Monday, February 20, 2006

Snowboarding = Owie..... owie, but FUN!

Ok, come on.... it was a LOT of fun. But I must say that whoever it was who told me that learning to snowboard is easier than learning to ski is an outright LIAR. LOL

It would definitely have helped if Brian had told us how to stop properly instead of having to fall. I almost threw a disc out. Glad I stopped when I did, because my back was intensely painful on the way home and is still tender.

I think I'll go out and get myself a cheapo board and pray for a little snow to dust the front yard. Best way to learn, IMO, is on your own in a controlled situation. Couple dozen trips down the front yard and I'm sure I'll be able to manage a few ski lift trips at Ski Sundown. Notably, NOT the Black Diamond run they have there. Was that really a hill? Or was it a vertical elevator to HELL? =P I want to get more skilled at skiing and go back and hit that hill.

The snowboarding outting was a good adventure... Tori's damaged knee notwithstanding. And, of course, the company all weekend was rather pleasant.

I still can't believe how many trash bags I've gone through clearing out all my stuff. Everything is back to the Spartan, clean setting I prefer. Organized, clean, empty and simplistic. I feel like I can breathe easier now, though I don't know why.

Had a nice long conversation w/ the moms today. That felt good, too. Esp after going through the drawer where I keep all my memorables: photos, news clippings, letters from Japan, Space Academy, scholastic awards, yearbooks and different publications dating back to '91!

Looking forward to relaxing tonight, though.


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