Tuesday, November 28, 2006

G-D Junkie 2nd Cousin A--hole......

You know what, I'm going to post this story later. Just mad right now.

Edit: Here's the rest of the story.

We all know my gram: a fragile (not just frail) 90 pound woman 80 years of age. Rob and Tori have never met my second cousin, David. He is the son of my gram's sister, Edith, and he's fought his coke addiction for years. Apparently he's back to it and showed up at my gram's on Monday night. You have to know David. He's a big guy, both tall and a bit overweight and has a VERY loud voice. He could intimidate other guys. And he definitely intimidated my gram. Basically, he went over there looking for money. Money from a woman who has none. Money not freely given, but coerced. Stolen. Robbery. Yes, she did go to her room to get money. Because she couldn't stop him if she tried, and she wasn't about to get him going since he was already in a chemically altered state. And he followed her into the bedroom. With his newfound $27, he took off and tore up the grass in her yard and left a one-legged burnout on her driveway in his haste to get away from the crime.

She's ok. Very shaken, but ok.

The rest of us are spitting nails.

With an ex-cop, an ex-soldier and three large grandsons among that group, David would do well never to return to her house. We're taking care of the legal side of it already.

Drug addiction is a bad thing. Just look at what it's made this guy do to his elderly aunt. It's already causing a minor rift in the family, which, honestly, given what happened I don't give a rat's ass if we never see anyone from his side of the family again. I imagine we all feel as violated as my gram does in this and that we could have been there to ward this jerk off.

As an indirect result of this, I feel motivated to go back and get my pistol permit. It just makes more sense now than it did before.


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