Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Got back in touch with Nikki. She has a new computer now, so back on IM. She's going into student teaching soon. We caught up for a while, updated on our changes in life and love, etc. I think she and Tori would get along pretty well. Nikki, as it turns out, thinks Rob and I would get along well. Ought to try the combo some time. (Not like THAT! You dirty people, you!).

That's about it. I am GOING TO BED. Up much too late tonight. Last time I'm doing it. Most people have an alarm clock to wake them up? I have one that tells me when to go TO BED. =) Well, from now on I do anyway. Finally learned how to use that complex 7-day alarm clock I got for Christmas. W00t!

Someone reminds me to post pictures. Pester me until I do. Ta!


Blogger Tusc said...

Feel better. Just finished talking to this Josh fellow. I remain under the belief its a scam or a lie, but the offer is to head down to Australia end of March and hang out. See the area, check out the beaches, zoo, some nightclubs, go quadding, etc. Blah blah blah. And more blah blah blah. Its either the best lie I've ever heard, seriously, and that's saying something coming from me. Or it's legit. And the unemployed part of me wants to believe it's legit. I wish! That would be like winning Lotto or something, and Brett likes that idea.

As conversation goes now, the offer is firm as long as I want it. And he's interested in flying me down around the 27th/29th, can stay in the guest apartment and hang out. Blah blah blah. I don't believe it until I find a 9-seat private jet waiting for me at Bradley.

(But wouldn't that be cool if it were for real? - Like something out of a movie)

3:46 AM

Blogger Ninja said...

Hey, pictures, dammit!!!

You said to remind ya :)

Sunday is free so let me know what's going on. TTYL

8:31 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Sunday is excellent for me. Satruday is now also free, since there is a question as to tickets and whatnot (poopy Tori never followed through...gets me all hot and interested in the museums and then drops the ball..) =( I'm really ok with it, Tori. But now I hope you know that we're going to have to make the trek on our own when you have a day off. =)

But Rob, SUnday is great, Saturday can be ok too... though I think Sunday would be better. Just trying to give you some leeway with your schedule. Do you have any interest in doing something as a group Saturday night? Bowling? I haven't been in AGES.

11:59 AM

Blogger Ninja said...

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8:13 AM

Blogger Ninja said...



um......yeah.....I have no idea what these pics are, and if they will then make this site NSFW, but you said to remind you and I'm bored and haven't had coffee yet, so....yeah :)

PS - Above deleted post was this, stupid blogger wouldn't let me edit for spelling :/

8:15 AM

Blogger Tusc said...


10:30 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

What other cute pics? I already sent you a bunch, silly! =P

Fine, fine... I'll update...

10:23 AM


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