Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Multi-Post: DC Stuff

Just a quick post before running to lunch.

Went over to DuPont Circle last night and checked out the scenery. Washington is an AWESOME city to be in. Well, once you've parked... I will be using the Metro next time out, because it took me about an hour and a half WITH a mapquest cell phone life line to get home last night. LOL Sure, I got there easily enough, but the return routes through some of the rotaries sent me off the path I knew. I was close and ran parallel and then criss-crossed my way back to Massachusetts/Rt 50. But I got some walking in at DuPont Circle. Found some good eateries and clubs and took the time to enjoy a band performing on the street. Earlier in the evening, they had a bagpiper stationed on the corner near yet another Starbucks. Pretty neat. I can definitely get into the DC scene. And I am LOVING the heat at night. The only time I don't like it is in my office when I'm wearing my suit!

Let's see what else... oh, so maybe I'm nuts but it seems that all of a sudden my beard is coming in A) much faster, and B) much darker. By noon I feel like I'm an Italian or a Greek! With the angle on the mustache outline and my now more pronounced jaw, it looks like I have a sinister goatee. Kinda neat! LOL When or IF I ever get a vacation, I'll try growing it out a bit. Maybe.

Other than that? Loving living on my own. But that's no surprise, I've always come into my own... when I'm on my own. LOL I keep the place immaculate. Schedule my twice-a-week laundry so it's in the dryer after I'm done cooking, and then folded and stored after I exercise. All in all, I'm having a blast down here.

Work? Work is a challenge! I love it! Egos, attitudes, secrets, histories... and I'm working through all of it to put the group back together. What a cool situation. Working here is like playing against Kasparov or Fischer.

But I have to run. Need to grab lunch and go meet w/ my DON about yesterday's deplorable fire drill responses. Grumble. Sigh. I keep telling myself that it's not for lack of ability, just that there has been a lack of leadership and training. That? That I can fix.

Leave a message, y'all!


Blogger Tusc said...

Hmmmm....thinking.... Yeah, I guess I could use the speakers. I have only turned the computer one once while I was down here, and that was to retrieve some files for work via the Neuros. Hmmm...could you be a dear and collect the speakers at your desk? That would be comprised of 4 speakers, 1 bass tube and the volume control piece. THANK YOU, SHELLEY! =)

Folks talk to you much about Suzanne, or no? (Not Matt's wife)

1:16 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

And/or, did they ever say anything of interest about Liz? Just curious.

1:17 PM


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