Sunday, July 31, 2005

"Someone died in that bed....."

Poor Shelley! They finally got here just before 2am and tried to get to sleep soon after unpacking and having a beer. Not more than a few minutes after switching the lights out, I jokingly said "You know, someone died in that bed." She practically JUMPED across the room. She knew I was joking (I hope) but the comment hit her somewhere deep and she ended up taking the couch for the night. LOL I laughed myself into having asthma! Sorry, Shell.... but it WAS funny!

Let's see, the rest of the weekend was spent walking. We went up to Baltimore and took our time cruising through the mall area, and then along the docks. The women were beautiful. Many wore tight jeans or skirts, and all were showing off their tans. Scrum-diddly-umptious! We just don't have figures like these up north. What gives? Why does CT get the snobby chubby girls? Down here it's all sugar and spice and they all look nice. Even the less attractive ones work it pretty good... though my mind was STUCK on the blonde from on the Constellation. (The Constellation being a large warship from the days of sails and cannon) She must have been.. 5'9", blue eyes, blonde hair, dressed well... that is, "classy hot," if you get my meaning... Instant marriage material right there! LOL Ok ok, yes I am shallow when it comes to dating... that is just dating... it's like a handshake. But when it comes to mate material, the shallow aspects are the first to take a huge leap off the pier. You all know I mean it, so stop snickering! LOL And yes, I can poke fun at myself, too. I kind of have to. I mean, I'm nuts. When have I ever done anything that wasn't unorthodox or challenging to peoples' perceptions of 'what should be' and 'being a sheep'. A well-documented study revealed that even under close proximity for years on end, some people are still unable to 'get me'. But then, for the test to be accurate I should have selected a control that knew itself first. Anywhom...

So Baltimore was cool! We got to see them fire a cannon, and I have videotape to prove it. The fact that we were on a ship... firing cannon roughly in the direction of Fort McHenry... did not escape me, and I heard traces of the Star Spangled Banner playing through my mind. Tres cool. If you're down this way and want a good mix of shopping, eating, and stuff to do... Baltimore harbor will not disappoint.

Today! We got up much earlier today and hit the monument trail. Shelley forgot her camera, so we snapped a bunch on my new toy... which I am now addicted to. The camera does not leave my side. It is SO easy to snap some pictures... even just randomly... because it's not like you're wasting film. I just download the pics to the PC and store them. No fuss, no muss. If it were a regular camera, I might be hesitant to click off so many shots of one thing, or to possibly "waste" film on a not-as-important picture.... but with this digi-cam I am a shutter-snappin-fool! I highly recommend getting one, folks. Much better than camera phones.

So the sis and Justin are heading back to CT at the moment. I am taking a MUCH-needed break to check my e-mail. So long overdue! Setting up plans for the week. Last week was wicked slow after the Suzanne dead-end. On my own initiative, I had gone ahead and cut ties with everyone I was going out with or talking to because she had really grabbed my attention. It has taken a LOT of outgoingness, charm, and just getting out there to get some new names. The internet comes through every once in a while, too. It worked better for me at home, but I don't have internet in my apartment here so it's kind of spotty when you can't sign on and chat or e-mail heavily. (Sigh)

This week's personal agenda? Mind the eating. Weight remains hovering at 187, thankfully. The work is really not pulling it off... it's not like Maine where I kicked my ass 18 hours a day for several weeks. Down here the food is GOOD... and also PLENTIFUL. I only cooked for myself twice last week. While that is not bad, the fact that the alternative to my own cooking is often something either expensive or very very rich in calories... is. So I must mind that, because I don't want to break the threshold and start gaining again. But last week was a fluke. Sucky (emotion-wise) weekend followed by a week of me running this place.... yeah. We're 4x the sie of Pomperaug Woods and, well, if this were a ship like the Constellation... I'd say we're taking on more water than the bilges can handle and someone set the sails on fire! LOL No, not that bad at all. But I have had NO time to myself in over a week.. except for right now.. so I'm a wee bit burnt.

Let's see... tomorrow with Vicky, Tuesday maybe hang with my buddy DaKnack, someday whenever and as often as possible with Erin.... and then Erica. just. keeps. calling. "I'll find youuuuuuuu...." Yeesh! And Diane wants to get a drink, too. ::Places right hand over face and shakes head:: Yeah, yet another week with no time to myself. On the plus side, Vicky has her own set of handcuffs. Woo hoo! Can't beat a girl who comes equipped. Like, if you're allergic to latex? You had BEST carry your own darned lambskin, girl! LOL Just a for-instance. Of course, it is my belief that it is the smarter thing for women to carry condoms anyway. Yes, the guy should be responsible for this. I totally agree, ladies! And I am a responsible guy. But there are plenty of dudes out there that play dumb and don't carry. So I say, best to be prepared to 'wrap that rascal'. Ok, I lost my train of thought. It's almost 8 and I'm weary from the exercise this weekend... the kids just couldn't keep up! So...



Blogger Tusc said...


I do. Sorry you got scared. I noticed that you still managed somehow to overcome it the next night.

This weekend was fun. I had a great time! Come back again sometime. Like, maybe next weekend?! =)

9:23 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Perhaps. Keeps me informed. I'd like to finally meet Pearl and Rudy. I'd also enjoy finally getting INSIDE the Air & Space Museum. LOL. I guess Walt may know of a place to park down there... we'll see. Otherwise, maybe we should just leave the car parked where it was and walk. And/or use the Metro! =) Weeeeeeeee!

2:48 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Good Lord, you are SUCH a math dork! Luv ya!

I dunno why, but I am just way off my game today. Probably cuz of some dreams I had last night. That's probably it, yes. Ah well, I'll delve into it this afternoon when I have time to write a post.


9:48 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

What kind of dreams involving me? Abstract? How so? What are your possible interpretations?

Cuz I've been having dreams about people who are or have been in my life lately. That is far from my norm, and I don't know what it may be 'telling' me. Stress load here is lowish except for a few spikes last week. Personal life is fast-paced but easily controlled... if anything, it 'wakes me up' cuz its exciting. Far from homesick. In fact, been home a lot more than I wanted to be. So there is no obvious reason presenting itself for the dream topics or frequency. What does this mean?

It means I'm asking myself, "What now?" Cuz this kind of sequence always precedes something of significance... good or bad.

Maybe it's a good thing? I just looked on LCS and there is an Administrator position open in.... wait for it....

HAWAII !!!! =) Dude, it's vacation wonderland AND semi-asian. A lot of Japanese there and native islanders, and I'm pretty well disposed towards their cultures and understanding them. Who knows, maybe I'll get really really lucky after all of this?

Only thing I need now is the right woman on my arm with the right ring on her hand. Y'know? Been saving for a house, so it'd be kinda nice to have a family to put IN that house... you know, just maybe.

For reference, more can be learned about the Hawaii thing at ...


Mmmm... Brett as an Admin... at Admin salary level... in Hawaii! With a Viper! Woo hoo!

I could get into that, even though I'm a pale bastard. But would mom ever visit me? =(

2:13 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Lucky! I am never bored here. It is like someone is holding down the panic button. It's INSANE! And SO MUCH FUN! I love being Admin. Though I still believe Exec Direc would be more fun. ;)

Oh hey! Refer to my new post!

I'll ttyl.

10:26 AM


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