Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Australia, anyone?

This is odd. Never happen, I'm sure... just talk. Well, I was getting my passport for London anyway... I guess Australia wouldn't be TOO different. Ant hills instead of castles, though.... not much fun.

A guy I play against online turns out to be the owner of a large chain of PC stores down there. We're talking rigs, parts, speed, etc.... pretty cool. Get to careers, etc. Turns out he needs a Finance Officer and it pays $210/yr... not sure what the Australian exchange rate is...but who cares?

It's all talk. But interesting, just the same. He comes from money. Dad passed away and he runs his business plus the PC stores he opened. Mum lives near the Queen's estate, etc. Just talk. But its the kind of talk that makes you dream. =)

Ah well, just sayin'.


Blogger Tusc said...

Exchange would be $157k/yr. Can you imagine that? ::sigh:: I only WISH!

1:05 AM

Blogger Tusc said...

Very well may still be BS. I am a natural skeptic. I also happen to be a superb bullshit artist and tend to recognize it when I see it. He is either SUPERB at keeping a story straight and setting an image when giving a line, or he may actually be....genuine?

So... who wants to go to Sydney in three weeks? ::raises hand::

LOL - I still believe it is nothing of consequence. But it would be a great surprise to find out otherwise!

$180 to $210k in Australian dollars.... or $132,534 to $154,623 USD.

Quite frankly, I'd hop at half of either of those numbers given my impending unemployment.

If nothing else, I am curious to see how the story pans out.

3:57 AM

Blogger Ninja said...

That might be a little hard for me to come down for the weekend to game :) Sounds interesting if nothing else. Sorry I missed your call last night, wasn't feeling great so went to bed early.

9:02 AM


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