Saturday, June 18, 2005

Re-Getting to know New Haven

You know, when I was in college I don't think I ever really explored New Haven nearly as much as I may once have believed. Sure, I knew people from here or there, or where to get hooked up for a free calzone, etc. But never really explored. Lately, I've been getting the chance to do more and while Hartford and other places get some attention, I am more surprised by how much I missed in the town where I spent all of my college time. Go figure.

For tonight though... nothing new. Going back to an old standby - Thai Taste! Of course, then my wrist has been twisted into going back to ANOTHER old locale... North Haven movie theatre.... ::shudders:: The last time I was there I was just leaving a 10pm showing of Red Dragon near midnight when the lobby, crowded with three or four hundred minority kids from the are, erupted in gun shots. No one was hit, but those same three or four hundred people panicked and ran. The shots themselves were from two youths within 50 feet of me. So....mixed feelings about going back THERE. Not that the odds favor a repeat of the last experience, but I would rather NOT put myself back in that setting. Perhaps I can gain a concession to go elsewhere by the time dinner is over? We'll see. Even Branford is better than North Haven!

Also... getting to read a lot more again. I just zipped through Bourne Identity and Supremacy, now reading The Janson Directive. Decent writing. Similar to my own style. So I'm sitting here thinkig..."Shit, I can do THIS." Maybe a new night time enterprise during the week? Es possible.


Blogger Tusc said...

Btw... North Haven movie theatre has apparently gone through some renovations since my last trip. There also were no throngs of hundreds of kids. For all signs, it looked fine by me. So it is once again a viable destination.

12:01 PM


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