Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Crazy Kids

Of note today was the report that yesterday 12 car loads of high schoolers from Danbury wound their way to another nearby rival school as the day ended. These kids, as many as perhaps 72, were toting raquets, tools and various implements of destruction and decided to attack the students of the other school as they went to their buses after the end of classes for the day.

Why did these youthful boys do such a thing? Spirited rivalry gone out of hand? Teenage prank? Just 'for fun'? NO! It was over a GIRL! That's right, one of the Danbury girls had started dating some kid at this other school, so Johnny and the gang decided to drive over and mete out some street justice to random unsuspecting kids. It's so Lord of the Flies. Now, of course it is bad. I won't say it's a tragedy since that word gets used FAR too loosely on non-tragic events, but... it sucks, Beavis. On the other hand, this being ME... if this were fiction and no one were hurt I'd be thinking it was pretty sadistically funny right now. As it is, several kids are in the hospital now due to injuries.

What the heck ever possessed these kids to do such things? If we were ever going to prank someone or get even for some reason, we'd like 4x4 their lawn or potato gun the house..... i.e., no lasting damage and zero injury..... not a drive-by mugging with a tennis raquet and a pipe wrench! WTH, kids? WTH?

My other thought was that they were DAMN lucky that this other school is full of goody-goodies and no drug dealers with guns got attacked. There'd be bodies on the baseball diamond. "Hit me with a pipe wrench, bitch?! I gotchu!" BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!

So, bad could have been worse and thankfully wasn't. But seriously, I am still a bit incredulous to the whole event. I don't get it. But I wish I'd been there! =) At least two or three Danbury punks wouldn't be getting right up to drive away!


Blogger Ninja said...

Thanks a lot, now I had to create a blogger id.

8:43 AM

Blogger Ninja said...

Mr. Tusc,

This is to inform you of the great long distance rates we at MCI have to offer. How much do you currently pay for your rates? What if I said we can reduce your monthly bill by 50%, just by sigining all your assets over to us. Please go to http:\\www.thisistotalbs.org to sign up.

12:59 PM

Blogger Ninja said...

Sorry, couldn't resist

1:00 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

LOL Dude, I really needed that laugh today. Good timing! Just loads of crap going down today @ werk. I'll call you tonight and discuss.

BTW - got into HL2 last night for about an hour. Found a server and HOUSED these guys until we got to Lockdown and they all became e-ball junkies.

Going out to dinner tonight w/ this girl Brittany, but will call later. Prob out w/ Chelsey tomorrow, and invited to see some band w/ Chrissy for Sat. So I guess things are picking up now that I'm back, though of this group I am more interested in hanging out w/ Amber. Who knows? In another two weeks I'll probably see their names on my cell and be like "who was she?" Movin fast.

I actually hope to break myself of the trend of women falling in love too quickly. I'll be less me for a while, and maybe that will work.

2:37 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Yeah, sorry to make you get an account. At least you got the name you wanted. =) Three ads in three days just annoyed me, so I made the switch. But Shelley is right, I think I can count on one hand the number of posts you've made. Granted, they have all been darned GOOD posts!

2:48 PM

Blogger Ninja said...

I'm kinda glad you switched to ids. Stupid ads are everywhere. I was just harrasing ya about it :)

4:38 PM

Blogger Tusc said...

Oh, yes I found out last night about the Grange thing on Saturday. I will be SURE to be there. You know me, always there for family. Sometimes, not even my own! You'll see me at some point tonight I would guess. Probably later on if you stay up, but I won't swear to it. Plan on being awake at 3am when I roll in?

ttyl, Sis. Busy day here and we have a couple of big-wigs in the office.

10:05 AM


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