it stick up. That's what it's like when you're not a morning person and you wake up in the middle of your normal sleep pattern.

Ah well. 'Twas just a quick note to catch up. Shel, have a good last day or two. I'll be around tonight, so I'll give the famdamily a call. I hope someone is enjoying this beautiful day outside! =)


Blogger Tusc said...

I hear ya. People come and go. School will be great though, so make the best of your last year. The past is past, it just takes a little time to lock it away is all. Different things will still spark memories, but once you're fine with yourself it's all good. Just take what you've learned and apply it to the next relationship. UConn is a big place. There should be no trouble sifting through potential suitors. =)

Oh! I was so mad last night! I have to miss the first football game for the year next week! GRRR! It's Thursday night and I probably won't be home until late Friday.

Well, take heart in your close friends... and don't forget the family. Y'all were really great being there for me after Karen, and I'm a good reciprocator. Plus, you're a hot commodity. Young, great personality, good looking, happy, intelligent and with great career prospects. That combo is hard to beat! It's also working really well for me. ;)

I just can't wait to get home. I miss my dogs, my waterbed, my peeps and even my old office. Plus, it's beginning to feel like Fall... my favorite season! I feel alive. Definitely looking forward to the wine trail, mountain climbing, hiking, different fairs and gatherings... YAY! Now I just need a promotion so I can get my Viper and my apartment!

And, of course, it will be nice to be home... or at least in a place where I won't be getting moved away in a few weeks... where if I happen upon a good relationship, I can follow through. That is one thing which has made being here uncomfortable at times.

Anywho, I'll call you tonight. Bye! =)

1:10 PM


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