Monday, December 18, 2006

Where's Dr. Doolittle?

The Good

The Bad

The Furry

The cat remains in our care as of today. We have fed it and it has readily consumed everything we've given it, though it remains in hiding whenever we go down to see it. Good looking cat. No burrs or dirt or rough coat like a wild cat. It also makes use of the paper we put down there. This all makes us think it is more likely to be lost than feral, but we just don't know. We've put posters out to every house in the neighborhood and gotten no response. =/ The idea was forwarded to just let it go and perhaps it will find its way back to its home, but we have seen coyotes and one fox up the street recently and would worry about it being a death sentence. I'll print out some more ads to run to the next neighborhood today, but if we don't get any responses the new verdict is that it will go to a non-kill shelter. Best chance for the mysterious black cat.

Entertainingly enough, a day after finding the cat I realized that something was living in the attic above me. From the noises I heard that night I presumed it to be a squirrel - not quiet at all. But after putting a safe trap up there and having the peanut butter bait licked clean, its possible it may be a mouse... yay. I hate those buggars. No, I don't mean I'm afraid of them. I mean I HATE them. They destroy everything and make an intolerable mess. It shall meet it's spring-loaded end tonight!

The rest of the weekend was pretty good. I got to spend a ton of time with Tori Brown. We hit The Village Bake Shop for some amazing lunch on Saturday. Then we helped her dad deck out their Christmass tree. Took a short snooze, then hung out with her mom, Kit and his friend Ramona... hmmm, seeing a bit of steam there? Later that night we drove up to Barcelona, a topless.... wait... a tapas bar in West Hartford for a little Christmas shindig with Maureen and Antonio and the crew. Good times! And good Lord the scotch was expensive! And Sunday? Sunday was spent around the house, though I didn't get to relax as much as I wanted to.

Are we up to speed now? Excellent! Have a great Christmas week, kiddos. Enjoy the mild co-worker festiveness before the weekend, mad dashing and family events come about. =)


Blogger Tusc said...

Why must you complicate everything? =P

11:05 AM


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