Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Wii bit of common sense


I thought it was just me, but when I first saw Nintendo's Wii concept about a month ago, I looked at it and went "pfffffffft, that'll never make it." It's probably good that they are trying to think 'outside the box' (whatever that lame comment means), but it should have been pretty apparent WAY before it went past concept stage that this is a goofy idee for the ONLY source of controllers for a new gaming console. I'd rate it as a GOOD idea if it were an ACCESSORY for certain games, but as the base controller.... no. You can't game for hours (days) with this system without fatigue. Plus you just KNOW that anything this physical is going to bring about product damage. As much as they try to make them sturdy, people are going to break every aspect of these controllers and do it a LOT easier than the pre-production tests would suggest. I'm thinking it's best market will be with young kids and the one guy in twenty who has spare cash after buying his PS3 and wants to be different from his other friends.

So basically, don't put this one on my Christmas list. =)


Blogger Tusc said...

Another tech rant - IE7. Ok, it looks rounder. Literally, edges of graphics are rounded a bit. But the text on web pages now looks like CRAP, all out of size and coloring. But the thing that's sort of under my skin is.... why are the Fwd/Back arrows on the left and the Recycle/Stop buttons WAYYYYYYYY to the right? They should all be grouped on top of one another. I'll adjust, I'm just tired of people thinking they have to change everything around with no reason just because this is the "NEW" version.

And, since this is a Microsoft product, I am curious to see in what new ways our personal security and personal control/selection is being trashed.

8:53 AM

Blogger Ninja said...

ok, on the Wii, when you were speaking of destruction of the controller, that's not quite the problem. The problem is the destruction of other things.


This site is dedicated to the stuff that has been broken by the Wii-mote leaving the sweaty hand of the gamer at Mach Speed :) Everything from broken windows to a broken plasma screen to the one who has a low ceiling and stuck his hand in the ceiling fan :O

As to IE 7. I haven't downloaded, I've heard of to many problems with it and websites to want to download it, and I use Opera anyway, so I don't need to download it :) From the sounds of it, it's still should be considered Beta that was released. Not bad looking, but full of bugs. And microsoft would rather have us test it then QA.

Though I must say, with IE 6. If, and the keyword is IF, you tweak it, it can be as secure as firefox and Opera. And contrary to what Firefox fans say, Firefox is not all that secure. At least Microsoft fixes the bugs when they find them. Firefox has had some big holes that have been there since Release. If you want to go secure for a browser, use Opera. It's free, very customizable, and I haven't found a website yet that didn't like it.

Next time I'm down, I'll show you some software that will fix a bunch of the security issues with Windows and IE.


7:08 PM

Blogger Ninja said...

oh, one more thing. Half of the stuff breaking from Mach 1 Wii-motes is from the strap breaking. The other half you might ask?

Those are from the brilliant ones who say "Wrist strap? We don't need no sticking Wrist straps"


7:11 PM

Blogger Ninja said...

Oh, I just thought of one website that doesn't like Opera, sort of. Blogger Comment section. Everything displays fine, and when you click login and publish, it will post your comment, but then tell you that this page doesn't allow anonymous, blah blah blah. That's the only thing I've had an issue with, using Opera.

8:21 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Never heard of Opera. Next time you come down I want to check it out. I was never a fan of Firefox/Mozilla, but it had nothing to do with security or lack thereof. I just didn't like the layout. I'll do some reading up on Opera.

I don't know why, but I feel like a Zombie today. Was in bed before midnight and my alarm clicked on at 6am but I couldn't manage it, so I set it to 7, then didn't actually get out of bed until 8:30!! What a bum!! But I was just in a grog and couldn't move this morning. Perhaps it had something to do with the dream I seemed to be stuck in. Every time I rolled back over I went right back into it. Interesting.

Yeah, Yahoo! had the link to that site with the news section yesterday as well as some pics of damaged items.

Wii just sounds like a doomed project from the beginning. All the money in the world and they still couldn't hire anyone with an ounce of common sense.

Things they missed:
1 - Will fatigue players
2 - Fatigued players will not become addicts to the system and play for days on end.
3 - Lack of addicts directly relates to lack of console and game sales.
4 - Lack of foresight on potential damage and injury.
5 - Lack of foresight into Parents and hard working teens who will not spend money on something they consider potentially dangerous or damaging.
6 - No support for a standard hand-held controller (take that back, they DO offer other controllers, but even those don't compare to PS2/3 or Xbox/360)
7 - No capstone game like Mario Bros, Gran Turismo, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Sonic or the like to carry initial sales.
8 - Flawed basic concept of the Wii controllers - they do NOT look easy to use OR ergonomic.
9 - No additional options to make it comparable to PS3 or Xbox 360 like DVD, internet, Blu-ray disc, hard drive or... most notably... HD video.
10 - It's just lame, ok!? LOL

As a consumer, I would rather get the PSP, which is a totally different type of system that doesn't really appeal to me, than waste money on the Wii.

12:38 PM


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