Saturday, June 25, 2005

Good Times!

Never never never never never never never never never..... play drinking games while drinking a massive 'cup' of wine when everyone else is drinking light beer. LOL

Surprisingly, I was the sober voice of reason all night. 'Twas good to see some folks I hadn't seen in a while. Was also odd to be attracted to a girl my sister's age... but that's something else. Besides, she's an attention... girl. Unfortunately, Evan has never figured out how that works and has been pining after her for two years when she has made it clear there is no relationship there. But then... she's also toying him along by flirting in front of him and showing herself off. So it's a game. And in this case, it's a game Evan lost. Now, I can truly identify with the guy and I offered all the sage advice I could based on my own recent experiences. But, you really can't expect words to solve an emotion. In any case... Alex, Cassandra and I ended up playing nursemaid / bouncer with him until 6am. Fun?

We couldn't let him leave until we knew where his head was at because he was fairly self-destructive. And, for good measure, he put a hole in the wall. Greeeeeeaaat. It's ok to feel how you feel, but you have to maintain control of yourself at the same time. So it was what it was. I felt bad at 4, but he was being problematic and I had to threaten to put him down. =/ I don't like having to do that.

Hate to do this... BUT... I gotta run. Making up for a promise I broke to a friend last year. I opted to appease my ex's insecurity instead of seeing my friend win the Miss Connecticut pageant. She's giving it up tonight, so I am going to at least go be a part of this experience.


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Did these over, you know, the weekend or something...

You May Be a Bit Antisocial ...

Antisocial? That may be a bit of an understatement.

You think rules are meant to be broken - and with gusto!

Having no fear, you don't even think about consequences.

But people love you anyway... you've got a boatload of charm.

You Are a Warrior Soul

You're a strong person and sometimes seen as intimidating.
You don't give up. You're committed and brave.
Truly adventuresome, you are not afraid of going to battle.
Extremely protective of loved ones, you root for the underdog.

You are picky about details and rigorous in your methods.
You also value honesty and fairness a great deal.
You can be outspoken, intimidating, headstrong, and demanding.
You're a hardliner who demands the best from themselves and others.

Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul

Your Element Is Air

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.

Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.

You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Re-Getting to know New Haven

You know, when I was in college I don't think I ever really explored New Haven nearly as much as I may once have believed. Sure, I knew people from here or there, or where to get hooked up for a free calzone, etc. But never really explored. Lately, I've been getting the chance to do more and while Hartford and other places get some attention, I am more surprised by how much I missed in the town where I spent all of my college time. Go figure.

For tonight though... nothing new. Going back to an old standby - Thai Taste! Of course, then my wrist has been twisted into going back to ANOTHER old locale... North Haven movie theatre.... ::shudders:: The last time I was there I was just leaving a 10pm showing of Red Dragon near midnight when the lobby, crowded with three or four hundred minority kids from the are, erupted in gun shots. No one was hit, but those same three or four hundred people panicked and ran. The shots themselves were from two youths within 50 feet of me. So....mixed feelings about going back THERE. Not that the odds favor a repeat of the last experience, but I would rather NOT put myself back in that setting. Perhaps I can gain a concession to go elsewhere by the time dinner is over? We'll see. Even Branford is better than North Haven!

Also... getting to read a lot more again. I just zipped through Bourne Identity and Supremacy, now reading The Janson Directive. Decent writing. Similar to my own style. So I'm sitting here thinkig..."Shit, I can do THIS." Maybe a new night time enterprise during the week? Es possible.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Batman Begins: "A guy who dresses up like a bat CLEARLY has issues..."

"A guy who dresses up like a bat CLEARLY has issues..."

Some people grew up addicted to Star Trek, others are scions of the flannel man and worship lightsabres or ewoks. Myself? I share a great interest at least in Star Wars, but growing up I always loved the Dark Knight. Not Batman as he began in the 60's, but Batman as he was reborn to fit my generation. The Batman who held tight to his honor while fighting back against the senseless horde, using all their own violence against them without losing sight of himself. I suppose it is my belief that good and evil are subjective terms, that perspective and experience weigh each image as it is deciphered through societal values. This often puts my own perspective at odds with those of other people. I don't take offense, nor do I object to people having their own opinions. Though they seem to take offense to some of my own. Such as being... violent... in 'sentencing' sex offenders or child abusers. The same way our own country portrays a self-image of being the squeaky-clean hero. All we have has come at a price, and we hold onto it through continuing to pay a toll in the common coin: bodies. Sometimes theirs, sometimes our own. We spin the story to fit our needs and keep our populace happy and feeling safe. All is as it should be. Rome crucifies Christ and drives the baggage trains home laden with the prizes of foreign lands.

As if on cue! Right then a pair of F/A-18s loaded down with fuel tanks and AMRAAM's buzzed my house in tight formation heading WSW at 3500ft. Cool... I've never seen them over my house before, just the Nat'l Guard A-10s. Those F-18s are loud.

Anyway - Batman RULED. Not a purely faithful film, but none of them can be. Christian Bale played Wayne and Batman equally well. And the quote was repeated from the original film "A guy who dresses up like a bat CLEARLY has issues..." Very nice.

I hadn't read anything previous to the film, so I was very pleased to see Ra's Al Ghul as the nemesis. He was always a good character. Equal parts honor and villain. Of course, we know he'll be back!

Damn, ANOTHER flight of F-18s. At least they're not flying faster/higher... I'd be worried then at this unusual occurrence. This pair was not visual, but they passed further north heading in the same direction.

Ok... yes, I'm sidetracked a lot here. LOL. I have to go get cleaned up and skee-daddle. Just go see Batman. You'll love it. This one is my instant favorite of the whole collection. I won't even get into the confusion regarding the Joker... though if someone wants to get a dialogue going with me, I'm game.

Out for the night, y'all.

More Quizzes to Fill Time... enjoy!

The True You

You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more open with you.
With respect to money, you save for a rainy day.
You think good luck might come your way, but if it does you'll be so surprised you'll burst out laughing.
The hidden side of your personality tends to be a little selfish. You only do what interests you.
You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked.
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match.

Your Sexy Brazilian Name Is

Travadera Sarahyba

Your Star Wars Pickup Line

"I will show you the true nature of the Force."

Your Amazing Yoda Sex Line

"Foreplay, cuddling - a Jedi craves not these things."

Your Deadly Sins

Lust: 80%

Pride: 80%

Greed: 60%

Wrath: 60%

Envy: 20%

Gluttony: 20%

Sloth: 20%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 49%

You'll die of a yet to be discovered STD.

Your Birthdate: March 19

Your birth on the 19th day of the month adds a tone of independence and extra energy to your life path.

But at the same time, it poses a number of obstacles to overcome before you are able to be as independent as you would like. The number 1 energy suggests more executive ability and leadership qualities than your path may have indicated.

A birthday on the 19th of any month gives greater will power and self-confidence, and very often a rather original approach. However, a somewhat self-centered approach to life that may be in conflict with some of the other influences in your life.

This 1 energy may diminish your ability and desire to handle details, preferring instead to paint with a broad brush.

You are sensitive, but your feeling stay somewhat repressed.

You have a compelling manner that can be dominating in many situations.

You do not tend to follow convention or take advice very well.

Consequently, you tend to learn through experience; sometimes hard experiences.

The 19/1 is a loner number and you may experience feelings of being alone even if you are married.

You may take on a tendency to be nervous and angry.

You Were Actually Born Under:
Your most comfortable inside your head - and often daydream the day away.
You have an artistic temperament that makes you seem creative to some, eccentric to others.
You avoid conflict at all costs, and you have a difficult time with relationships.
Attractive and with good manners, you tend to shine in social situations.

You are most compatible with a Pig or Rabbit.
You Should Have Been Born Under:

You are totally loyal, faithful, and honest.
However, you don't trust others to be as ethical as you are!
Straight forward and direct, you really aren't one for small talk.
You are a great listener - and an agreeable companion when you're in a good mood!

You are most compatible with a Tiger or Horse.

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.

You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Interesting Quote

"The greatest challenge in life is to find someone who knows all your flaws and differences and yet still willingly embraces you with so much love."

It says everything and it's not easy to find.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I am Tyler's... need for Tylenol. =P  Posted by Hello

Shelley with one of my grandfather's SMALLER pumpkins in the background. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that was the one I carved.... and put the knife through my finger... ow! Posted by Hello

My little sister looking her best. Was this the morning before an internship interview? Posted by Hello

A happy family memory at a resort in southern Maine. I never got my copy of Karen and I from Karen... Posted by Hello