Tuesday, November 21, 2006

9/11 Vids

I've watched or read about all the conspiracy theory ideas surrounding 9/11 at one time or another. Some catch my interest, others are pure fantasy. Decide for yourself which ones you want to buy into. Such as the tower... how DID they come down? Any answer remains a theory, no one has defined the precise cause. The damage done to the basement I consider to be done by the falling mass of the buildings accelerating towards the ground. That's MY theory. But my question is why some of the support girders DO look like they were surgically cut by a detonation... not torn and twisted. I find that curious, but I am not a structural engineer and can't answer it for myself.

The only one that does raise flags in my head is the Pentagon. I side firmly with the results of the top video... at those speeds an aircraft will disintegrate. I've seen impact photos of airliners going straight in and there is nothing left, just a few tiny pieces here or there, and not much of a crater. So while I consider it totally plausible that an aircraft can hit the building and leave little by way of large easily identifiable remains, I find it extremely hard to believe that a 757 can function with the same strength as a Bunker Buster, penetrating to the third ring of the Pentagon. We saw the planes penetrate the WTC towers and the flames come out the other side. Those buildings had structural parts in the outter walls and within, but just glass and common building material elsehwere. Essentially, those planes hit a bird cage. But the Pentagon is not a bird cage. It was designed and built during the Cold War to sustain a direct nuclear blast. That is not to say that anyone above ground would survive such a blast, but that the structure is designed not to take the heaviest hit there is. The Pentagon is a hardened target as well as a bunker... or at the very least, consider it a modern building designed with extreme durability in mind. I can imagine the plane breaking the outter wall and destroying the interior and collapsing through the back of that first ring. But the Pentagon has 5 rings, each with two walls of reinforced concrete... similar to the top video (just not as thick). There is NO WAY a 757, which disintegrated to the point of leaving no debris outside the building.... could possibly have the inertia or the density required to punch through FOUR reinforced walls AND punch another 16 foot hole in a 5th. Imagine yourself throwing a tent stake into the ground. The tip hits and it sticks. If you throw it really hard, it makes a satisfying noise, but doesn't go too much deeper. The effect the plane had on the Pentagon is like you tossing the stake down and having it lodge 2/3 of it's length into the solid dirt. Not likely!

At least, IMO.


Blogger Tusc said...

Oh, and I figured out Rob's secret. This is what he has REALLY been up to for the past few weeks at home....


10:08 AM


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