Thursday, February 09, 2006

Holy Dustbunnies, Batman!

My room is a MESS!

Doing more cleaning/organizing today. I will devote time this afternoon/evening to more job applications, but for now I am continuing my clean freakiness.

My room..... oh holy heck. I only sleep there, so I really haven't gone through the drawers or taken more than a cursory look at the dark corners of my closet in almost a DECADE.

I.... I think I'm afraid to look much further. LOL =P

I am armed with trash bags, cleaning agents, and an eye for eliminating things I no longer need. Like what the hell am I keeping game manuals from 1991 for? I think I ought to start an E-Bay account and get rid of stuff that way. I'll have to see if any of this stuff is even worth E-Bay consideration, lol.


Anyway, back to the mines with me. I'll check in later.



Blogger Tusc said...

On the plus side, I haven't been through my photo collection in almost a decade, as well. There are some great memories from school and Japan in there. Seeing some faces I haven't seen in many years, and some that have changed dramatically.

11:25 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Ok, I am E-Bay ignorant... I have used it exactly twice to sell things in the past. If I post something and it doesn't sell, does it cost me anything? Or is it only if it sells? I mean, cuz if it's a free posting.... I'll list EVERYTHING up there. =)

7:16 PM


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