Monday, December 04, 2006

For Rob, re: BF2...

As of the moment, I am 1,468 points away from next rank! It may well be my LAST promotion in the game since this rank requires a total of 20,000 points and the next rank is a full 30k more...

Just in time to swap up to 2142 for the holiday!

Holy crap, Rob. Did a server that was just GT and 30 player max. Both teams were actually pretty evenly matched and skills were high, as in about on par with me. I kept beating them down from the west tower or the hotel and they eventually began to formulate strategies of killing me. No kidding - they triangualated me and pinned me down for a while. But that wasn't until about the sixth round. I thought I might have gotten a new 'Favorite Victim' because this one guy kept going to the SAME SPOT on a roof in the middle of the map to try and snipe. A medic revived him several times before I capped the medic, but the guy KEPT going back. I finally spoke in the open and said.... take a hint, find a new perch. But by the next map I realized that their Commander himself was hunting me. I ended up in several LONG range standoffs between me and 2 to 4 enemies at any given time. My Commander loved me, LOL, and kept me well supplied so I hardly ever died. Finally people started joining my squad and we REALLY rampaged. Their Commander took the TV roof and I asked for a grapple on my team and got one... so we got up to the roof and my buddy shot him. Then my team started spawning on me and I had a medic who kept reviving me because after that they kept hitting me in the final round. I died about 5 times up there in 10 minutes (that's a LOT for me) because they were THAT adamant about taking me out of the picture. They must have been RIPPED to see me pop back up and continue to drop people. Was fun. I love a long running game like that where most of the players remain the same and you sort of develop a reputation. BTW, I found that a decent spot to shoot from is the one roof just south of the tower in the west. Sort of a nook there where you can hit most of the prayer tower and all of the opposite rooftops plus the southern flag. Not too shabby.

No amazing knife kill stories tonight. In fact, everyone was pretty cool - no badmouthing or bs tonight. But I did own the northern flag on the west end. From the middle roof I'd pop their snipers before they got me, then turn my guns down. Its simple to pistol guys on the ladder, and if you drop a Clay just so (facing north) it essentially covers BOTH ladders without having to drop a second clay. But like I said, they got smart. They started to actually run DECOYS. They also sent in a group of grapple guys to come up to my level. Another time I found out there were 2 snipers across the stream, one in the prayer tower, one by the bridge and one on the roof there. I said a quick WTF and went about sneaking slowly around corners to try and pop them. Got shot up, but not killed. Only once did someone get legitimately smart and begin tossing grenades at me, but I got him and I never saw him again. Must've left the server.

Anyway, I'll say this...

Murphy's Laws of Combat #84: You know you've managed to both anger the enemy and give away your position when you hear the ricochets from 5 guns all pointing in your direction.


Blogger Tusc said...


Been having a number of new and interesting (slightly disturbing) dreams. One had me looking at a house on a hill overlooking a long green field with mountains to either side. In the distance was a brilliant orange sunset and you could see the moon, partly obscured by orange clouds above it to the right. But from the left came a massive spheroid shape, perhaps a small planetoid, that showed immense numbers of surface impacts. It was slowly falling into the Earth and the atmosphere was beginning to catch fire from it. The sense of impending doom was unfathomable.

Another one had me visit a church-sponsored (though it was rather opulent) school for the deaf, yet they were all singing like professional opera stars. I was there with the daughter of someone important. Later, I was being chased by an enemy - a crime boss? So I hid in my fence's warehouse as his guys shot the place up. Lots of mayhem and death downstairs, but I got up into a rafter-like area that could see down through a window near the rooftop. But suddenly the wall below me came alive with the sign of the cross. The sign was glowing red and spewed forth beings from the other side who went to do battle with the group downstairs. Before it was done it levitated me down to in front of it where I hung helpless in the air as it enveloped me with light. The light literally tattoo'd me with an unknown script in concentric circles emanating out from the base of my neck to the edge of my shoulders. Each word was separated by a diamond shape and each word was apparently a memory, or rather a vision given to me of something yet to come and they would glow as the event they represented was about to come to pass. Odd, but neat.

And then last night I had a dream of a 747 in flames crashing into a city with a beach, perhaps near the Bahamas since the water looked clear. I had originally been part of the private group which was to put the plane there but I turned against them when I realized what was to be done and managed to crash it by the shore as I parachuted down. The dream wasn't long or in-depth, but worth mentioning for the fire and for the fact that I have also had several dreams recently involving carious aircraft implanting themselves at the base of the hill by my house. One was another 747 that went straight into the side and I went running looking for people I could help, if any. The other was an old twin tail boom aircraft with propellor engines up front, a ramp at the rear (between tail booms) and a gunner turret on the roof with a skeleton in it. That one looked like it had crashed in the jungle, yet it was just across the cul-de-sac from the house here.

So there are my dreams of late. Shall we suggest not flying this season? LOL

10:07 AM


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