Saturday, September 10, 2005

Home, Football, Sunburn, and Close Friends

Phew! I'm home! And life is good, as always. Never let yourself focus on the negative, I say. Wish that were true for everyone in this world, but some seem to thrive on the negativity and the ensuing drama/attention involved. Yeesh. Like my employees back here in CT... I come back from a summer full of every possible imaginable (and one or two others which no one, and I mean NO ONE should have to have thrust on them)... but the point is that I survived the meat grinder in DC and came out all the better for it. I come back and people are falling apart because of "stress" and "pressure" and "lawsuits". LOL Ok, lawsuit is legit, but nothing to worry about.

I'm glad to be home and back to PW, where I can see most of the punches coming. Runnig PW is going to be even more of a cakewalk after the experiences I learned from at Collington. And I hope I left them all in good hands down there. Capable, yes. I just don't know if the "Oh, I'm not afraid to fire anyone" quote and the mindset behind it is going to be at all a positive thing. I worry for them. All good folks down there just trying to survive a few years of bad times. I get the management's necks out of the shells and now...? Well, they'll be ok. It's just a different tune to dance to than mine. I guess 'papa' here is worried for his 'kids'.

Yow. I'm not even 24 hours in the state and my phone was already ringing. LOL. What a crazy summer. I wouldn't have believed it not too long ago. Imagine having a permanent smile tattooed to on your face and you'll be in the right neighborhood. I'm just trying to take it all in, and perhaps make sense of it a bit. Four out of five women... FOUR out of FIVE... and all of various backgrounds... CIA bio-tech doctor, 1st grade teacher, Physician's Assistant, Human Resources @ State Farm... each have professed their love to me within TWO WEEKS. Is that unbelievable or what? I am NOT being sarcastic, I am just incredulous. Didn't believe I was much worth loving for a while there, and then this? Huh. Cool. And yet, it is uncomfortable to be the one who does NOT reflect the feelings at the same intensity as someone else. In one case, I felt like Vince Vaughan in Wedding Crashers where the senator's daughter says "I'll fiiiiiind yooooou!" Thankgully, I lived in a gated community behind TWO gates. =) All humor aside, these women are all wonderful, strong, intelligent and self-aware people. I'm always a touch emotional, and I feel bad that I was not 'the one' for them, but I can't help it. Perhaps I am gunshy. It is a question I ask myself from time to time.

HRm.... files finished downloading.... I'll come back to finish up! =) Back to my bro and sis!


Blogger Tusc said...

::sigh:: Does Live Journal suffer from these same annoying advertisements?

12:01 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Shelley! Quick! Hide that beer!

LOL You were SO funny. I had no idea you had a bottle in your hand when I brought mom in! I swear!

Yes, glad to see you, too. Life is about the people we love.

Oh, you're on the phone now.... ttyl, sis. Live it up at UConn!

11:14 PM


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