Wednesday, November 29, 2006

7 to 1...

Hmmmm, yes... 7:1. That's my score versus Tori's in a little competition we engaged in over the weekend. Fair to say I whooped her ass, eh? And what tpye of competition might this have been? Push-up contest? Holding your breath? Who can last longest without laughing? Who has the best ideas for dark vengeance upon the ex-roomie nutcase? No, none of those.

Connect 4

That's right. Connect 4

I beat Tori a total of SEVEN times in Connect 4 and only lost once due to order of turn as we filled the board and had 2 spots left.

How do you not have a level win/loss rate at Connect 4?


Just messing with you, Tor-Tor!



Blogger Tusc said...

On a side note I just have to say: DAMN, there is some weird sh!t on the internet.

Even I can get weirded out sometimes. Yuck.

2:43 PM


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